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Updates form controls to use the Amsterdam border radius.
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daveyholler committed Jul 14, 2020
1 parent c09ece9 commit 6a62995
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Showing 7 changed files with 413 additions and 1 deletion.
335 changes: 335 additions & 0 deletions src/themes/eui-amsterdam/global_styling/mixins/_form.scss
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
// Labels
@mixin euiFormLabel {
@include euiFontSizeXS;
color: $euiTitleColor;
font-weight: $euiFontWeightSemiBold;

@mixin euiFormControlLayoutPadding($numOfIcons, $side: 'right', $compressed: false) {
$iconSize: $euiSize;
$iconPadding: $euiFormControlPadding;
$marginBetweenIcons: $euiFormControlPadding / 2;

@if ($compressed) {
$iconPadding: $euiFormControlCompressedPadding;

@if variable-exists(numOfIcons) == false {
@error '$numOfIcons:integer (1-3) must be provided to @mixin euiFormControlLayoutPadding().';
} @else if $numOfIcons == 1 {
padding-#{$side}: $iconPadding + $iconSize + $iconPadding;
} @else if $numOfIcons == 2 {
padding-#{$side}: $iconPadding + $iconSize + $marginBetweenIcons + $iconSize + $iconPadding;
} @else if $numOfIcons == 3 {
padding-#{$side}: $iconPadding + $iconSize + $marginBetweenIcons + $iconSize + $marginBetweenIcons + $iconSize + $iconPadding;

@mixin euiFormControlLayoutClearIcon($iconClass) {
$clearSize: $euiSize;
@include size($clearSize);

pointer-events: all;
background-color: lightOrDarkTheme($euiColorMediumShade, $euiColorDarkShade);
border-radius: $clearSize;
line-height: 0; // ensures the icon stays vertically centered

&:focus {
@include euiFocusRing;

#{$iconClass} {
@include size($euiSizeS);
fill: $euiColorEmptyShade;
stroke: $euiColorEmptyShade;
stroke-width: 2px; // increase thickness of icon at such a small size

@mixin euiPlaceholderPerBrowser {
// sass-lint:disable-block no-vendor-prefixes
// Each prefix must be its own content block
&::-webkit-input-placeholder { @content; }
&::-moz-placeholder { @content; }
&:-ms-input-placeholder { @content; }
&:-moz-placeholder { @content; }
&::placeholder { @content; }

@function euiFormControlGradient($color: $euiColorPrimary) {
@return linear-gradient(to top,
$color 2px,
transparent 2px,
transparent 100%

@mixin euiFormControlText {
@include euiFont;
font-size: $euiFontSizeS;
line-height: 1em; // fixes text alignment in IE
color: $euiTextColor;

// sass-lint:disable-block mixins-before-declarations
@include euiPlaceholderPerBrowser {
color: $euiColorDarkShade;

@mixin euiFormControlSize(
$height: $euiFormControlHeight,
$includeAlternates: false
) {
// Default
max-width: $euiFormMaxWidth;
width: 100%;
height: $height;

@if ($includeAlternates) {
&--fullWidth {
max-width: 100%;

&--compressed {
height: $euiFormControlCompressedHeight;

&--inGroup {
height: 100%;

@mixin euiFormControlWithIcon($isIconOptional: false, $side: 'left', $compressed: false) {
@if ($isIconOptional) {
@at-root {
#{&}--withIcon {
@include euiFormControlLayoutPadding(1, $side, $compressed);
} @else {
@include euiFormControlLayoutPadding(1, $side, $compressed);

@mixin euiFormControlIsLoading($isNextToIcon: false) {
@at-root {
#{&}-isLoading {
@if ($isNextToIcon) {
@include euiFormControlLayoutPadding(2);
} @else {
@include euiFormControlLayoutPadding(1);

#{&}-isLoading#{&}--compressed {
@if ($isNextToIcon) {
@include euiFormControlLayoutPadding(2, $compressed: true);
} @else {
@include euiFormControlLayoutPadding(1, $compressed: true);

// 1. Must supply both values to background-size or some browsers apply the single value to both directions

@mixin euiFormControlDefaultShadow($borderOnly: false) {
// sass-lint:disable-block indentation
background-color: $euiFormBackgroundColor;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 0% 100%; // 1

@if ($borderOnly) {
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $euiFormBorderColor;
} @else {
inset 0 0 0 1px $euiFormBorderColor;

box-shadow $euiAnimSpeedFast ease-in,
background-image $euiAnimSpeedFast ease-in,
background-size $euiAnimSpeedFast ease-in,
background-color $euiAnimSpeedFast ease-in;

