This extension adds one command: bin/magento elgentos:quality-patches:convert
It generates a composer.quality-patches.json
file to use with the vaimo/composer-patches
package. It will also add that file to composer.json
when it hasn't been set yet, and add a post-update-cmd hook to automatically update the patches file.
This depends on magento/quality-patches
and vaimo/composer-patches
Some patches will give a "Hmm... Ignoring the trailing garbage." warnings, causing the patch to fail. There are two ways to handle this;
- Add this to your
to let patches fail without stopping the patching:
"extra": {
"patcher": {
"graceful": true
- Add this to your post-install-cmd to fix the double new lines and run the patcher again:
"scripts": {
"post-install-cmd": [
"# Remove double new lines from patches to make vaimo/composer-patches process them correctly",
"find vendor/magento/quality-patches -type f -name '*.patch' -exec sed --in-place -e :a -e '/^\\n*$/{$d;N;};/\\n$/ba' {} \\;",
"# Now run patch:apply again to apply the patches and use --no-scripts to avoid an infinite loop",
"composer2 patch:apply --no-scripts"
We prefer option 2 because when using option 1, other patches that fail for other reasons will not stop our deployment.
composer require elgentos/magento2-composer-quality-patches
bin/magento s:up
bin/magento elgentos:quality-patches:convert
composer patch:apply
composer require magento/quality-patches
- Add this to your
"scripts": {
"post-install-cmd": [
"./vendor/bin/magento-patches status | grep 'Not applied' | cut -d ' ' -f2 | xargs --no-run-if-empty ./vendor/bin/magento-patches apply"