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Merge branch 'main' into observability-remove-timeline-deps
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YulNaumenko authored Oct 19, 2022
2 parents 86b78f4 + c8a0376 commit 775290e
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Showing 16 changed files with 281 additions and 57 deletions.
10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions .buildkite/pipeline-utils/ci-stats/pick_test_group_run_order.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,11 +59,15 @@ function getRunGroups(bk: BuildkiteClient, allTypes: RunGroup[], typeName: strin
if (tooLongs.length > 0) {
tooLongs.length === 1
? `The following "${typeName}" config has a duration that exceeds the maximum amount of time desired for a single CI job. Please split it up.`
: `The following "${typeName}" configs have durations that exceed the maximum amount of time desired for a single CI job. Please split them up.`,
? `The following "${typeName}" config has a duration that exceeds the maximum amount of time desired for a single CI job. ` +
`This is not an error, and if you don't own this config then you can ignore this warning. ` +
`If you own this config please split it up ASAP and ask Operations if you have questions about how to do that.`
: `The following "${typeName}" configs have durations that exceed the maximum amount of time desired for a single CI job. ` +
`This is not an error, and if you don't own any of these configs then you can ignore this warning.` +
`If you own any of these configs please split them up ASAP and ask Operations if you have questions about how to do that.`,
'',{ config, durationMin }) => ` - ${config}: ${durationMin} minutes`),
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
* Side Public License, v 1.

import uuid from 'uuid';
import useLifecycles from 'react-use/lib/useLifecycles';
import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react';

import { IEmbeddable } from '@kbn/embeddable-plugin/public';

import { pluginServices } from '../services';
import { getDefaultControlGroupInput } from '../../common';
import { ControlGroupInput, ControlGroupOutput, CONTROL_GROUP_TYPE } from './types';
import { ControlGroupContainer } from './embeddable/control_group_container';

export interface ControlGroupRendererProps {
input?: Partial<Pick<ControlGroupInput, 'viewMode' | 'executionContext'>>;
onEmbeddableLoad: (controlGroupContainer: ControlGroupContainer) => void;

export const ControlGroupRenderer = ({ input, onEmbeddableLoad }: ControlGroupRendererProps) => {
const controlsRoot = useRef(null);
const [controlGroupContainer, setControlGroupContainer] = useState<ControlGroupContainer>();

const id = useMemo(() => uuid.v4(), []);

* Use Lifecycles to load initial control group container
() => {
const { embeddable } = pluginServices.getServices();

(async () => {
const container = (await embeddable
IEmbeddable<ControlGroupInput, ControlGroupOutput>
?.create({ id, ...getDefaultControlGroupInput(), ...input })) as ControlGroupContainer;

if (controlsRoot.current) {
() => {

* Update embeddable input when props input changes
useEffect(() => {
let updateCanceled = false;
(async () => {
// check if applying input from props would result in any changes to the embeddable input
const isInputEqual = await controlGroupContainer?.getExplicitInputIsEqual({
if (!controlGroupContainer || isInputEqual || updateCanceled) return;
controlGroupContainer.updateInput({ ...input });

return () => {
updateCanceled = true;
}, [controlGroupContainer, input]);

return <div ref={controlsRoot} />;

// required for dynamic import using React.lazy()
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export
export default ControlGroupRenderer;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,10 +9,6 @@
import { i18n } from '@kbn/i18n';

export const ControlGroupStrings = {
getEmbeddableTitle: () =>
i18n.translate('controls.controlGroup.title', {
defaultMessage: 'Control group',
getControlButtonTitle: () =>
i18n.translate('controls.controlGroup.toolbarButtonTitle', {
defaultMessage: 'Controls',
Expand Down
55 changes: 10 additions & 45 deletions src/plugins/controls/public/control_group/editor/control_editor.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
* Side Public License, v 1.

