An implementation of weak typing for C++11 and Arduino.
Thanks to Foo Nathan for inspiration on variant implementation from his typesafe library. The type tracking internals of this library are largely based on his implementation, with some modifications to make things run in C++11/Arduino and to properly override operators to create the operator behavior you would expect from the underlying type.
using var = weak<int, float, double, std::string>;
var myInt = 1;
var myDouble = 14.2;
var myFloat = 1.3f;
var myString = std::string("Hello World");
var a = myInt + myDouble * myFloat;
- Operations on objects when the underlying type doesn't have the operation defined. (Currently implementing defined behavior and will document.)
Input: T val
Returns: Void
Behavior: If T is a type in weak<Types...>, destroys the previous stored value, stores val, and updates the type to T. If T is not a type in weak<Types...> triggers a static assert and causes a failure at compile time.
Input: None
Returns: bool
Behavior: Returns true if the weak<Types...> is in a valid state (i.e. current_type refers to a type in Types...). Returns false otherwise.
Input: a Type template parameter.
Returns: Bool
Behavior: Returns true if the underlying value has is of type Type, returns false otherwise.
- Functor: a struct with at least one templated type T and a defined () operator which accepts a value of type T as the first argument.
- args: a list of arguments expected by Functor(T val, Args... args)
Returns: void
Behavior: Calls Functor() with the underlying value as the first argument and the rest of the arguments.
#include <iostream>
#include "weak.h"
// a print Functor.
template <typename T>
struct printVal {
void operator ()(T val) {
std::cout << val << std::endl;
int main() {
weak<float, int, char*> myPrintableInt = 12;<printVal>(); // 12
Inputs: A type.
Returns: A simple_optional object.
Behavior: If the underlying value is of type T, returns a simple_optional object that holds the underlying value. Otherwise returns a simple_optional object that holds nothing.
Example usage:
using var = weak<int, float, double, std::string>;
var a = 10;
a.retrieve<int>().value_or(0); // 10
a.retrieve<float>().value_or(0); // 0;
a.retrieve<int>().value(); // 10
a.retrieve<float>().value(); // Error
if (a.retrieve<float>()) {
float val = a.retrieve<float>().value();
// do stuff with your float
else {
// didn't get a float :(