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Releases: emeraldpay/emerald-wallet

Version v1.2.0

14 Feb 23:19
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  • Upgrade to Electron 4
  • Partial upgrade to Material UI v3
  • Upgrade Ledger S SDK
  • Upgrade to new Emerald JS SDK (


  • Fixed multiple issues with remote endpoint
  • Fixed #886
  • Many other bugfixes


05 Dec 17:02
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  • Added support for contract deploying via the ethereum:// Transaction URI protocol. This will enable deploys from emerald deploy through the wallet.


  • failed to fetch error happens disruptively
  • shapeshift supoort removed. fixes #822
  • "Light node" is really "Remote node". fixes #823


25 Oct 22:26
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Issues Fixed:

Fixes #798 #785 #784 #782 #781 #780 #779 #777 #775 #774 #770 #767 #766 #760 #738 #737 #736 #734 #733 #725 #719 #704 #692 #676 #670

Addresses parts of #688 - allows vault to be running already when the wallet starts

Bug Fixes:

  • performance issues when transaction history grows large
  • memory leaks and growth in number of timers
  • Many bugs relating to switching networks (testnet to mainnet, local to remote, ...)
  • Upgrades electron to latest 3.x.x - Many performance fixes at the lower level. Many security fixes as well.
  • Fixed all dependencies with known security issues
  • overhaul transaction sending to display better information about the data component.
  • Upgrade ledger multiple versions - pretty much overhauled all of the ledger handling code. Smoothed out - many of the issues for ledger users in doing so
  • No longer crashes if vault is already running
  • Send max works more reliably now -- though is still not perfect

New Features:

  • Adds support Transaction URI handling. Wallet will now intercept the ethereum:// protocol


25 Jun 21:43
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  • Fetch transaction history #603

  • ETC Difficulty Bomb Difusal Fork in May 2018 added support for geth_getAddressTransactions API. This is a significant addition because users would typically backtrack through each block or spent significant time on a block explorer.

  • Total in fiat. Added total in fiat currency support. #585

  • Version notification. Added feature to notify user if a newer wallet version is available. #600

  • Error dialogue for uncaught network errors. #634, #614


  • Removed description field for accounts. #586
  • Upgraded React version 15.6.1 to 16.2.0
  • Improved UI for hiding an account. #589


  • Upgraded node to 8.11.1. #601
  • Improved UI for editing accounts. #616, #619


  • Removed percent verified #625
  • Improved speed of toggling between node types.
  • Added time stamp #635


  • Removed repeat button #642
  • Show token value in Tx history #651


  • Differing NodeJs versions #581
  • Block progress during sync #587
  • Alignment of error message #620
  • Temporarily enforced min-width for reflow issues in condensed views #621
  • Dialog rendering inaccurate tx value #639
  • Fixed getting and removing of Tokens #650

Download and verify:

Keep in mind that this software may have access to sensitive financial data, and many hacker groups are trying to compromise your security. Please make sure you verify the downloaded binary with PGP/GPG.

To verify a release with a signature:

  • First, make sure you have a gpg tool installed, eg. gnupg or gnupg2.
  • Then ensure you have imported the signing signature. ETCDEV and ETC volunteer PGP keys are available here.
$ git clone
$ cd volunteer/Volunteer-Public-Kyes
$ gpg --import *.pub
  • Finally, verify the signature of the executable or archive:
$ gpg --verify EmeraldWallet-win-xxxxxxxx.exe.sig

Getting Started with Emerald Wallet

The Emerald Wallet is an Ethereum Classic Wallet part of a broader project known as the Emerald Platform. All releases of Emerald Wallet can be located on Github. See Getting Started with Emerald Wallet for more info.

Disclaimer: Please do not keep or transact more than you are willing to lose, and please be careful. Please use a hardware wallet such as Ledger Nano S together with Emerald Wallet. If something were to happen, we are sorry, but we are not responsible for any lost ETC.

We are extremely grateful to the many volunteers and members of our community for their ongoing contributions.

Emerald Wallet - v0.10.0 RC 4

07 May 14:56
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  • remote endpoint (#563)
  • Pending transactions are not stored in local storage (#550)


  • Address book functionality
  • New UI design
  • UX: Two step transaction sending wizard
  • Source code clean up, removed unused smart contract functionality
  • FontAwesame icons replaced by Emerald Icons from emerald-js-ui package


Disclaimer: Please do not keep or transact more than you are willing to lose, and please be careful. Please use a hardware wallet such as Ledger Nano S together with Emerald Wallet. If something were to happen, we are sorry, but we are not responsible for any lost ETC.

Download and verify:

Keep in mind that this software may have access to sensitive financial data, and many hacker groups are trying to compromise your security. Please make sure you verify the downloaded binary with PGP/GPG.

To verify a release with a signature:

  • First, make sure you have a gpg tool installed, eg. gnupg or gnupg2.
  • Then ensure you have imported the signing signature. ETCDEV and ETC volunteer PGP keys are available here.
$ git clone
$ cd volunteer/Volunteer-Public-Kyes
$ gpg --import *.pub
  • Finally, verify the signature of the executable or archive:
$ gpg --verify EmeraldWallet-win-xxxxxxxx.exe.sig

Emerald Wallet - v0.9.0 RC 3

21 Mar 06:32
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  • Bug with ERC20 adding (#496)
  • Bug with Eye icon for password input control (#519)
  • Bug with transaction progress indicator (#486)


  • New Application header
  • New icons
  • Windows installer has assisted mode
  • Show warning banner if endpoint not synced (#503)
  • Repeat transaction button (#502)
  • Using JSON-RPC batching when updating tx's data (#484)


  • is default remote endpoint now

Disclaimer: Please do not keep or transact more than you are willing to lose, and please be careful. Please use a hardware wallet such as Ledger Nano S together with Emerald Wallet. If something were to happen, we are sorry, but we are not responsible for any lost ETC.

