Moshi is a spoken language tutor.
Moshi is deployed as an HTTP server exposed to end users over the public internet. It provides an HTML/Javascript interface used to establish audio connections over WebRTC.
Code is un
Uses setuptools
and build
to package Python code.
Run this:
make build-install && make build
- Makefile
- pyproject.toml
- setup.cfg
With the Google Cloud Artifact Registry set up (see notes/../ for runbook):
gcloud auth login
pip install twine keyring
keyring --list-backends
python3 -m twine upload \
--repository-url $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PYPI_URL \
"dist/*" \
^ hit enter through the usrnames Source: When u list-backends, look for GCloud. If u don't see, GLHF.
Setup virtualenv and install project & its Python dependencies:
eval "$(pyenv init -)" && \
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)" && \
pyenv virtualenv 3.10-dev mm310 && \
pyenv activate mm310 && \
pip install --upgrade pip && \
pip install -e .
For a development installation, use the -e
mkdir build && \
pip install -e .[dev,test]
Note that the setup.cfg
puts the .egg-info
into the local ./build
directory; you MUST create the build
dir first.
(cd moshi/ && python -m pydoc -b)
Make sure you have the test dependencies installed:
pip install -e .[test]
Test using pytest:
pytest -m 'not openai and not gcloud and not slow and not frontend'
brew install geckodriver
To start the web server:
MOSHINOSECURITY=1 python app/ --port 8080
The instance groups will pull the latest moshi
python package available on the repo.
- Entrypoint is in Cloudstore, see ops/ and notes/runbooks
- Python package is in gcloud repo, see Makefile and notes/runbooks
So you just do make publish
and cycle the instance group to deploy latest to prod.