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SQL: Fix ORDER BY YEAR() function (#51562)
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Previously, if YEAR() was used as and ORDER BY argument without being
wrapped with another scalar (e.g. YEAR(birth_date) + 10), no script
ordering was used but instead the underlying field (e.g. birth_date)
was used instead as a performance optimisation. This works correctly if
YEAR() is the only ORDER BY arg but if further args are used as tie
breakers for the ordering wrong results are produced. This is because
2 rows with the different birth_date but on the same year are not tied
as the underlying ordering is on birth_date and not on the
YEAR(birth_date), and the following ORDER BY args are ignored.

Remove this optimisation for YEAR() to avoid incorrect results in
such cases.

As a consequence another bug is revealed: scalar functions on top
of nested fields produce scripted sorting/filtering which is not yet
supported. In such cases no error was thrown but instead all values for
such nested fields were null and were passed to the script implementing
the sorting/filtering, producing incorrect results.

Detect such cases and throw a validation exception.

Fixes: #51224
  • Loading branch information
matriv authored Jan 30, 2020
1 parent ccc323f commit f41efd6
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Showing 10 changed files with 137 additions and 60 deletions.
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions docs/reference/sql/limitations.asciidoc
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Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,34 @@ For example:
SELECT dep.dep_name.keyword FROM test_emp GROUP BY languages;

=== Scalar functions on nested fields are not allowed in `WHERE` and `ORDER BY` clauses
{es-sql} doesn't support the usage of scalar functions on top of nested fields in `WHERE`
and `ORDER BY` clauses with the exception of comparison and logical operators.

For example:

[source, sql]
SELECT * FROM test_emp WHERE LENGTH(dep.dep_name.keyword) > 5;


[source, sql]
SELECT * FROM test_emp ORDER BY YEAR(dep.start_date);

are not supported but:

[source, sql]
SELECT * FROM test_emp WHERE dep.start_date >= CAST('2020-01-01' AS DATE) OR dep.dep_end_date IS NULL;

is supported.

=== Multi-nested fields

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Expand Up @@ -39,17 +39,9 @@ protected ScalarFunction(Source source, List<Expression> fields) {
super(source, fields);

// used if the function is monotonic and thus does not have to be computed for ordering purposes
// null means the script needs to be used; expression means the field/expression to be used instead
public Expression orderBy() {
return null;

// Script generation

public ScriptTemplate asScript(Expression exp) {
if (exp.foldable()) {
return scriptWithFoldable(exp);
Expand All @@ -73,7 +65,6 @@ public ScriptTemplate asScript(Expression exp) {
throw new QlIllegalArgumentException("Cannot evaluate script for expression {}", exp);

protected ScriptTemplate scriptWithFoldable(Expression foldable) {
Object fold = foldable.fold();

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,4 +135,4 @@ protected String processScript(String script) {
protected String formatTemplate(String template) {
return Scripts.formatTemplate(template);
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions x-pack/plugin/sql/qa/src/main/resources/datetime.sql-spec
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,6 +124,12 @@ SELECT first_name FROM test_emp ORDER BY NOW(), first_name NULLS LAST LIMIT 5;
SELECT MAX(salary) AS max FROM test_emp GROUP BY NOW();

SELECT YEAR(birth_date) as year, emp_no FROM test_emp ORDER BY year NULLS FIRST, emp_no ASC;

// ES will consider a TIME in UTC, if no other indication is given and H2 doesn't consider the timezone for times, so no TZSync'ing needed.
SELECT HOUR(CAST('18:09:03' AS TIME)) AS result;
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion x-pack/plugin/sql/qa/src/main/resources/docs/docs.csv-spec
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -939,7 +939,7 @@ SELECT -2 * INTERVAL '3' YEARS AS result;

// Order by
// Order By

Expand Down
24 changes: 6 additions & 18 deletions x-pack/plugin/sql/qa/src/main/resources/nested.csv-spec
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Expand Up @@ -102,27 +102,15 @@ Mayuko | 12

SELECT first_name f, last_name l, YEAR(dep.from_date) start FROM test_emp WHERE dep.dep_name = 'Production' AND languages > 1 ORDER BY start LIMIT 5;
SELECT first_name f, last_name l, YEAR(dep.from_date) start FROM test_emp WHERE dep.dep_name = 'Production' AND languages > 1 ORDER BY dep.from_date LIMIT 5;

f:s | l:s | start:i

Sreekrishna |Servieres |1985
Zhongwei |Rosen |1986
Chirstian |Koblick |1986
null |Chappelet |1988
Zvonko |Nyanchama |1989

SELECT first_name f, last_name l FROM test_emp WHERE dep.dep_name = 'Production' AND languages > 1 ORDER BY YEAR(dep.from_date) LIMIT 5;

f:s | l:s

Sreekrishna |Servieres
Zhongwei |Rosen
Chirstian |Koblick
null |Chappelet
Zvonko |Nyanchama
Sreekrishna |Servieres |1985
Zhongwei |Rosen |1986
Chirstian |Koblick |1986
null |Chappelet |1988
Zvonko |Nyanchama |1989

