Bug Fixes
- signing of playwright (#5451) (5075068)
- dmg: new version of mac_alias (#5460) (a8acb58)
- compiler error and test updates (#5449) (0dec1b8)
- AppImage: Add default argument --no-sandbox (#4496) (ede6d50)
- linux: Linux icon is not set if path is not explicitly defined in config (#5385) (9fd950b)
- nsis: cs locale typos in messages (#5358) (0fb69b5)
- codesign all binary-like files (#5322) (27ea1b2)
- arm64: fix pacman build, pacman & rpm artifact names (#5304) (069eba1)
- dmb: fix injecting dmg license with dmg-license package instead of deprecated Rez tool (#5424) (9e7b3c3)
- snap: ability to specify slot properties (#5313) (1235c4e)
- snap: add Snap
option (#5350) (2801de7)
Thanks to all contributors to this release:
- Mike Maietta (@mmaietta).
- Elliott Kember (@elliottkember).
- Christian Bundy (@christianbundy).
- Quang Lam (@quanglam2807).
- Jan Brašna (@janbrasna).
- Adam Lynch (@adam-lynch).
- Christopher Willis-Ford (@cwillisf).
- @k2s.
- @SentoxAIO.