This repository contains a code used to perform classical numerical simulations of molecules with the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE).The purpose of this repository is to be used as a benchmark to test and design ADAPT-VQE protocols (see Ref. 1).
- An implementation of the VQE is contained in src/
- The vqe_runner uses one of two different backends (in src/ to evaluate the expectation value of a quantum operator w.r.t. to a qubit state defined by an ansatz
- The ansatz is defined by a list of ansatz elements. Different types of ansatz elements are defined in src/
- src/molecules/ contains a list of example molecular systems.
- An implementation of the QEB-ADAPT-VQE protocol (Ref. 1) is contained in scripts/adapt_vqes/
- An implementation of the excited-QEB-ADAPT-VQE protocol (Ref. 3) is contained in scripts/adapt_vqes/
- An implementation of the fermionic-ADAPT-VQE protocol (Ref. 2) is contained in scripts/adapt_vqes/
- An implementation of the qubit-ADAPT-VQE protocol (Ref. 4) is contained in scripts/adapt_vqes/
i. Install using the environment.yml file.
- note that this option may not work for some dependencies
ii. If using the environment.yml file does not work, install manually:
Create a new conda environment
Install the following libraries:
qiskit 0.23.5 (or newer version)
numpy 1.20.0 (or newer version)
scipy 1.6.0
(Install the next three libraries in the given order. I recommend isntalling psi4 and openfermionpsi4 as given at )
openfermionpsi4 0.5 (or newer version)
openfermion 1.0.0 (or newer version)
c) Make sure that the following directories are added to PYTHONPATH:
- "/home/ .. path/to .. /VQE"
- "/home/ .. path/to .. /VQE/src"
(To add these paths permanently you can use the following command: "conda develop '/home/ .. path/ to .. /VQE/'")