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  1. Implement an authentication form through email and password.
  2. Do not use component libraries.
  3. Mock fetch to emulate server operation.
  4. Ensure high speed of the application.
  5. Ensure high reliability of the application 🛡💪
  6. Deploy result on GitHub Pages.


> Test beautiful form <

Installation and launch

Installing packages

npm i

Launching the application

npm start

Running tests, lints and formatter 🛡💪

npm test

Application features

  1. Sign Up

    Registering a new user and entering the user page.

  2. Sign In

    Login to the user page.

  3. Ping

    Sending an empty request to the backend and getting a random string in the response.

  4. Sign Out


Project language

The main language of the project is TypeScript 🛡💪


Styling tools.

Naming of classes.

Project uses implicit BEM.

  • B (block) - .scss file name (adding automatically on the compile time).
  • E (element) - className defined on the top level of .scss file (uses PascalCase as like create-react-app or mui).
  • M (modifier) - className nested inside of element (uses camelCase).
  • Hash - add automatically on the compile time.

The result className will be looks like this:


File structure

Files and folders are stored as required by create-react-app.

If the folder is a module, then that folder includes an index file to define the exports available for that module. Otherwise, the folder is simply used to group other files and folders.

Frontend and backend

The project simultaneously includes the frontend code, as well as the minimum amount of code required to emulate the backend.

All API code is stored in src/api folder (src/api/back for backend, src/api/front for frontend).

The src/api/schema folder contains types that describes a comprehensive contract about how the frontend interacts with the backend. Violation of the terms of the contract from any side will immediately lead to a compilation error of the project 🛡💪

Both the frontend and backend share localStorage to store data between user sessions. The src/utils/LocalStorageItem utility provides a wrapper that makes working with localStorage easier.

Split UI and logic.

The project uses pattern ui-logic.

Every component define useLogic hook with all logic of component. This hook prepare props for everything inside of component file. This pattern makes more simple read, refactoring and testing.


The project uses absolute paths.

Error catching

Error interceptors are located at two levels:

  1. Interception at the React level (ErrorBoundary)
  2. Any uncaught errors will be caught globally (applyGlobalErrorCatching)

Both interceptors are included in the src/index.tsx file 🛡💪

Global settings

The src/settings folder stores settings that apply globally to the entire project. Each setting is separated into a separate function and is called once from the src/index.tsx file.

FP and OOP

Almost all code is written in FP style.

The OOP style is used in the following cases:

  • If the tool involves creating instances with internal state, and methods to manage this state.
  • If OOP features are required that are not in the FP.

Interface and type

The project uses recommendations from the official TypeScript documentation.

Code checks

The .lintstagedrc.mjs file describes the checks that are performed before each commit 🛡💪