import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react';
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import useMount from 'react-use/lib/useMount';

import {
Expand All @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ import {
} from '@elastic/eui';
import { DataViewListItem, DataView, DataViewField } from '@kbn/data-views-plugin/common';
import { IFieldSubTypeMulti } from '@kbn/es-query';
import {
Expand All @@ -53,6 +52,7 @@ import {
} from '../../types';
import { CONTROL_WIDTH_OPTIONS } from './editor_constants';
import { pluginServices } from '../../services';
import { loadFieldRegistryFromDataViewId } from './data_control_editor_tools';
interface EditControlProps {
embeddable?: ControlEmbeddable<DataControlInput>;
isCreate: boolean;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ export const ControlEditor = ({
}: EditControlProps) => {
const {
dataViews: { getIdsWithTitle, getDefaultId, get },
controls: { getControlTypes, getControlFactory },
controls: { getControlFactory },
} = pluginServices.getServices();
const [state, setState] = useState<ControlEditorState>({
dataViewListItems: [],
Expand All @@ -112,49 +112,14 @@ export const ControlEditor = ({
embeddable ? embeddable.getInput().fieldName : undefined

const doubleLinkFields = (dataView: DataView) => {
// double link the parent-child relationship specifically for case-sensitivity support for options lists
const fieldRegistry: DataControlFieldRegistry = {};

for (const field of dataView.fields.getAll()) {
if (!fieldRegistry[]) {
fieldRegistry[] = { field, compatibleControlTypes: [] };
const parentFieldName = (field.subType as IFieldSubTypeMulti)?.multi?.parent;
if (parentFieldName) {
fieldRegistry[].parentFieldName = parentFieldName;

const parentField = dataView.getFieldByName(parentFieldName);
if (!fieldRegistry[parentFieldName] && parentField) {
fieldRegistry[parentFieldName] = { field: parentField, compatibleControlTypes: [] };
fieldRegistry[parentFieldName].childFieldName =;
return fieldRegistry;

const fieldRegistry = useMemo(() => {
if (!state.selectedDataView) return;
const newFieldRegistry: DataControlFieldRegistry = doubleLinkFields(state.selectedDataView);

const controlFactories = getControlTypes().map(
(controlType) => getControlFactory(controlType) as IEditableControlFactory
); => {
for (const factory of controlFactories) {
if (factory.isFieldCompatible) {

if (newFieldRegistry[]?.compatibleControlTypes.length === 0) {
delete newFieldRegistry[];
const [fieldRegistry, setFieldRegistry] = useState<DataControlFieldRegistry>();
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
if (state.selectedDataView?.id) {
setFieldRegistry(await loadFieldRegistryFromDataViewId(;

return newFieldRegistry;
}, [state.selectedDataView, getControlFactory, getControlTypes]);
}, [state.selectedDataView]);

useMount(() => {
let mounted = true;
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
* Side Public License, v 1.

import { IFieldSubTypeMulti } from '@kbn/es-query';
import { DataView } from '@kbn/data-views-plugin/common';

import { pluginServices } from '../../services';
import { DataControlFieldRegistry, IEditableControlFactory } from '../../types';

const dataControlFieldRegistryCache: { [key: string]: DataControlFieldRegistry } = {};

const doubleLinkFields = (dataView: DataView) => {
// double link the parent-child relationship specifically for case-sensitivity support for options lists
const fieldRegistry: DataControlFieldRegistry = {};

for (const field of dataView.fields.getAll()) {
if (!fieldRegistry[]) {
fieldRegistry[] = { field, compatibleControlTypes: [] };
const parentFieldName = (field.subType as IFieldSubTypeMulti)?.multi?.parent;
if (parentFieldName) {
fieldRegistry[].parentFieldName = parentFieldName;

const parentField = dataView.getFieldByName(parentFieldName);
if (!fieldRegistry[parentFieldName] && parentField) {
fieldRegistry[parentFieldName] = { field: parentField, compatibleControlTypes: [] };
fieldRegistry[parentFieldName].childFieldName =;
return fieldRegistry;

export const loadFieldRegistryFromDataViewId = async (
dataViewId: string
): Promise<DataControlFieldRegistry> => {
if (dataControlFieldRegistryCache[dataViewId]) {
return dataControlFieldRegistryCache[dataViewId];
const {
controls: { getControlTypes, getControlFactory },
} = pluginServices.getServices();
const dataView = await dataViews.get(dataViewId);

