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Installing Seltzer CRM

Chris Murray edited this page Apr 8, 2018 · 16 revisions
  1. Create an empty MySQL database on your webserver.
  • This can be done using an application such as PHPMyAdmin

  • if using the MySQL command line, the following commands will create a DB user, create a blank DB and give that user all privileges on the DB

    mysql -u <username> -p

    CREATE DATABASE seltzer-dev CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
    CREATE USER 'seltzer-dev'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON seltzer-dev . * TO 'seltzer-dev'@'localhost';



  1. Download the package by going to and clicking the "ZIP" button.
  • Or, if using the command line/terminal, type wget"branch".zip where "branch" is the branch you want to download.
  • You can also fetch it from git by using the following command - git clone --branch "branch", again where "branch" is the branch you want to download.
  • Running git clone will clone the master branch.
  1. Unzip the downloaded package if necessary.

  2. Under seltzer/crm, copy to, and modify it to reflect the settings for your database and organization.

  • The following command assumes you've downloaded the zip/cloned the repo to a subdirectory of your home directory. It copies the sample config file to a new config file and opens it in nano for editing
    cp seltzer/crm/ seltzer/crm/; nano seltzer/crm/
  1. Upload the seltzer/crm directory to the document root of your webserver. Example: /var/www/html/crm. If you want to use a directory other than /crm, you will need to update $config_base_path in

  2. Make sure PHP "magic quotes" are disabled (

  3. Open a web browser and navigate to install.php in the crm directory. Example:

  4. Enter an email and choose a password for the admin user.

  5. You can now log in using "admin" as the username and the password you selected during installation.

  6. Optionally go to Plans > Import to upload a CSV file of existing members. See HOWTO Import Plans for more info.

  7. Optionally go to Members > Import to upload a CSV file of existing members. See HOWTO Import Members for more info.