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Simple project to start interacting with React, GSAP and ES6.


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ES6 React Spin Wheel with GSAP

alt text

What you get

  • React 0.13
  • ES6, ES7 & JSX to ES5 via babel
  • webpack with react hot loader, and other useful loaders
  • Local CSS
  • Karma, mocha, chai & sinon for testing with mocking examples
  • Basic flux architecture with app actions, stores and example web API usage
  • React router (feature/react-router)
  • Material UI (feature/material-ui)

Getting started

Installing with git

git clone

npm scripts

  • npm start - Build and start the app in dev mode at http://localhost:8000
  • npm test - Run the tests
  • npm run build - Run a production build


### Writing components:

// Filename: Menu.jsx

'use strict';

import styles from './_Menu.scss';
import React from 'react';
import MenuItem from './MenuItem';

let { Component, PropTypes } = React;

export default class Menu extends Component {

  static defaultProps = {
    items: []

  static propTypes = {
    items: PropTypes.array.isRequired

  render() {
    return (
      <ul className={}>
        { => {
          return (<MenuItem item={item} />);
        }, this)}

###Writing tests:

// Filename: __tests__/Menu-test.jsx

'use strict';

import React from 'react/addons';
import { expect } from 'chai';

import Menu from '../Menu.jsx';
import MenuItem from '../MenuItem.jsx';

// Here we create a mocked MenuItem component.
class MockedMenuItem extends MenuItem {
  render() {
    return (
      <li className={'mocked-menu-item'}>{this.props.item.label}</li>

// Here we set the mocked MenuItem component.
Menu.__Rewire__('MenuItem', MockedMenuItem);

describe('Menu', () => {

  let { TestUtils } = React.addons;

  let menuItems = [
    { id: 1, label: 'Option 1' },
    { id: 2, label: 'Option 2' }

  let menu = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
    <Menu items={menuItems} />
  let menuElem = React.findDOMNode(menu);
  let items = menuElem.querySelectorAll('li');

  it('Should render the menu items', () => {

  it('Should render the menu item labels', () => {, (item, i) => {

  it('Should render the mocked menu item', () => {

Sass, CSS & webpack

import Sass and CSS files from within your JavaScript component files:

// Filename: app.jsx
import 'normalize.css/normalize.css';
import styles from './scss/app.scss';
  • Note: If you're importing component Sass files from within your JavaScript component files, then each sass file will be compiled as part of a different compile process, and thus you cannot share global references. See this issue for more information.
  • Sass include paths can be adjusted in the webpack/loaders.js file.
  • All CSS (compiled or otherwise) is run through Autoprefixer and style-loader. Any images/fonts etc referenced in the CSS will be copied to the build dir.
  • CSS files are combined in the order in which they are imported in JavaScript, thus you should always import your CSS/Sass before importing any other JavaScript files.
  • If not using local CSS, use an approach like BEM to avoid specificity issues that might exist due to unpredicatable order of CSS rules.

HTML files

All required .html files are compiled with lodash.template and synced into the ./build directory:

// Filename: app.jsx
import './index.html';
  • You can adjust the lodash template data in the webpack/loaders.js file.


  • Use fat arrows for anonymous functions
  • Don't use var. Use let and const.


  1. npm version patch
  2. git push --follow-tags
  3. npm login (Optional)
  4. npm publish


This project was initially forked from AND


Copyright (c) 2015 Richard Willis



Simple project to start interacting with React, GSAP and ES6.







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