Team members: William Huizenga, Eric Joselunas, Jessica Matty, Edgar Mendez
TRELLO: link to page:
GITHUB: link to page:
PORTFOLIO: a link in your portfolio site of each team member (in progress).
this application was built to help Users looking for adventures in the city of your selections but initially will be limited to the city of Atlanta area. The app allows you to discover, review, and or reject adventures entered by Users. It will also allow you to view adventures which are randomly selected by this application.
Users can initially select from a group of categories (Outdoor, Dinning, Indoor). Then, depending of the category selected, choose from a group of subcategories like: hiking, parks, etc. the application will return a randomly chosen adventure based on the User's initial selection. Users are then presented with information about the adventure and with the option to approve or reject the adventure based on the User's experience. Also, a comment can be added to the adventure.
the plan for version v2.0 is to include part or all of the following features:
- Functionality to select other locations (cities).
- Login information to keep track of Users
- Additional functionality to add tips to each adventure
- Adding more categories
- Location customizer: using a map to select cities or regions.
- Ability to display the percentage of acceptance for that adventure based on the number of likes or dislikes from previous Users input.
List of technologies used in this app:
javascript HTML CSS Jquery Mongo Express Node Heroku