gReLU is a Python library to train, interpret, and apply deep learning models to DNA sequences. Code documentation is available here.
To install from source:
git clone
cd gReLU
pip install .
To install using pip:
pip install gReLU
This project uses pre-commit. Please make sure to install it before making any changes:
pip install pre-commit
cd gReLU
pre-commit install
It is a good idea to update the hooks to the latest version:
pre-commit autoupdate
If you want to use genome annotation features through the function
, you will need to install the following UCSC utilities: genePredToBed
, genePredToGtf
, bedToGenePred
, gtfToGenePred
, gff3ToGenePred
If you want to create bigWig files through the function
, you will need to install the following UCSC utilities: bedGraphToBigWig
UCSC utilities can be installed from
, for example using the following commands:
rsync -aP rsync:// /usr/bin/
rsync -aP rsync:// /usr/bin/
rsync -aP rsync:// /usr/bin/
rsync -aP rsync:// /usr/bin/
rsync -aP rsync:// /usr/bin/
rsync -aP rsync:// /usr/bin/
or via bioconda:
conda install -y \
bioconda::ucsc-bedgraphtobigwig \
bioconda::ucsc-genepredtobed \
bioconda::ucsc-genepredtogtf \
bioconda::ucsc-bedtogenepred \
bioconda::ucsc-gtftogenepred \