Recipes to deploy web2py apps on OpsWorks (EC2).
The git repository with your app must contain all web2py source code.
Because OpsWorks doesn't have web2py application type the application you want to deploy must contain "web2py" in name
Add these recipes in "Custom Chef Recipes" of your layer:
Stage | Recipies |
Setup | nginx, uwsgi |
Deploy | deploy::web2py |
Set environment variable ADMIN_PASSWORD with password in OpsWorks admin interface
Create file before_symlink.rb in the deploy directory of your project with this content:
if new_resource.environment["ADMIN_PASSWORD"]
execute "Save web2py admin password" do
cwd release_path
command "sudo -u #{new_resource.user} python -c \"from gluon.main import save_password; save_password('#{new_resource.environment["ADMIN_PASSWORD"]}',443)\""