Verse-by-Verse MP3 Audio Bible - Open Hebrew Greek Bible
Audio files provided here are created with Unique Bible App text-to-speech features.
Every single verse of the bible is saved into a single mp3 file.
We pack audio files for individual books into separate zip files, to make it easier for downloads.
They are created for running verse-by-verse audio features available in Unique Bible App.
The following Unique Bible App modules are integrated to use these audio files:
- OHGB - Open Hebrew Greek Bible
- OHGBi - Open Hebrew Greek Bible (interlinear)
- MOB - Marvel Original Bible
- MIB - Marvel Interlinear Bible
- MTB - Marvel Trilingual Bible
- MPB - Marvel Parallel Bible
- MAB - Marvel Annotated Bible
For the same reading but with faster speaking rate, go to:
Open Hebrew Bible project:
Open Greek New Testament project:
MP3 Bible - Open Hebrew Greek Bible (slow) by Eliran Wong is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at