I18n-amd internationalization library
I18n.js is a library that helps working with internationalization on javascript. This library uses amd structure.
Install with npm: npm install elo7-i18n-amd
I18n-amd depends on an amd implementation. We suggest async-define implementation for dependency lookup.
I18n-amd also depends on ajax-amd and a stable version is already defined in package.json
. You only need to install with npm and load i18n-amd and ajax-amd files on your page.
I18n-amd expects an endpoint with the url "/i18n/{messageKey}" to return a JSON response with the following structure:
version: 1,
message: "Confirm",
key: "words.Confirm"
This one should be implemented on your web application.
For pluralized keys it's expect the following message structure:
version: 1,
message: "No product",
key: "products.zero"
version: 1,
message: "One product",
key: "products.one"
version: 1,
message: "{0} products",
key: "products.other"
For formatted messages, it's expect the following message structure:
version: 1,
message: "Hello {0}! Have a {1} day!",
key: "args.example"
Returns an internationalized message for the given key. This method caches the key, value and version on localStorage
to avoid unecessary requests. The current version of your application is stored on sessionStorage
, if the message version doesn't match current version, a new request is done to update the cached value with the new message.
define(['i18n'], function(i18n) {
// words.Confirm=Confirm
i18n.get('words.Confirm'); // Returns "Confirm"
.count(key, size)
Returns the pluralized internationalized message for the given key. It's also replace {0}
with the size parameter. This method uses get
method and caches the message on the same way.
define(['i18n'], function(i18n) {
i18n.count('products', 0); // Returns "No product"
i18n.count('products', 1); // Returns "One product"
i18n.count('products', 2); // Returns "2 products"
.args(key, args...)
Returns internationalized message for the given key formatted with arguments. The message should contains {n}
to be replaced with the argument[n]. This method also uses get
method on background and caches the message on the same way.
define(['i18n'], function(i18n) {
i18n.args('args.example', 'Bielo', 'nice'); // Returns "Hello Bielo! Have a nice day!"
Sets an optional domain which i18n lib will make requests for the internationalization. This variable needs to be set before any get()
usage if the domain isn't the same as the current page.
define(['i18n'], function(i18n) {
Event-amd is released under the BSD. Have at it.
Copyright ©️ 2019 Elo7# i18n-amd