This repository is the code repository for a maximum entropy species distribution model for the Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged frog (Rana sierrae). The frog name is abbreviated as Rasi in the code and data for ease of coding.
All data is stored in frogData/data. Documentation for the data can be found in frogData/documentation.
Required R Packages: dismo, ggplot2, raster, rgdal, rgeos, rJava, sp, tmap
1_MergeStreams.R This script take the California Rasi data and the Nevada Rasi data and merges them together into one object. It also standardizes variable names accross the two data sets and adds a couple of variables including 'state' and 'length' (arc length of each stream reach in km). The script also removes the variable rasichk (seems to just be notes) and comid12 (duplicate of comid). It then saves the data to RasiStreamLines.RDS.
Input files:
- raw/rasi/NHDflowline_Streams_Final_withRASI.shp
- raw/rasi/NHDflowlineGB_Streams_Final_withRASI.shp
Output files:
- processed/RasiStreamLines1.RDS
- processed/shapefiles/RasiStreamLines1.shp
2_ProcessSoils.R This script import a soil dataset provided by previous people and extracts soil type for each of the stream reaches. In case of a stream going through multiple soil types it takes the most common soil type (mode). There are some streams that do not have values in the provided dataset. Those values are saved in missingSoilsKey.csv and were taken from SoilWeb (
Input files:
- raw/soils/MergedSoilsClipFinal.shp
- processed/RasiStreamLines1.RDS
- processed/missingSoilsKey.csv
Output files: processed/RasiStreamLines2.RDS
3_CleanWHR.R This script imports three data layers from the CWHRVg shapefile and Area_Lidar_1acre shapefile (Tahoe National Forest) and uses them to extract Wildlife habitat type (whrtype). After it imports the layers, it merges them so they are easier to work with. The script then extracts several variables, including whrtype, whrsize, whrdensity, whrlifeform and covertype. Because of the number of NAs, covertype is not used but its categories are used to inform the collapsing of the whrtype variable. Values from whrtype are then aggregated based on the TypeAggregationScheme file. The WHR polygons are also merge to create polygons for each of the national forests (Lassen, Plumas, and Tahoe), which are saved as forestpolygons.
Input files:
- raw/CWHRVg.gdb (all layers)
- raw/TNFWHR/Area_Lidar_1acre.shp
- processed/RasiStreamLines2.RDS
- processed/TypeAggregationScheme.csv
Output files:
- processed/RasiStreamLines3.RDS
- results/forestpolygons.RDS
4_ProcessDEM.R NOTE: This script only needs to be run once, not everytime data gets updated upstream. This script imports a 1/3 arc-second DEM from the USGS website (, [-121.8, -120, 39.1, 40.5]), merges it to create one local DEM, and saves it to localDEM.grd. Then the script calculates slope and aspect from the DEM and saves it to streamGeography.grd. Finally the script extracts slope and aspect variables using the rasi spatiallinesdataframe and saves that to extractedDEMvalues.RDS
Input files:
- processed/RasiStreamLines3.RDS
- raw/DEM/n40w120/floatn40w120_13.flt
- raw/DEM/n40w121/floatn40w121_13.flt
- raw/DEM/USGS_NED_13_n40w122_GridFloat/usgs_ned_13_n40w122_gridfloat.flt
- raw/DEM/n41w120/floatn41w120_13.flt
- raw/DEM/n41w121/floatn41w121_13.flt
- raw/DEM/n41w122/floatn41w122_13.flt
Output files:
- processed/localDEM.grd
- processed/streamGeography.grd
- processed/extractedDEMvalues.RDS
5_CombineData.R This script takes the extracted DEM/geography data, collapses it and adds it to the rasi spatiallinesdataframe. Aspect is then converted to a circular data type so that binary variables (like North/South) are easier to extract. It also adds rocktype (a collapsed version of geology variable ptype), x (longitude), y (latitude). Then it removes rows with NAs, and fills in missing values for whrdensity and whrsize. Finally the script removes columns we don't need and renames all columns to have sensible short names.