const newFieldRegistry: DataControlFieldRegistry = doubleLinkFields(dataView);

const controlFactories = getControlTypes().map(
(controlType) => getControlFactory(controlType) as IEditableControlFactory
); => {
for (const factory of controlFactories) {
if (factory.isFieldCompatible) {

if (newFieldRegistry[]?.compatibleControlTypes.length === 0) {
delete newFieldRegistry[];
dataControlFieldRegistryCache[dataViewId] = newFieldRegistry;

return newFieldRegistry;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
import { skip, debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged } from 'rxjs/operators';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Filter, uniqFilters } from '@kbn/es-query';
import { compareFilters, COMPARE_ALL_OPTIONS, Filter, uniqFilters } from '@kbn/es-query';
import { BehaviorSubject, merge, Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { EuiContextMenuPanel } from '@elastic/eui';

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,10 +39,11 @@ import { ControlGroupStrings } from '../control_group_strings';
import { EditControlGroup } from '../editor/edit_control_group';
import { ControlGroup } from '../component/control_group_component';
import { controlGroupReducers } from '../state/control_group_reducers';
import { ControlEmbeddable, ControlInput, ControlOutput } from '../../types';
import { ControlEmbeddable, ControlInput, ControlOutput, DataControlInput } from '../../types';
import { CreateControlButton, CreateControlButtonTypes } from '../editor/create_control';
import { CreateTimeSliderControlButton } from '../editor/create_time_slider_control';
import { TIME_SLIDER_CONTROL } from '../../time_slider';
import { loadFieldRegistryFromDataViewId } from '../editor/data_control_editor_tools';

let flyoutRef: OverlayRef | undefined;
export const setFlyoutRef = (newRef: OverlayRef | undefined) => {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,6 +71,9 @@ export class ControlGroupContainer extends Container<
typeof controlGroupReducers

public onFiltersPublished$: Subject<Filter[]>;
public onControlRemoved$: Subject<string>;

public setLastUsedDataViewId = (lastUsedDataViewId: string) => {
this.lastUsedDataViewId = lastUsedDataViewId;
Expand All @@ -87,6 +91,27 @@ export class ControlGroupContainer extends Container<
flyoutRef = undefined;

public async addDataControlFromField({
}: {
uuid?: string;
dataViewId: string;
fieldName: string;
title?: string;
}) {
const fieldRegistry = await loadFieldRegistryFromDataViewId(dataViewId);
const field = fieldRegistry[fieldName];
return this.addNewEmbeddable(field.compatibleControlTypes[0], {
id: uuid,
title: title ?? fieldName,
} as DataControlInput);

* Returns a button that allows controls to be created externally using the embeddable
* @param buttonType Controls the button styling
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,6 +210,8 @@ export class ControlGroupContainer extends Container<

this.recalculateFilters$ = new Subject();
this.onFiltersPublished$ = new Subject<Filter[]>();
this.onControlRemoved$ = new Subject<string>();

// build redux embeddable tools
this.reduxEmbeddableTools = reduxEmbeddablePackage.createTools<
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,6 +276,10 @@ export class ControlGroupContainer extends Container<
return Object.keys(this.getInput().panels).length;

public updateFilterContext = (filters: Filter[]) => {
this.updateInput({ filters });

private recalculateFilters = () => {
const allFilters: Filter[] = [];
let timeslice;
Expand All @@ -259,7 +290,11 @@ export class ControlGroupContainer extends Container<
timeslice = childOutput.timeslice;
this.updateOutput({ filters: uniqFilters(allFilters), timeslice });
// if filters are different, publish them
if (!compareFilters(this.output.filters ?? [], allFilters ?? [], COMPARE_ALL_OPTIONS)) {
this.updateOutput({ filters: uniqFilters(allFilters), timeslice });

private recalculateDataViews = () => {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -304,6 +339,7 @@ export class ControlGroupContainer extends Container<
order: currentOrder - 1,
return newPanels;

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