A pretty simple promise-based wrapper for using the Drupal 7 Services 3.x API. Request and response uses JSON.
Handles session cookie, user token and x-csrf headers.
NOTE Major API changes in this version!!
Coffeescript example:
{Service} = require 'drupal-services'
endpoint =
protocol: 'https'
auth: 'user:password'
hostname: 'apiserver.com'
pathname: '/myendpoint'
service = new Service endpoint
# Query node resource
.index '/node'
.then (results) ->
console.log results
# If user needs to be logged in, using factory method:
.factory endpoint
.login 'user', 'password'
.then (user) ->
# Retreive a node
service.retreive 'node', 1
.then (node) ->
console.log node
I still need to write some more tests :)