Releases: emeraldpay/emerald-wallet
Emerald Wallet - v0.5.0 Beta 2 Release
Beta 2 release of the wallet. Mostly a bugfix and refactoring version after Beta 1.
- Import raw private key
- New account generation wizard
- Export key file and paper wallet
- Numerous UI improvements
Thanks to:
- @gagarin55
- @r8d8
- @dulanov
- @whilei
- @elaineo
- @splix
Note: This project is in an early state of development, and still far from being finished. Many functions are disabled or not implemented. We always appreciate useful feedback so we can make the following releases better together!
Disclaimer: This is Beta version. Please do not keep or transact more than you are willing to lose, and please be careful. If something were to happen, we are sorry, but we are not responsible for any lost ETC.
Download and verify:
Keep in mind that this software may have access to sensitive financial data, and many hacker groups are trying to compromise your security. Please make sure you verify the downloaded binary with PGP/GPG.
To verify a release with a signature:
- First, make sure you have a
tool installed, eg. gnupg or gnupg2. - Then ensure you have
ed the signing signature. ETCDEV and ETC volunteer PGP keys are available here.
$ git clone
$ cd volunteer/Volunteer-Public-Kyes
$ gpg --import *.pub
- Finally, verify the signature of the executable or archive:
$ gpg --verify EmeraldWallet-win-xxxxxxxx.exe.sig
Emerald Wallet - v0.4.0 Beta 1 Release
First Beta release of the wallet. Basic functionality and design are on place.
- Graphical design
- Ledger Nano S support
- Works on Windows without extra libs
Thanks to:
- @gagarin55
- @r8d8
- @dulanov
- @whilei
- @elaineo
- @splix
The project is in initial state of development, it's still far from being finished, many functions are disabled now or not implemented. We'll appreciate if you'll try this version and give us a useful feedback so we can make a next release better.
This is Beta version. Please do not keep there more than you are willing to lose and please be careful. If something were to happen, we are sorry, but we are not responsible for the lost ETC.
Remember this software may have access to sensitive financial data, and many hacker groups are trying to compromise this software just right now. Make sure you verify downloaded binary with PGP/GPG. To verify a release with a signature:
First, make sure you have a gpg tool installed, eg. gnupg or gnupg2. Then, run $ gpg --verify EmeraldWallet-win-xxxxxxxx.exe.sig
You can get ETC volunteers PGP keys from here:
Emerald Wallet - v0.3 Alpha Release
A bugfix release of Emerald Wallet.
No new features, just major issues found after version v0.2 are fixed.
The project is in initial state of development, it's still far from being usable, most of functions are disabled now, and we didn't apply a nice graphical design yet, but it works. We'll appreciate if you'll try this version and give us a useful feedback so we can make a next release better.
This is Alpha version. Please do not keep there more than you are willing to lose and please be careful. If something were to happen, we are sorry, but we are not responsible for the lost ETC.
Remember this software may have access to sensitive financial data, and many hacker groups are trying to compromise this software just right now. Make sure you verify downloaded binary with PGP/GPG. To verify a release with a signature:
First, make sure you have a gpg tool installed, eg. gnupg or gnupg2. Then, run $ gpg --verify EmeraldWallet-win-xxxxxxxx.exe.sig
You can get ETC volunteers PGP keys from here:
Emerald Wallet - v0.2 Alpha Release
Here we are. First public release of Emerald Wallet.
The project is in initial state of development, it's still far from being usable, most of functions are disabled now, and we didn't apply a nice graphical design yet, but it works. We'll appreciate if you'll try this version and give us a useful feedback so we can make a next release better.
This is Alpha version. Please do not keep there more than you are willing to lose and please be careful. If something were to happen, we are sorry, but we are not responsible for the lost ETC.
Remember this software may have access to sensitive financial data, and many hacker groups are trying to compromise this software just right now. Make sure you verify downloaded binary with PGP/GPG. To verify a release with a signature:
First, make sure you have a gpg tool installed, eg. gnupg or gnupg2. Then, run $ gpg --verify EmeraldWallet-win-68922ba.exe.sig
You can get ETC volunteers PGP keys from here: