Info: scikit-gstat needs Python >= 3.5!
In case you use SciKit-GStat in other software or scientific publications, please reference this module. It is published and has a DOI. It can be cited as:
- Mirko Mälicke, Helge David Schneider, Sebastian Müller, & Egil Möller. (2021, April 20).
- mmaelicke/scikit-gstat: A scipy flavoured geostatistical variogram analysis toolbox (Version v0.5.0). Zenodo.
The full documentation can be found at:
SciKit-Gstat is a scipy-styled analysis module for geostatistics. It includes
two base classes Variogram
and OrdinaryKriging
. Additionally, various
variogram classes inheriting from Variogram
are available for solving
directional or space-time related tasks.
The module makes use of a rich selection of semi-variance
estimators and variogram model functions, while being extensible at the same
The estimators include:
- matheron
- cressie
- dowd
- genton
- entropy
- two experimental ones: quantiles, minmax
The models include:
- sperical
- exponential
- gaussian
- cubic
- stable
- matérn
with all of them in a nugget and no-nugget variation. All the estimator are implemented using numba's jit decorator. The usage of numba might be subject to change in future versions.
pip install scikit-gstat
git clone
cd scikit-gstat
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
Note: It can happen that the installation of shapely, numba or numpy is failing using pip. Especially on Windows systems. Usually, a missing Dll (see eg. #31) or visual c++ redistributable is the reason. These errors are not caused by pip, scikit-gstat or the respective packages and there are a lot of issues in the shapely and numpy repo concerning these problems. Usually, the best workaround is to install especially shapely independent from scikit-gstat. As far as I know, these problems do not apply if anaconda is used like:
conda install shapely numpy
The Variogram class needs at least a list of coordiantes and values. All other attributes are set by default. You can easily set up an example by generating some random data:
import numpy as np
import skgstat as skg
coordinates = np.random.gamma(0.7, 2, (30,2))
values = np.random.gamma(2, 2, 30)
V = skg.Variogram(coordinates=coordinates, values=values)
spherical Variogram
Estimator: matheron
Range: 1.64
Sill: 5.35
Nugget: 0.00