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Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.expression.function.grouping.GroupingFunction;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.expression.function.scalar.ScalarFunction;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.expression.predicate.fulltext.FullTextPredicate;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.expression.predicate.logical.BinaryLogic;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.expression.predicate.logical.Not;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.expression.predicate.operator.comparison.BinaryComparison;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.plan.logical.Aggregate;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.plan.logical.Filter;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.ql.plan.logical.Limit;
Expand All @@ -40,6 +43,8 @@
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.expression.function.aggregate.Max;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.expression.function.aggregate.Min;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.expression.function.aggregate.TopHits;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.expression.predicate.nulls.IsNotNull;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.expression.predicate.nulls.IsNull;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.plan.logical.Distinct;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.plan.logical.LocalRelation;
import org.elasticsearch.xpack.sql.plan.logical.Pivot;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,7 +260,7 @@ Collection<Failure> verify(LogicalPlan plan) {

checkForScoreInsideFunctions(p, localFailures);
checkNestedUsedInGroupByOrHaving(p, localFailures);
checkNestedUsedInGroupByOrHavingOrWhereOrOrderBy(p, localFailures, attributeRefs);
checkForGeoFunctionsOnDocValues(p, localFailures);
checkPivot(p, localFailures, attributeRefs);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -735,33 +740,61 @@ private static void checkForScoreInsideFunctions(LogicalPlan p, Set<Failure> loc

private static void checkNestedUsedInGroupByOrHaving(LogicalPlan p, Set<Failure> localFailures) {
private static void checkNestedUsedInGroupByOrHavingOrWhereOrOrderBy(LogicalPlan p, Set<Failure> localFailures,
AttributeMap<Expression> attributeRefs) {
List<FieldAttribute> nested = new ArrayList<>();
Consumer<FieldAttribute> match = fa -> {
Consumer<FieldAttribute> matchNested = fa -> {
if (fa.isNested()) {
Consumer<Expression> checkForNested = e ->
attributeRefs.getOrDefault(e, e).forEachUp(matchNested, FieldAttribute.class);
Consumer<ScalarFunction> checkForNestedInFunction = f -> f.arguments().forEach(
arg -> arg.forEachUp(matchNested, FieldAttribute.class));

// nested fields shouldn't be used in aggregates or having (yet)
p.forEachDown(a -> a.groupings().forEach(agg -> agg.forEachUp(match, FieldAttribute.class)), Aggregate.class);

p.forEachDown(a -> a.groupings().forEach(agg -> agg.forEachUp(checkForNested)), Aggregate.class);
if (!nested.isEmpty()) {
fail(nested.get(0), "Grouping isn't (yet) compatible with nested fields " + new AttributeSet(nested).names()));

// check in having
p.forEachDown(f -> {
if (f.child() instanceof Aggregate) {
f.condition().forEachUp(match, FieldAttribute.class);
}, Filter.class);

p.forEachDown(f -> f.forEachDown(a -> f.condition().forEachUp(checkForNested), Aggregate.class), Filter.class);
if (!nested.isEmpty()) {
fail(nested.get(0), "HAVING isn't (yet) compatible with nested fields " + new AttributeSet(nested).names()));

// check in where (scalars not allowed)
p.forEachDown(f -> f.condition().forEachUp(e ->
attributeRefs.getOrDefault(e, e).forEachUp(sf -> {
if (sf instanceof BinaryComparison == false &&
sf instanceof IsNull == false &&
sf instanceof IsNotNull == false &&
sf instanceof Not == false &&
sf instanceof BinaryLogic== false) {
}}, ScalarFunction.class)
), Filter.class);
if (!nested.isEmpty()) {
fail(nested.get(0), "WHERE isn't (yet) compatible with scalar functions on nested fields " +
new AttributeSet(nested).names()));

// check in order by (scalars not allowed)
p.forEachDown(ob -> ob.order().forEach(o -> o.forEachUp(e ->
attributeRefs.getOrDefault(e, e).forEachUp(checkForNestedInFunction, ScalarFunction.class)
)), OrderBy.class);
if (!nested.isEmpty()) {
fail(nested.get(0), "ORDER BY isn't (yet) compatible with scalar functions on nested fields " +
new AttributeSet(nested).names()));

Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -39,11 +39,6 @@ public String dateTimeFormat() {
return "year";

public Expression orderBy() {
return field();

