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[Storybook] Add stories for more components (letter T) - Part 2 (#7744)
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Co-authored-by: Cee Chen <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Cee Chen <[email protected]>
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3 people authored May 8, 2024
1 parent 20e71da commit 808f837
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Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
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Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
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Sorry, we cannot display this file.
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Sorry, we cannot display this file.
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Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
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46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions src/components/timeline/timeline.stories.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
* Side Public License, v 1.

import React from 'react';
import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';

import { EuiTimeline, EuiTimelineProps } from './timeline';

const meta: Meta<EuiTimelineProps> = {
title: 'Display/EuiTimeline/EuiTimeline',
component: EuiTimeline,
args: {
gutterSize: 'xl',

export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<EuiTimelineProps>;

export const Playground: Story = {
args: {
items: [
icon: 'pencil',
children: 'Project renamed to "Revenue Dashboard".',
icon: 'email',
children: (
<strong>[email protected]</strong> was invited to the project.
icon: 'folderClosed',
children: 'The project was archived.',
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions src/components/timeline/timeline_item.stories.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
* Side Public License, v 1.

import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';

import { EuiTimelineItem, EuiTimelineItemProps } from './timeline_item';

const meta: Meta<EuiTimelineItemProps> = {
title: 'Display/EuiTimeline/EuiTimelineItem/EuiTimelineItem',
component: EuiTimelineItem,
argTypes: {
// re-adding type descriptions that are not resolved (removed in Omit<> type)
children: {
description: 'Accepts any node. But preferably `EuiPanel`',
// @ts-ignore - overwritting to ensure correct expected type
type: 'ReactNode',
icon: {
"Any `ReactNode`, but preferably `EuiAvatar`, or a string as an `EuiIcon['type']`.",
// @ts-ignore - overwritting to ensure correct expected type
type: 'ReactNode | IconType',
iconAriaLabel: {
'Specify an `aria-label` for the icon when passed as an `IconType`. If no `aria-label` is passed we assume the icon is purely decorative.',
args: {
verticalAlign: 'center',
iconAriaLabel: '',

export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<EuiTimelineItemProps>;

export const Playground: Story = {
args: {
children: 'timeline item',
icon: 'email',
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions src/components/timeline/timeline_item_event.stories.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
* Side Public License, v 1.

import React from 'react';
import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';

import {
} from './timeline_item_event';

const meta: Meta<EuiTimelineItemEventProps> = {
title: 'Display/EuiTimeline/EuiTimelineItem/EuiTimelineItemEvent',
component: EuiTimelineItemEvent,
decorators: [
(Story, { args }) => (
<div css={{ display: 'flex', width: '100%', height: '40px' }}>
<Story {...args} />
args: {
verticalAlign: 'center',

export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<EuiTimelineItemEventProps>;

export const Playground: Story = {
args: {
children: 'timeline item event',
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions src/components/timeline/timeline_item_icon.stories.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
* Side Public License, v 1.

import React from 'react';
import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';

import {
} from './timeline_item_icon';

const meta: Meta<EuiTimelineItemIconProps> = {
title: 'Display/EuiTimeline/EuiTimelineItem/EuiTimelineItemIcon',
component: EuiTimelineItemIcon,
decorators: [
(Story, { args }) => (
<div css={{ display: 'flex', width: '100%', height: '40px' }}>
<Story {...args} />
args: {
verticalAlign: 'center',

export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<EuiTimelineItemIconProps>;

export const Playground: Story = {
args: {
icon: 'email',
99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions src/components/toast/global_toast_list.stories.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
* Side Public License, v 1.

