Package gads provides a wrapper for the Google Adwords SOAP API.
go get
In order to access the API you will need to sign up for an MMC account[1], get a developer token[2] and setup authentication[3]. There is a tool in the setup_oauth2 directory that will help you setup a configuration file.
The package is comprised of services used to manipulate various adwords structures. To access a service you need to create an gads.Auth and parse it to the service initializer, then can call the service methods on the service object.
authConf, err := NewCredentials(context.TODO())
campaignService := gads.NewCampaignService(&authConf.Auth)
campaigns, totalCount, err := campaignService.Get(
Fields: []string{
Note: This package is a work-in-progress, and may occasionally make backwards-incompatible changes.
See godoc for further documentation and examples.
Gads is developed by Edward Middleton