Releases: ekscrypto/SwiftEmailValidator
Require SwiftPublicSuffixList 1.1.4
1.0.2 Require the iOS libraries fix in SwiftPublicSuffixList
Fix minimum iOS versions errors
1.0.1 Matching minimum versions of PublicSuffixList
1.0.0 Official Public Release
SwiftEmailValidator is finally feature complete with RFC2047 auto-encoding option, full Unicode support and Public Suffix validation. As recommended by users on Reddit, options have been added to be able to bypass the Public Suffix lookup and use a custom Regex for the domain.
0.9.2 Public Suffix List update 2022-01-29
This release updates the built-in Public Suffix List as of 2022-01-29.
SMTP server production ready
Version 0.9.1 of the library brings full international email validation support for SMTP server validation. Missing to reach the 1.0 milestone are .userInterface validation strategy support to allow some automatic reformatting of the email before using the strict validator.
0.9 SMTP Server Production Ready
Version 0.9 of the library brings full international email validation support for SMTP server validation. Missing to reach the 1.0 milestone are .userInterface validation strategy support to allow some automatic reformatting of the email before using the strict validator.
Pre-alpha release with US-ASCII email validation. RFC2047 class added for decoding Unicode email addresses but not yet fully supported in the validator