Input files:
- processed/extractedDEMvalues.RDS
- processed/RasiStreamLines3.RDS
- processed/rockclassification.csv
Output files:
- processed/RasiStreamLinesFinal.RDS
- processed/shapefiles/RasiStreamLinesFinal.shp
- processed/RasiStreamDF.csv
6_SelectVariables.R This script selects the final variables and observations that will be used in the maxent modeling. First it removes all observations with a maximum elevation of less than 1524m (5000ft), so as to remove any observations of Rana boylii. It uses the aspect variable to create four binary direction variables (south, west, southwest, and southeast). It collapses the WHR categorical variables so that they create fewer binary variables and converts any categorical variables into a series binary variables. The script then transforms the number of waterbodies and number of meadows to deal with high leverage points and removes 3 exessively high leverage points that are resistant to transformation. Finally the observation ID is removed for the file that will be used in the modeling.
Input files: processed/RasiStreamDF.csv
Output files:
- processed/RasiModelDF.csv
- processed/RasiResultsDF.csv (contains observation ID)
1_VariableSelction.R This script uses backward variable selection to identify the maxent model with the best positive predictive value (PPV). First it removes bioclim variables that are not deemed to be relevant to R. sierrae's biology. Next it fits a model with all of the variables included. Then it calculates the PPV of a set of test data and a probability threshold of 0.6. Finally it removes all variables from the dataset with a contribution or a permutation importance of 0. It repeats this process until the PPV of the test data fails to increase. For each iteration, the required variable importance increases in the following sequence: 0, 0.5, 1.5, 3. Then the model with the highest PPV is selected to be used in the analysis. What is actually saved is a list of variables included in the model in SelectedVariables.csv.
Input files: processed/RasiModelDF.csv
Output files: results/SelectedVariables.csv
2_Crossvalidation.R This script runs full the model selected in the previous script and saves the probabilities predicted to RasiResultsDF.csv. It also uses 5-fold crossvalidation, with the positive predictive value (PPV) as the metric, to evaluate possible threshold probability values. These are saved to CrossValidationModelFinal.csv.
runs a number of models, some with more variables, some with less, to try and get a sense of how best to fit and score the MaxEnt models when doing variable selection and model evaluation. The last model run has some variable selection as a test run.
Input files:
- processed/RasiModelDF.csv
- results/SelectedVariables.csv
- results/RasiResultsDF.csv
Output files:
- results/models/ModelFinal.RDS
- results/RasiResultsDF.csv
- results/CrossValidationModelFinal.csv
3_ResponseCurves.R This script takes response data that was outputted by the Java maxent program and creates response curves for each of the variables in the final model. It does do plotting, but since there is quite a bit of model result manipulation in this file, I decided to put it in the modeling folder.
Input files:
- results/SelectedVariables.csv
- processed/RasiModelDF.csv
- All files in the directory maxent/bootstrap1000/
- All files in the directory maxent/FullModel/plots/
Output files: all the plots in the directory results/plots/response/individualplots/.
SummaryStats.R This script plots histograms and density plots for all of the variables in the data set using ggplot2. It only plots the data that are above 1524m (5000 ft), because those are the data that are used in the model. Some of the variables are transformed to reduce the influence of high leverage points, and 3 high leverage points are removed. The plots are all saved as pngs.
Input file: processed/RasiStreamDF.csv
Output files: all files in the directory results/plots/summary/
Bioclim.R This script plots all of the bioclim variables along with the stream locations, national forest of those streams and whether or not the streams are occupied. It uses the tmap package to do the plotting and saving.
Input files:
- processed/RasiStreamLinesFinal.RDS
- Bioclim data corresponding to the following getData call if no internet is available ( getData('worldclim', var='bio', res=0.5, lon=-121, lat=39))
Output files: