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ekdevdes edited this page Jul 21, 2012 · 6 revisions


After you've included the bbball.php file and create a new instance of it here are the methods you can use:

  • get_shot($id,$show_rebounds=false,$show_comments=false)

    • Gets a single shot from dribbbble
    • $id int The shots id. [Required] [Default: none]
    • $show_rebounds bool If true will include the given shot's (the shot is specified by the $id param) rebounds [Optional][Default: false]
    • $show_comments bool If true will include the given shot's (the shot is specified by the $id param) comments [Optional][Default: false]
    • Returns: an array of the parsed form of the resulting JSON
  • get_shots($list="everyone",$player_id=NULL)

    • Gets shots from dribbble with optionally, a few filters
    • $list string The list to fetch the shots from. Either "debuts","everyone","popular","following" or "likes" [Optional][Default: "everyone"]. For "following" or "likes" the $player_id must be not NULL
    • $player_id int A given player's id. If not present then will it will be ignored. If present $list will be ignored. [Optional][Default: none]

    NOTE: In order to specify the "following" or "likes" options the `$player_id` must not be NULL
    NOTE: `$player_id` can either the players actual id or their userame without the '@' in the begining + **Returns: an array of the parsed form of the resulting JSON**
  • get_player_info($id)

    • Get's a players info given a player id.
    • $id int or string The player's id [Required][Default: none]. $id can either be the users actual id or their username
    • Returns: an array of the parsed form of the resulting JSON
  • get_shot_rebounds($id)

    • Gets only a given shot's rebounds
    • $id int the given shot's id
    • Returns: an array of the given shot's (specified by the $id) rebounds
  • get_shot_comments($id)

    • Gets only a given shot's comments
    • $id int the given shot's id
    • Returns: an array of the given shot's (specified by the $id) comments
  • get_player_shots($id)

    • Gets only a given players shots
    • $id int or string the given players id or username without the '@' sign
    • Returns: an array from the parsed JSON

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