Greeter is a "hello world" example app to help introduce the core concepts of the Phoenix Framework written in Elixir.
This tutorial assumes no previous Elixir experience. In fact the first section will help you install and setup Elixir and Phoenix.
By the end of this example, you'll have created a Phoenix app that can display a custom greeting message with a formatted name.
Built using Elixir 1.12.3 and Phoenix 1.6.
Since this is a hello world style app we will quickly review some Elixir/Phoenix install and setup basics.
Installing Elixir on macOS using Homebrew can be easy as:
$ brew install elixir
See the Elixir website for more installation options.
You can check your currently installed version of Elixir with:
$ elixir -v
Erlang/OTP 24 [erts-12.0.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:16:16] [ds:16:16:10] [async-threads:1] [jit]
Elixir 1.12.3 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 24)
To get Phoenix running we'll need a few more things. The following is a terse list of a typical installation. For a more detailed walkthrough, see the official Phoenix Installation guide.
To create and manage new Elixir projects you'll use a command line tool called mix
. Mix is a build tool that ships with Elixir and provides tasks for creating, compiling, and testing your application.
Mix itself works closely with the Hex package manager as a source for your project dependencies. You can install or verify that hex is setup with:
$ mix local.hex
Many of the Elixir Phoenix apps you'll encounter utilize PostgreSQL for storage and so eventually you'll want to have it installed. However, to keep things simple, this example will avoid database use and no PostgreSQL installation is necessary.
You are now ready to install the Phoenix application generator:
$ mix archive.install hex phx_new 1.6.0
Since we are not going to use any database storage we will include a flag to skip that dependency in the generated project. For more Phoenix project generator flag options see the docs.
$ mix greeter --no-ecto
When asked if you would like to install dependencies, answer Yes
Change your path into the newly created project directory and start the local development server:
$ cd greeter
$ mix phx.server
Visit http://localhost:4000 and you should see the default Phoenix app page.
The goal of this project is to add a new welcome page and have that page display a customized greeting message. If you edit the URL of your browser to http://localhost:4000/welcome/amy you'll notice the following 404 experience:
This error page is basically Phoenix saying it does not know how to answer that URL request. It tries to be helpful and displays the requests (aka the routes) that it does know about, and as expected our welcome
URL is not one of them.
This kind of helpful error page is only something that will be shown in local development. It is the result of
being set totrue
inside ofconfig/dev.exs
. If you toggle that value tofalse
and restart the server you can see the much more tame default production experience for 404.
To add a new route you'll want to edit the router.ex
file located at: lib/greeter_web/router.ex
. Open the routes file and add a new welcome
scope "/", GreeterWeb do
pipe_through :browser
get "/", PageController, :index
+ get "/welcome/:name", WelcomeController, :index
This new route description tells Phoenix that when an HTTP GET request comes in that starts with /welcome/
run the code inside the WelcomeController
using the index
function. Also, whatever content was in the URL after the last backslash is put into a parameter called name
To get our new page working we'll need to add a few files: a controller called WelcomeController
, a view called WelcomeView
and a template for the index
action that defines the HTML we'll send back to the browser.
Create the three files using the code listings below.
# lib/greeter_web/controllers/welcome_controller.ex
defmodule GreeterWeb.WelcomeController do
use GreeterWeb, :controller
def index(conn, _params) do
render(conn, "index.html")
# lib/greeter_web/views/welcome_view.ex
defmodule GreeterWeb.WelcomeView do
use GreeterWeb, :view
<!-- lib/greeter_web/templates/welcome/index.html.heex -->
The Phoenix app should detect the changes to the router and the other new files, but if you run into trouble stop the server with CTRL+C
twice in terminal and then reissue the start server command with mix phx.server
Now, when you load http://localhost:4000/welcome/amy you should see the new page with a welcome header. The header still lacks our name, but we are making progress!
You may have noticed the _params
in that index function. This second argument of the index
function is what holds the parameters of the request but since those values were not used in our first iteration we prefixed it with an underscore as a way of telling Elixir we are not using this right variable now. We could have also used an underscore by itself, but prefixing with a more meaningful term can usually help code readability and later editing.
