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Electrode OTA Desktop

A GUI for the code-push command line.

Download the latest here

NewToken.png install

To Login enter the host running the codepush management server or to use microsoft's code-push management server.

Login.png GettingStarted.png NewAppSuccess.png NewDeployment.png NewDeployment1.png Releases.png Collaborate.png AddKey.png NewKey.png


The Electrode OTA Desktop is an electron app. Most of the UI code is in electrode-ota-ui. Due to various technical and time constraints both need to be installed for this to work correctly.

First you need node/npm install >6.5.0 node from

$ mkdir electrode-ota
$ cd electrode-ota
$ git clone
$ ln -s electrode-ota-server/electrode-ota-ui electrode-ota-ui
$ git clone
$ cd electrode-ota-ui
$ npm install
$ cd ../../electrode-ota-desktop
$ npm install
$ npm run distro
$ #To test the app
$ open dist/mac/
$ #To test the dmg
$ open dist/mac/ElectrodeOTA-{version}.dmg

To debug/develop

To develop, it runs a webpack-dev-server in the background, for hmr. However app/browser/main is not webpacked or transpiled, its plain old javascript. But all the ui is there under ../electrode-ota-ui so have fun, and send PR's.

$ npm run hot

This project uses electron-builder to buid the dmg and .app. To add an app signature there are some tools see and for more details