Website for Edil 2 Esse, a construction company that operates in Livorno, Pisa and province (Italy)
- URL:
Company Info:
- VAT (P IVA): 01790840498
- Address: Via Bengasi, 97b - 57124 Livorno (LI)
The website is a showcase for the company, it contains a hero section, a services section, a contact section and a form where users can request a quote. When a user submits the form, a confirmation email is sent to the user and a notification email is sent to the company with the user's request.
The website is responsive and works on all devices.
The website is built with Next.js (React framework), Resend for handling emails, Radix UI Primitives for the Dropdown Menu and Tailwind CSS for styling.
To run the website locally, clone the repository and run the following commands:
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
npm run dev