Now that we want to use the params lets remove the underscore. The type of params
is actually an Elixir Map and so we can use some bracket syntax to get at the name value within. Bind a local variable name
to the name in the params map. Then update the render
call such that we are passing the name value.
- def index(conn, _params) do
- render(conn, "index.html")
+ def index(conn, params) do
+ name = params["name"]
+ render(conn, "index.html", name: name)
Now that render is being told what the name
is we can update the template to display it. Update the welcome header to include the name:
- <h1>Welcome!</h1>
+ <h1>Welcome, <%= @name %>!</h1>
This <%= ... %>
syntax is called Embedded Elixir and Phoenix uses a additive version heex
which stands for HTML + EEx. and is what we use to make templates dynamic in Phoenix.
Try loading the test url again: http://localhost:4000/welcome/amy
Now it's starting to come together!
There is a very common code style you'll see in everyday Elixir/Phoenix code where the
function would have looked like:def index(conn, %{"name" => name}) do render(conn, "index.html", name: name) endThis style uses Pattern Matching. Pattern Matching is a core Elixir language behavior and is beyond the scope of this hello world example but something you'll want to get more familiar with as you get more comfortable with Elixir.
There are two other concepts we want to explore before finishing up. First is overall code organization and the second is some basic testing.
Each generated Phoenix project has a specific directory structure to help you organize your code and separate responsibilities. So far we've been working in greeter_web
directory but in a larger app you'll have also have lots of business domain code. A good place for that is the greeter
directory right next to greeter_web
. Since this app is pretty basic we'll keep the business domain stuff pretty simple. We'll create a formatter module to make names look nicer. It is not much but it will help demo how code can be separated.
Create a new NameFormatter
module with a simple format
function that will capitalize our names.
# lib/greeter/name_formatter.ex
defmodule Greeter.NameFormatter do
def format(name) do
Before we get to integrating this new formatter, let's add some tests to verify our expectations. One of the mix
tasks is to run all of our project's tests, and the default Phoenix project generator made a few for you.
$ mix test
Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.07s async, 0.05s sync)
3 tests, 0 failures
Let's add a new test file for our NameFormatter
. Under the test
directory at the root of your project, create the greeter
directory and then make a test file for the NameFormatter
# test/greeter/name_formatter_test.exs
defmodule Greeter.NameFormatterTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
describe "format/1" do
test "works with simple name" do
assert Greeter.NameFormatter.format("mike") == "Mike"
Note: The test file ends in
while many of the previous code files you made ended in.ex
is used for compiled code,.exs
is for interpreted code and is better suited to things like tests or simple scripts.
Now re-run mix test
to verify the tests work.
$ mix test
Put the test in a failing string to see how it fails too.
If you want to run just this test file use:
$ mix test test/greeter/name_formatter_test.exs
Testing using ExUnit is a deeper topic than we can cover in a hello world example, but just knowing it is well integrated into the tooling is good to know.
Now that we have a working formatter, let's update our controller to use it:
def index(conn, params) do
name = params["name"]
- render(conn, "index.html", name: name)
+ formatted_name = Greeter.NameFormatter.format(name)
+ render(conn, "index.html", name: formatted_name)
And add a test to verify the new controller behavior:
# test/greeter_web/controllers/welcome_controller_test.exs
defmodule GreeterWeb.WelcomeControllerTest do
use GreeterWeb.ConnCase
test "GET /welcome/gus", %{conn: conn} do
conn = get(conn, "/welcome/gus")
assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Welcome, Gus!"
You can verify the new behavior by rerunning the tests:
$ mix test
Or rebooting the local dev server:
$ mix phx.server
Hello world is a classic milestone for anyone learning a new technology or programming language. Congrats on your first steps into Elixir and Phoenix!
You've accomplished a lot of great things today, including:
- Installing Elixir and Phoenix.
- Generating a new Phoenix project.
- Adding a custom route, controller and template.
- Building out some simple business domain behavior.
- Verifying your work through tests!
For more helpful resources learning Elixir check out:
For more helpful resources learning Phoenix check out the links here:
If you have any feedback on this tutorial or want to see more, please reach out to: [email protected].
Thanks for your interest and best of luck learning Phoenix!