Download and verify:

Keep in mind that this software may have access to sensitive financial data, and many hacker groups are trying to compromise your security. Please make sure you verify the downloaded binary with PGP/GPG.

To verify a release with a signature:

  • First, make sure you have a gpg tool installed, eg. gnupg or gnupg2.
  • Then ensure you have imported the signing signature. ETCDEV and ETC volunteer PGP keys are available here.
$ git clone
$ cd volunteer/Volunteer-Public-Kyes
$ gpg --import *.pub
  • Finally, verify the signature of the executable or archive:
$ gpg --verify EmeraldWallet-win-xxxxxxxx.exe.sig

Emerald Wallet - v0.8.1 RC 2

06 Feb 15:16
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Bug fix release


  • Mac OS packages doesn't include emerald binary (#467)
  • Transaction validation doesn't work with Parity (#472)

Disclaimer: Please do not keep or transact more than you are willing to lose, and please be careful. Please use a hardware wallet such as Ledger Nano S together with Emerald Wallet. If something were to happen, we are sorry, but we are not responsible for any lost ETC.

Download and verify:

Keep in mind that this software may have access to sensitive financial data, and many hacker groups are trying to compromise your security. Please make sure you verify the downloaded binary with PGP/GPG.

To verify a release with a signature:

  • First, make sure you have a gpg tool installed, eg. gnupg or gnupg2.
  • Then ensure you have imported the signing signature. ETCDEV and ETC volunteer PGP keys are available here.
$ git clone
$ cd volunteer/Volunteer-Public-Kyes
$ gpg --import *.pub
  • Finally, verify the signature of the executable or archive:
$ gpg --verify EmeraldWallet-win-xxxxxxxx.exe.sig

Emerald Wallet - v0.8.0 RC 2

01 Feb 09:08
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  • Bug with HD Path for hardware wallets (#417)
  • Broken mnemonic phrase import (#429)
  • Bug with tx history persistance (#460)
  • Incorrect ERC20 token info update for accounts


  • New stable remote endpoint - Mainnet (
  • Some UI components moved to emerald-js-ui package
  • AppImage provided
  • UX impovements for private key import functionality (#448)


Disclaimer: Please do not keep or transact more than you are willing to lose, and please be careful. Please use a hardware wallet such as Ledger Nano S together with Emerald Wallet. If something were to happen, we are sorry, but we are not responsible for any lost ETC.

Download and verify:

Keep in mind that this software may have access to sensitive financial data, and many hacker groups are trying to compromise your security. Please make sure you verify the downloaded binary with PGP/GPG.

To verify a release with a signature:

  • First, make sure you have a gpg tool installed, eg. gnupg or gnupg2.
  • Then ensure you have imported the signing signature. ETCDEV and ETC volunteer PGP keys are available here.
$ git clone
$ cd volunteer/Volunteer-Public-Kyes
$ gpg --import *.pub
  • Finally, verify the signature of the executable or archive:
$ gpg --verify EmeraldWallet-win-xxxxxxxx.exe.sig

Emerald Wallet - v0.7.0 RC 1

06 Dec 21:02
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First Release of Emerald Wallet.


  • Ability to set custom HD key derivation path while importing accounts from Ledger Nano S
  • Generation Mnemonic seed according to BIP39 specification
  • Ability to import mnemonic seed as an HD wallet (BIP32)
  • Landing page for first run

Disclaimer: Please do not keep or transact more than you are willing to lose, and please be careful. Please use a hardware wallet such as Ledger Nano S together with Emerald Wallet. If something were to happen, we are sorry, but we are not responsible for any lost ETC.

Download and verify:

Keep in mind that this software may have access to sensitive financial data, and many hacker groups are trying to compromise your security. Please make sure you verify the downloaded binary with PGP/GPG.

To verify a release with a signature:

  • First, make sure you have a gpg tool installed, eg. gnupg or gnupg2.
  • Then ensure you have imported the signing signature. ETCDEV and ETC volunteer PGP keys are available here.
$ git clone
$ cd volunteer/Volunteer-Public-Kyes
$ gpg --import *.pub
  • Finally, verify the signature of the executable or archive:
$ gpg --verify EmeraldWallet-win-xxxxxxxx.exe.sig

Emerald Wallet - v0.6.0 Beta 3 Release

30 Oct 14:52
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  • Ability to add ERC20 tokens and transfer funds
  • Account hide/unhide functionality
  • Remote Morden endpoint



  • Bug with account import from Ledger Nano S


  • Some common code has been refactored into emerald-js

Thanks to:

Special thanks to @dulanov

Note: This project is in an early state of development, and still far from being finished. Many functions are disabled or not implemented. We always appreciate useful feedback so we can make the following releases better together!

Disclaimer: This is Beta version. Please do not keep or transact more than you are willing to lose, and please be careful. If something were to happen, we are sorry, but we are not responsible for any lost ETC.

Download and verify:

Keep in mind that this software may have access to sensitive financial data, and many hacker groups are trying to compromise your security. Please make sure you verify the downloaded binary with PGP/GPG.

To verify a release with a signature:

  • First, make sure you have a gpg tool installed, eg. gnupg or gnupg2.
  • Then ensure you have imported the signing signature. ETCDEV and ETC volunteer PGP keys are available here.
$ git clone
$ cd volunteer/Volunteer-Public-Kyes
$ gpg --import *.pub
  • Finally, verify the signature of the executable or archive:
$ gpg --verify EmeraldWallet-win-xxxxxxxx.exe.sig