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ESLint extension for Fepper client-side JavaScript

Also an up-to-date drop-in replacement for gulp-eslint

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Given the apparent abandonment of gulp-eslint, this package now supports streaming ESLint through gulp, independent of Fepper.

Both gulp 3 LTS and gulp 4 are supported.

fp-eslint 8 supports ESLint 8.

Use as a drop-in replacement for gulp-eslint:

const {src, task} = require('gulp');
const fpEslint = require('fp-eslint');

task('default', () => {
  return src(['scripts/*.js'])
    // fpEslint() attaches the lint output to the "eslint" property
    // of the file object so it can be used by other modules.
    // fpEslint.format() outputs the lint results to the console.
    // Alternatively use fpEslint.formatEach().
    // To have the process exit with an error code (1) on
    // lint error, return the stream and pipe to failAfterError last.

Or use the plugin API to do things like:

gulp.src(['**/*.js', '!node_modules/**'])
    overrideConfig: {
      rules: {
        'my-custom-rule': 'warn',
        'strict': ['error', 'function']
      globals: [
      envs: [
  .pipe(fpEslint.formatEach('compact', process.stderr));



No explicit configuration. ESLint will attempt to find the configuration file by the name of .eslintrc.* within the same directory as the file to be linted. If not found there, parent directories will be searched until .eslintrc.* is found or the current working directory is reached.


Type: Object

If the argument to fpEslint is an object, fpEslint will pass it to the ESLint class for instantiation. Please consult the ESLint docs for the supported options.


Type: String

Shorthand for defining options.overrideConfigFile.


Type: function (result) {}

Call a function for each ESLint file result. No returned value is expected. If an error is thrown, it will be wrapped in a Gulp PluginError and emitted from the stream.

  .pipe(fpEslint.result((result) => {
      // Called for each ESLint result.
      console.log(`ESLint result: ${result.filePath}`);
      console.log(`# Messages: ${result.messages.length}`);
      console.log(`# Warnings: ${result.warningCount}`);
      console.log(`# Errors: ${result.errorCount}`);

Type: function (result, callback) {callback(error);}

Call an asynchronous function for each ESLint file result. The callback must be called for the stream to finish. If a value is passed to the callback, it will be wrapped in a Gulp PluginError and emitted from the stream.


Type: function (results) {}

Call a function once for all ESLint file results before a stream finishes. No returned value is expected. If an error is thrown, it will be wrapped in a Gulp PluginError and emitted from the stream.

The results list has a "warningCount" property that is the sum of warnings in all results; likewise, an "errorCount" property is set to the sum of errors in all results.

gulp.src(['**/*.js', '!node_modules/**'])
  .pipe(fpEslint.results((results) => {
      // Called once for all ESLint results.
      console.log(`Total Results: ${results.length}`);
      console.log(`Total Warnings: ${results.warningCount}`);
      console.log(`Total Errors: ${results.errorCount}`);

Type: function (results, callback) {callback(error);}

Call an asynchronous function once for all ESLint file results before a stream finishes. The callback must be called for the stream to finish. If a value is passed to the callback, it will be wrapped in a Gulp PluginError and emitted from the stream.


Stop a task/stream if an ESLint error has been reported for any file.

// Cause the stream to stop(/fail) before copying an invalid JS file
// to the output directory
gulp.src(['**/*.js', '!node_modules/**'])


Stop a task/stream if an ESLint error has been reported for any file, but wait for all of them to be processed first.

// Cause the stream to stop(/fail) when the stream ends if any
// ESLint error(s) occurred.
gulp.src(['**/*.js', '!node_modules/**'])

fpEslint.format(formatter, output)

Format all linted files once. This should be used in the stream after piping through fpEslint; otherwise, this will find no ESLint results to format.

The formatter argument may be a String, Function, or undefined. As a String, a formatter module by that name or path will be resolved as a module, relative to process.cwd(), or as one of the ESLint-provided formatters. If undefined, the ESLint “stylish” formatter will be resolved. A Function will be called with an Array of file linting results to format.

// Use the default "stylish" ESLint formatter.

// Use the "checkstyle" ESLint formatter.

// Use the "eslint-path-formatter" module formatter.
// (@see

The output argument may be a WritableStream, Function, or undefined. As a WritableStream, the formatter results will be written to the stream. A Function will be called with the formatter results as the only parameter. If undefined, the formatter results will be written to stdout.

const streamToFile = fpEslint();
const streamToStdout = fpEslint();

// Write to stdout. 

// Create a WritableStream example.
const fs = require('fs');
const writableStream = fs.createWriteStream('example.txt');

// Write to WritableStream.
fpEslint.format('junit', writableStream)

fpEslint.formatEach(formatter, output)

Format each linted file individually. This should be used in the stream after piping through fpEslint; otherwise, this will find no ESLint results to format.

The arguments for formatEach are the same as the arguments for format.

Ignore Files

ESLint will detect a .eslintignore file for the purpose of ignoring files that are not meant to be linted.
How to get ESLint to ignore files.


Type: Boolean

When true, this will add a result when ESLint finds errors in an ignored file. This can be used to warn when files are needlessly loaded by gulp.src. For example, since ESLint automatically ignores node_modules file paths and gulp.src does not, a gulp task may take seconds longer just reading files from a node_modules directory.

This option may be passed in JavaScript when calling fpEslint(options) or it may be written into Fepper's pref.yml file as documented below.


Type: Boolean

When true, this will filter warning messages from ESLint results. This mimics the ESLint CLI --quiet option.

This option may be passed in JavaScript when calling fpEslint(options) or it may be written into Fepper's pref.yml file as documented below.

Use as a Fepper extension:

cd extend
npm i --save-dev fp-esllint

Use this package to lint the JavaScript in your source/_scripts/src directory.

Add these tasks to extend/contrib.js

  • Under gulp task 'contrib:frontend-copy'
    • 'eslint'
  • Under gulp task 'contrib:once'
    • 'eslint'

On the command line:

fp eslint

Fepper does not ship with a .eslintrc.json file intended for end-users. (It would be far too opinionated for distribution.) Create one specific to your project and customize it to your needs: Configuring ESLint.

You can customize further by writing ESLint configurations to your pref.yml file. fp-eslint was originally compatible with the gulp-eslint API. However, it looks like gulp-eslint has been abandoned and may never be made compatible with the latest ESLint. Therefore, any old pref.yml options for fp-eslint must be updated according to the new API in order to work with this version of fp-eslint:

  overrideConfigFile: another/location/.eslintrc.json
        - error
        - function
  failOnError: true
  formatEach: checkstyle

The YAML under eslint must match the ESLint constructor options as documented by ESLint.

A few additional fp-eslint options are holdovers from the gulp-eslint API:


Type: Boolean

When true, will stop a task/stream if an ESLint error has been reported for any file.


Type: Boolean

When true, will stop a task/stream if an ESLint error has been reported for any file, but will wait for all of them to be processed first.


Type: String

Will format all linted files at once as per the formatter specified by the string option value.


Type: String

Will format each linted file individually as per the formatter specified by the string option value.