public String calendarInterval() {
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -695,21 +695,8 @@ protected PhysicalPlan rule(OrderExec plan) {
// scalar functions typically require script ordering
if (orderExpression instanceof ScalarFunction) {
ScalarFunction sf = (ScalarFunction) orderExpression;
// is there an expression to order by?
if (sf.orderBy() != null) {
Expression orderBy = sf.orderBy();
if (orderBy instanceof NamedExpression) {
orderBy = qContainer.aliases().getOrDefault(orderBy, orderBy);
qContainer = qContainer
.addSort(new AttributeSort(((NamedExpression) orderBy).toAttribute(), direction, missing));
} else if (orderBy.foldable() == false) {
// ignore constant
throw new PlanningException("does not know how to order by expression {}", orderBy);
} else {
// nope, use scripted sorting
qContainer = qContainer.addSort(new ScriptSort(sf.asScript(), direction, missing));
// nope, use scripted sorting
qContainer = qContainer.addSort(new ScriptSort(sf.asScript(), direction, missing));
// score
else if (orderExpression instanceof Score) {
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Expand Up @@ -470,11 +470,46 @@ public void testGroupByOnInexact() {
public void testGroupByOnNested() {
assertEquals("1:38: Grouping isn't (yet) compatible with nested fields [dep.dep_id]",
error("SELECT dep.dep_id FROM test GROUP BY dep.dep_id"));
assertEquals("1:8: Grouping isn't (yet) compatible with nested fields [dep.dep_id]",
error("SELECT dep.dep_id AS a FROM test GROUP BY a"));
assertEquals("1:8: Grouping isn't (yet) compatible with nested fields [dep.dep_id]",
error("SELECT dep.dep_id AS a FROM test GROUP BY 1"));
assertEquals("1:8: Grouping isn't (yet) compatible with nested fields [dep.dep_id, dep.start_date]",
error("SELECT dep.dep_id AS a, dep.start_date AS b FROM test GROUP BY 1, 2"));
assertEquals("1:8: Grouping isn't (yet) compatible with nested fields [dep.dep_id, dep.start_date]",
error("SELECT dep.dep_id AS a, dep.start_date AS b FROM test GROUP BY a, b"));

public void testHavingOnNested() {
assertEquals("1:51: HAVING isn't (yet) compatible with nested fields [dep.start_date]",
error("SELECT int FROM test GROUP BY int HAVING AVG(YEAR(dep.start_date)) > 1980"));
assertEquals("1:22: HAVING isn't (yet) compatible with nested fields [dep.start_date]",
error("SELECT int, AVG(YEAR(dep.start_date)) AS average FROM test GROUP BY int HAVING average > 1980"));
assertEquals("1:22: HAVING isn't (yet) compatible with nested fields [dep.start_date, dep.end_date]",
error("SELECT int, AVG(YEAR(dep.start_date)) AS a, MAX(MONTH(dep.end_date)) AS b " +
"FROM test GROUP BY int " +
"HAVING a > 1980 AND b < 10"));

public void testWhereOnNested() {
assertEquals("1:33: WHERE isn't (yet) compatible with scalar functions on nested fields [dep.start_date]",
error("SELECT int FROM test WHERE YEAR(dep.start_date) + 10 > 0"));
assertEquals("1:13: WHERE isn't (yet) compatible with scalar functions on nested fields [dep.start_date]",
error("SELECT YEAR(dep.start_date) + 10 AS a FROM test WHERE int > 10 AND (int < 3 OR NOT (a > 5))"));
accept("SELECT int FROM test WHERE dep.start_date > '2020-01-30'::date AND (int > 10 OR dep.end_date IS NULL)");
accept("SELECT int FROM test WHERE dep.start_date > '2020-01-30'::date AND (int > 10 OR dep.end_date IS NULL) " +
"OR NOT(dep.start_date >= '2020-01-01')");

public void testOrderByOnNested() {
assertEquals("1:36: ORDER BY isn't (yet) compatible with scalar functions on nested fields [dep.start_date]",
error("SELECT int FROM test ORDER BY YEAR(dep.start_date) + 10"));
assertEquals("1:13: ORDER BY isn't (yet) compatible with scalar functions on nested fields [dep.start_date]",
error("SELECT YEAR(dep.start_date) + 10 FROM test ORDER BY 1"));
assertEquals("1:13: ORDER BY isn't (yet) compatible with scalar functions on nested fields " +
"[dep.start_date, dep.end_date]",
error("SELECT YEAR(dep.start_date) + 10 AS a, MONTH(dep.end_date) - 10 as b FROM test ORDER BY 1, 2"));
accept("SELECT int FROM test ORDER BY dep.start_date, dep.end_date");

public void testGroupByScalarFunctionWithAggOnTarget() {
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -1025,6 +1025,20 @@ public void testGroupByYearAndScalarsQueryTranslator() {

public void testOrderByYear() {
PhysicalPlan p = optimizeAndPlan("SELECT YEAR(date) FROM test ORDER BY 1");
assertEquals(EsQueryExec.class, p.getClass());
EsQueryExec eqe = (EsQueryExec) p;
assertEquals(1, eqe.output().size());
assertEquals("YEAR(date)", eqe.output().get(0).qualifiedName());
assertEquals(INTEGER, eqe.output().get(0).dataType());
assertThat(eqe.queryContainer().toString().replaceAll("\\s+", ""),
endsWith("\"sort\":[{\"_script\":{\"script\":{\"source\":\"InternalSqlScriptUtils.nullSafeSortNumeric(" +
"InternalSqlScriptUtils.dateTimeChrono(InternalSqlScriptUtils.docValue(doc,params.v0)," +
"params.v1,params.v2))\",\"lang\":\"painless\",\"params\":{\"v0\":\"date\",\"v1\":\"Z\"," +

public void testGroupByHistogramWithDate() {
assertTrue(p instanceof Aggregate);
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