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';

import { enableFunctionToggleControls } from '../../../.storybook/utils';
import { EuiButton } from '../button';
import {
} from './global_toast_list';

const staticToasts: Toast[] = [
id: 'static-toast-1',
title: 'Hello from Toast!',
text: 'toast message',
color: 'success' as const,
id: 'static-toast-2',
title: 'Warning from Toast!',
text: 'toast message',
color: 'warning' as const,
iconType: 'warning',

const meta: Meta<EuiGlobalToastListProps> = {
title: 'Display/EuiToast/EuiGlobalToastList/EuiGlobalToastList',
component: EuiGlobalToastList,
argTypes: {
role: { control: { type: 'select' }, options: ['log', 'alert'] },
showClearAllButtonAt: { control: { type: 'number', min: 0 } },
args: {
role: 'log',
side: 'right',
showClearAllButtonAt: 3,
// stub for testing/QA
dismissToast: () => {},
enableFunctionToggleControls(meta, ['onClearAllToasts']);

export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<EuiGlobalToastListProps>;

export const Playground: Story = {
args: {
toasts: [staticToasts[0]],
toastLifeTimeMs: 15000,
render: (args) => <StatefulGlobalToastList {...args} />,

let toastId = 0;

const StatefulGlobalToastList = ({
}: EuiGlobalToastListProps) => {
const [_toasts, setToasts] = useState<Toast[]>(toasts ?? []);

const handleAddToast = () => {
const randomToast = {
...staticToasts[Math.floor(Math.random() * staticToasts.length)],
id: `toast-${toastId}`,

toastId += 1;
setToasts((prevToasts) => [...prevToasts, randomToast]);

const handleRemoveToast = (removedToast: Toast) => {
setToasts((prevToasts) =>
prevToasts.filter((toast) => !==

return (
<EuiButton onClick={handleAddToast}>Add toast</EuiButton>
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions src/components/toast/global_toast_list_item.stories.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
* Side Public License, v 1.

import React from 'react';
import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';

import { hideStorybookControls } from '../../../.storybook/utils';
import { EuiToast } from './toast';
import {
} from './global_toast_list_item';

const meta: Meta<EuiGlobalToastListItemProps> = {
title: 'Display/EuiToast/EuiGlobalToastList/EuiGlobalToastListItem',
component: EuiGlobalToastListItem,
args: {
isDismissed: false,
hideStorybookControls(meta, ['aria-label']);

export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<EuiGlobalToastListItemProps>;

export const Playground: Story = {
args: {
children: <EuiToast title="It's a Toast!">Lorem ipsum</EuiToast>,
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/components/toast/global_toast_list_item.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import { useEuiTheme, cloneElementWithCss } from '../../services';
import { CommonProps } from '../common';
import { euiGlobalToastListItemStyles } from './global_toast_list.styles';

export interface EuiGlobalToastListItemProps {
export interface EuiGlobalToastListItemProps extends CommonProps {
isDismissed?: boolean;
* ReactElement to render as this component's content
Expand All @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ export interface EuiGlobalToastListItemProps {

export const EuiGlobalToastListItem: FunctionComponent<
CommonProps & EuiGlobalToastListItemProps
> = ({ children, className, isDismissed }) => {
const euiTheme = useEuiTheme();
if (!children) {
Expand Down
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions src/components/toast/toast.stories.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License
* 2.0 and the Server Side Public License, v 1; you may not use this file except
* in compliance with, at your election, the Elastic License 2.0 or the Server
* Side Public License, v 1.

import type { Meta, StoryObj } from '@storybook/react';

import {
} from '../../../.storybook/utils';
import { EuiToast, EuiToastProps, COLORS } from './toast';

const meta: Meta<EuiToastProps> = {
title: 'Display/EuiToast',
component: EuiToast,
argTypes: {
children: {
control: 'text',
// @ts-ignore - overwritten to output proper type as inferred type is not correct
type: 'ReactNode',
color: { control: 'select', options: [undefined, ...COLORS] },
title: { control: 'text' },
iconType: { control: 'text' },
args: {
// set up for easier testing/QA
title: '',
iconType: '',
enableFunctionToggleControls(meta, ['onClose']);
hideStorybookControls(meta, ['aria-label']);

export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<EuiToastProps>;

export const Playground: Story = {
args: {
title: "It's a Toast!",
children: 'Toast content',
// @ts-ignore - using story specific types
onClose: false, // overwriting to false to mimick the default state without close button

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