// Fixes bug in Firefox where adding a transition to the background-color
// caused a flash of differently styled dropdown.
@supports (-moz-appearance: none) { // sass-lint:disable-line no-vendor-prefixes
// List *must* be in the same order as the above.
transition-property: box-shadow, background-image, background-size;

@mixin euiFormControlFocusStyle($borderOnly: false) {
// sass-lint:disable-block indentation, empty-args
background-color: tintOrShade($euiColorEmptyShade, 0%, 40%);
background-image: euiFormControlGradient();
background-size: 100% 100%; // 1

@if ($borderOnly) {
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $euiFormBorderColor;
} @else {
inset 0 0 0 1px $euiFormBorderColor;

@mixin euiFormControlInvalidStyle {
background-image: euiFormControlGradient($euiColorDanger);
background-size: 100%;

@mixin euiFormControlDisabledStyle {
cursor: not-allowed;
color: $euiFormControlDisabledColor;
background: $euiFormBackgroundDisabledColor;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $euiFormBorderDisabledColor;

// sass-lint:disable-block mixins-before-declarations
@include euiPlaceholderPerBrowser {
color: $euiFormControlDisabledColor;

@mixin euiFormControlReadOnlyStyle {
cursor: default;
// Use transparency since there is no border and in case form is on a non-white background
background: $euiFormBackgroundReadOnlyColor;
border-color: transparent;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $euiFormBorderDisabledColor;

// 2. Override invalid state with focus state.

@mixin euiFormControlStyle($borderOnly: false, $includeStates: true, $includeSizes: true) {
@include euiFormControlSize($includeAlternates: $includeSizes);
@include euiFormControlDefaultShadow;
@include euiFormControlText;

border: none;
border-radius: $euiBorderRadius;
padding: $euiFormControlPadding;

@if ($includeStates) {
&:invalid { // 2
@include euiFormControlInvalidStyle;

&:focus { // 2
@include euiFormControlFocusStyle;

&:disabled {
@include euiFormControlDisabledStyle;

&[readOnly] {
@include euiFormControlReadOnlyStyle;

// Needs to be set for autofill
// sass-lint:disable-block no-vendor-prefixes
&:-webkit-autofill {
-webkit-text-fill-color: lightOrDarkTheme($euiColorDarkestShade, $euiColorLightShade);

~ .euiFormControlLayoutIcons {
color: lightOrDarkTheme($euiColorDarkestShade, $euiColorLightShade);


@if ($includeSizes) {
&--compressed {
@include euiFormControlStyleCompressed($borderOnly, $includeStates);

&--inGroup {
// sass-lint:disable-block no-important
box-shadow: none !important;

@mixin euiFormControlStyleCompressed($borderOnly: false, $includeStates: true) {
@include euiFormControlDefaultShadow($borderOnly: true);
padding: $euiFormControlCompressedPadding;
border-radius: $euiFormControlCompressedBorderRadius;

@if ($includeStates) {
&:invalid { // 2
@include euiFormControlInvalidStyle;

&:focus { // 2
@include euiFormControlFocusStyle($borderOnly: true);

&:disabled {
@include euiFormControlDisabledStyle;

&[readOnly] {
@include euiFormControlReadOnlyStyle;

// Custom styles and states for checkboxes and radios

@mixin euiCustomControl($type: null, $size: $euiSize) {
@include euiSlightShadow;

@if $size {
$size: $size - 2px; // subtract 2px from size to account for border size
padding: $size / 2;

border: 1px solid $euiFormCustomControlBorderColor;
background: $euiColorEmptyShade no-repeat center;

@if $type == 'round' {
border-radius: $size;
} @else if $type == 'square' {
border-radius: $euiBorderRadius;
// sass-lint:disable-block indentation
transition: background-color $euiAnimSpeedFast ease-in,
border-color $euiAnimSpeedFast ease-in;

@mixin euiCustomControlSelected($type: null) {
border-color: $euiColorPrimary;
background-color: $euiColorPrimary;

@if $type != null {
@include euiIconBackground($type, $euiColorEmptyShade);

@mixin euiCustomControlDisabled($type: null) {
border-color: $euiColorLightShade;
background-color: $euiColorLightShade;
box-shadow: none;
@if $type != null {
@include euiIconBackground($type, $euiFormCustomControlDisabledIconColor);

@mixin euiCustomControlFocused {
@include euiFocusRing;
border-color: $euiColorPrimary;

@mixin euiHiddenSelectableInput {
position: absolute;
// sass-lint:disable no-important
opacity: 0 !important; // Make sure it's still hidden when :disabled
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
cursor: pointer;

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/themes/eui-amsterdam/global_styling/mixins/_index.scss
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,3 +4,4 @@
@import 'button';
@import 'panel';
@import 'shadow';
@import 'form';

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