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Elizabeth Mezias edited this page Jun 23, 2014 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the WordMaster wiki! TO DO: Stop auto advance in leader mode and let timer text blink red until advanced Create a way to record the name of the student who missed the word Connect it to the web and allow users to configure Glass to load words in a Google doc

Here are the notes from the slide deck created for the Hackathon presentation:

WordMaster Google Glass Spelling Primer

My Goal: Glass in the classroom

  • Bad Words, Akeelah and the Bee
  • The National Spelling Bee has high stakes
  • Winners learn young, poise and public speaking

Immersive glassware, follows Glass Design guidelines Navigation Set Level

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced ~1500 definitions scraped from the Sharon Herald newspaper App can load words dynamically. The planned architecture will read words from a Google Doc

Strings are set properly, isolated for easy localization/translation 1 Glass for the Teacher More teacher views Vocabulary, Spelling Primer Student Views
Plain, simple, less is more

Proud of it Spelling is big in grade school As a youngster, I won regional trophies for my school The app is flexible, it can be adapted for

  • Science Bees
  • Math Bees
  • Foreign language dictation

This app idea and code is 100% created at the hackathon

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