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Final Update for V2
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elliott828 committed Jan 19, 2015
1 parent 1023cd1 commit 5deb4f7
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Showing 11 changed files with 3,438 additions and 225 deletions.
1,318 changes: 1,318 additions & 0 deletions AutoReg.V2.2.R

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,297 changes: 1,297 additions & 0 deletions AutoReg.V2.3.R

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

57 changes: 38 additions & 19 deletions Modif.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,45 @@
Modif <- function(pred, data, co.r = NaN, pc.r = NaN, sc.1 = NaN, sc.2 = NaN){
# transform specified variable with parameters
# this function **return a dataset** with certain variable transformed
modif <- function(pred, type, data, co.r=NULL, sc.1=NULL, sc.2=NULL, pc.r=NULL, object=NULL){
# transform specified variable with(out) parameters
# this function returns **a dataset** with selected variable transformed
# make sure the raw data is already loaded into global environment
# pred: the name of variable to be transormed of class "character"
# type: transformation method:
# 1.1~1.2 media: carryover + s-curve / carryover + power curve
# 2.1.1~2.1.4 basic: +,-,*,/; corresponding to parameter "object"
# 2.2 basic: logarithm
# 2.3 basic: root
# 2.4 basic: exponent
# 2.5 basic: reciprocal
# 2.6 basic: time lag
# the input for type should be strictly controlled to the list of option number above!!!
# data: data frame to store the variable transformed (original var. will be covered)

# source('BasicTrans.R')
df <- data

# check if the variable exists in the data frame
check <- pred %in% names(df)
if (check == FALSE){
stop(paste("The variable '", pred, "' does not exist in the database!", sep=""))
trans.collection <- c("co","sc","pc","bt")
if(!sum(sapply(trans.collection, existsFunction))==4){
# check if the functions co(), sc(), pc() & bt() exist or not, if not, source "odds.R"

pred <- as.character(pred) # ensure input like factor to be coerced to character

# if no parameter for co rate, then no transformation happens
message(paste("No transformation for variable '", pred, "'!", sep=""))
}else if({
# if sc parameters is NA, then do co+pc transformation
df[[pred]] <- pc(co(df[[pred]], co.r), pc.r)
df <- data
x <- data[[pred]]

if(type == 1.1){
df[[pred]] <- cs(data[[pred]], co.r, sc.1, sc.2)
}else if(type == 1.2){
df[[pred]] <- cp(data[[pred]], co.r, pc.r)
df[[pred]] <- sc(co(df[[pred]], co.r), sc.1, sc.2)
opt <- substr(as.character(type),3,nchar(as.character(type)))
# turn 2.1.1~2.1.4 and 2.2~2.6 to 1.1~1.4 and 2~6
df[[pred]] <- bt(data[[pred]], opt, object)

53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions final.output.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
final.output <- fucntion(resp, data, fit, prmt, contri) {
# prmt is a dataframe including 8 columns:
# variable, trans.meth, co.r, sc.1, sc.2, pc.r, oth, status

# Output:

# Needed Packages: "MASS" (for stepAIC()), "car" (for vif())

# 1.Transformation (trans.meth, co.r, sc.1, sc.2, pc.r, oth)
write.csv(prmt, paste(getwd(), "/prmt.history.csv", sep = ""))
message('Variable parameters history is exported to "prmt.csv" under default working directory')

# 2. Residuals
resid <- cbind(data[, resp], fit$fitted.values, summary(fit)$residuals)
rownames(resid) <- NULL
colnames(resid) <- c(resp, "Prediction", "Residuals")

write.csv(resid, paste(getwd(), "/residuals.csv", sep = ""))
message('Value of Response Variable, Prediction and Residuals
is exported to "residuals.csv" under default working directory')

# 3. Coefficients
coef <- coef(summary(fit)) # Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)

# 4. VIF
if(length(coef(fit)) > 1) {
vif <- vif(fit)

# Merge model information into one data frame
# Output csv
prmt.alive <- prmt[which(prmt$status == "alive"), ][, -8]

if(rownames(coef)[1] == "(Intercept)"){
prmt.alive <- rbind(NA, prmt.alive)
vif <- rbind(NA, as.matrix(vif))
model <-, coef, contri, vif))
rownames(model) <- NULL
colnames(model)[, -(1:11)] <- c("contri.rate", "VIF")

write.csv(model, paste(getwd(), "/model.results.csv", sep = "")))
message('Information of the Model
is exported to "model.results.csv" under default working directory')

# print(summary(stepAIC(fit, direction = "both", trace = 0)))


89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions loop.output.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
loop.output <- function(resp, data, fit) {
# Input: resp(name), data(modified), fit
# Output: only on memory and screen, nothing to files

# Consists of 4 parts: Part. I Summary of Fit & MAPE
# Part. II Plots
# Part. III DW-test
# Part. IV Contribution Rates

# Needed Packages: "lmtest" (for dwtest()), "zoo" (for library(lmtest))

# Part. I Summary of Fit & MAPE

readline("Part. I Summary of Fit & MAPE")
mape <<- mean(abs(as.vector(fit$residuals))/data[, resp])
cat("MAPE of the model is ", mape, "\n")

# Part. II Plots

if(!is.null(dev.list())) invisible( # Clear the visible equipment
na <- readline("Part. II Plots")
message("Please look at the Plots area!")
layout(matrix(c(1, 2,
3, 3), nr = 2, byrow = T))

# 1. histogram for residuals
hist(summary(fit)$residuals, main = "Histogram of Residuals", xlab = "Residuals")

# 2. scatter points of residuals
plot(summary(fit)$residuals, type = "p", pch = 21, bg = "black",
main = "Scatter of Residuals", ylab = "Residuals")
abline(h = 0)
par(new = FALSE)

# 3. Actual Data vs. Modeled Data
plot(data[, resp], type = "l", col = "blue", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE)

# legend(2, 5, c("Actual", "Predicted"), fill = c("blue", "red"))
# legend("topright", c("Actual", "Predicted"), fill = c("blue", "red"),
# border = "white", box.col = "white", box.lty = NULL)
par(new = TRUE)

# prediction <- (as.matrix(data[, names(coef(fit))[-1]])
# %*% as.vector(coef(fit)[-1]) + (coef(fit)[1]))
plot(as.vector(fit$fitted.values), type = "l", col = "red",
xlab = "", ylab = "", main = "Actual Data vs. Predicted Data")

# Part. III DW-test

na <- readline("Part. III DW-test")

# Part. IV Contribution Rates

na <- readline("Part. IV Contribution Rates")

simulation <- cbind(coef(fit)[1], as.matrix(data[, names(coef(fit))[-1]]) * as.vector(coef(fit)[-1]))
colnames(simulation)[1] <- "(Intercept)"
contri <<- sapply(, sum)/sum(fit$fitted.values)
contri <- as.matrix(contri[order(contri, decreasing = T)])

contri.top10 <- as.matrix(head(contri[ - which(rownames(contri)=="(Intercept)")], 10))
rownames(contri.top10) <- rownames(contri)[ - which(rownames(contri)=="(Intercept)")]

# percent <- function(x, digits = 4, format = "f") {
# paste0(formatC(100 * x, format = format, digits = digits), "%")
# }
# contri.top10 <- as.matrix(percent(head(contri.rate, 10)))
# rownames(contri.top10) <- rownames(contri.rate)[1:10]


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