- copy id1/pak?.pak to your SD. You can DL the package file in the official Quake shareware, or use full package file(s).
- connect your dualshock2 to k210.
fpioa_set_function(18, FUNC_GPIOHS0 + DS2_CS); //Dualshock2 ss
fpioa_set_function(19, FUNC_GPIOHS0 + DS2_CLK); //clk
fpioa_set_function(21, FUNC_GPIOHS0 + DS2_MOSI); //mosi--DO/CMD
fpioa_set_function(20, FUNC_GPIOHS0 + DS2_MISO); //miso--DI/DAT
- Set up each of jump function, atack function and switch weapon function to the button(s).
See readme for more information.