#19160 / #19182 [FEATURE] Implements the helper manager feature specified in the Helper Managers RFC .
#19171 / #19182 [FEATURE] Implements invokeHelper
from the JavaScript Helper Invocation API RFC .
#19148 / #19119 Update rendering engine to @glimmer/*
#19122 [BUGFIX] Prevents dynamic invocations of string values when referenced directly in angle brackets
#19136 [BUGFIX] Update router microlib to improve Transition related debugging
#19173 [BUGFIX] Enforce usage of capabilities
#19236 [BUGFIX] Only serialize query params once on activeTransition
#19250 [BUGFIX] Prevents infinite rerenders when errors occur during render
#19249 [BUGFIX] Fix bugs in query params with intermediate transitions
#19142 [BUGFIX] Fix App booting before DOM ready without jQuery
#19198 / #19232 [BUGFIX] Restores the shadowed property set behavior
#19221 [BUGFIX] Ensure fn and (mut) work with falsy values
#19213 [BUGFIX] Update rendering engine to improve error ergonomics.
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