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[controller] [js] Initial javascript JSSO coq-lsp controller
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Finally bootstrapped and working!

TODO before merge:

- Interrupt (for some reason not working)
  + we need to rethink the approach anyways I think
- Upstream disable uint size check to Coq
- Add README with todo
- open issues

- minimal distribution setup
  + hand write dune files for cma and coq-pkg for the prelude
  + bind jszip or some other zip lib
  + fetch package prelude.coq-pkg, unzip and register

TODO after merge (turn into issues):

- Package manager (v3)
- jsCoq SDK (v2)
  • Loading branch information
ejgallego committed Jul 24, 2023
1 parent e2b164e commit dd42279
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Showing 18 changed files with 1,490 additions and 12 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -154,6 +154,11 @@ Some tips:
## Worker version (and debugging tips)
See for debugging
tips with `js_of_ocaml`.
## Client guide (VS Code Extension)
The VS Code extension is setup as a standard `npm` Typescript + React package
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,11 +45,17 @@ watch: coq_boot
build-all: coq_boot
dune build $(DUNEOPT) @all

.PHONY: js
dune build --profile=release controller-js/coq_lsp_worker.bc.cjs
cp controller-js/coq_lsp_worker.bc.cjs editor/code/out/coq_lsp_worker.bc.js

# We set -libdir due to a Coq bug on win32, see
cd vendor/coq \
&& ./configure -no-ask -prefix $(shell pwd)/_build/install/default/ \
-libdir $(shell pwd)/_build/install/default/lib/coq \
-bytecode-compiler no \
-native-compiler no \
&& cp theories/dune.disabled theories/dune \
&& cp user-contrib/Ltac2/dune.disabled user-contrib/Ltac2/dune
Expand Down
173 changes: 173 additions & 0 deletions controller-js/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
(* Coq JavaScript API.
* Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Emilio J. Gallego Arias, Mines ParisTech, Paris.
* Copyright (C) 2018-2023 Shachar Itzhaky, Technion
* Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Emilio J. Gallego Arias, INRIA
* We provide a message-based asynchronous API for communication with
* Coq.

module U = Yojson.Safe.Util
module LIO = Lsp.Io
module LSP = Lsp.Base
open Js_of_ocaml
open Controller

let rec obj_to_json (cobj : < .. > Js.t) : Yojson.Safe.t =
let open Js in
let open Js.Unsafe in
let typeof_cobj = to_string (typeof cobj) in
match typeof_cobj with
| "string" -> `String (to_string @@ coerce cobj)
| "boolean" -> `Bool (to_bool @@ coerce cobj)
| "number" -> `Int (int_of_float @@ float_of_number @@ coerce cobj)
| _ ->
if instanceof cobj array_empty then
`List Array.(to_list @@ map obj_to_json @@ to_array @@ coerce cobj)
else if instanceof cobj Typed_array.arrayBuffer then
`String (Typed_array.String.of_arrayBuffer @@ coerce cobj)
else if instanceof cobj Typed_array.uint8Array then
`String (Typed_array.String.of_uint8Array @@ coerce cobj)
let json_string = Js.to_string (Json.output cobj) in
Yojson.Safe.from_string json_string

let rec json_to_obj (cobj : < .. > Js.t) (json : Yojson.Safe.t) : < .. > Js.t =
let open Js.Unsafe in
let ofresh j = json_to_obj (obj [||]) j in
match json with
| `Bool b -> coerce @@ Js.bool b
| `Null -> pure_js_expr "null"
| `Assoc l ->
List.iter (fun (p, js) -> set cobj p (ofresh js)) l;
| `List l -> Array.(Js.array @@ map ofresh (of_list l))
| `Float f -> coerce @@ Js.number_of_float f
| `String s -> coerce @@ Js.string s
| `Int m -> coerce @@ Js.number_of_float (float_of_int m)
| `Intlit s -> coerce @@ Js.number_of_float (float_of_string s)
| `Tuple t -> Array.(Js.array @@ map ofresh (of_list t))
| `Variant (_, _) -> pure_js_expr "undefined"

let findlib_conf = "\ndestdir=\"/lib\"path=\"/lib\""

let lib_fs ~prefix:_ ~path =
match path with
| "findlib.conf" -> Some findlib_conf
| _ -> None

let setup_pseudo_fs () =
(* '/static' is the default working directory of jsoo *)
Sys_js.unmount ~path:"/static";
Sys_js.mount ~path:"/lib/" lib_fs

let setup_std_printers () =
(* XXX Convert to logTrace? *)
(* Sys_js.set_channel_flusher stdout (fun msg -> post_answer (Log (Notice,
Pp.str @@ "stdout: " ^ msg))); *)
(* Sys_js.set_channel_flusher stderr (fun msg -> post_answer (Log (Notice,
Pp.str @@ "stderr: " ^ msg))); *)

let post_message (json : Yojson.Safe.t) =
let js = json_to_obj (Js.Unsafe.obj [||]) json in
Worker.post_message js

type opaque

external interrupt_setup : opaque (* Uint32Array *) -> unit = "interrupt_setup"

let interrupt_is_setup = ref false

let parse_msg msg =
if Js.instanceof msg Js.array_length then (
let _method_ = Js.array_get msg 0 in
let handle = Js.array_get msg 1 |> Obj.magic in
interrupt_setup handle;
interrupt_is_setup := true;
Error "processed interrupt_setup")
else obj_to_json msg |> Lsp.Base.Message.from_yojson

let on_msg msg =
match parse_msg msg with
| Error _ ->
Lsp.Io.logMessage ~lvl:1 ~message:"Error in JSON RPC Message Parsing"
| Ok msg ->
Lsp.Io.trace "interrupt_setup" (string_of_bool !interrupt_is_setup);
Lsp_core.enqueue_message msg

let setTimeout cb d = Dom_html.setTimeout cb d

let io_cb =
{ trace = Lsp.Io.trace
; message = Lsp.Io.logMessage
; diagnostics =
(fun ~uri ~version diags ->
Lsp.JLang.mk_diagnostics ~uri ~version diags |> post_message)
; fileProgress =
(fun ~uri ~version progress ->
Lsp.JFleche.mk_progress ~uri ~version progress |> post_message)

let rec process_queue ~state () =
Lsp_core.dispatch_or_resume_check ~io:io_cb ~ofn:post_message ~state
| None ->
LIO.trace "proccess queue" "ended";
| Some (Yield state) -> ignore (setTimeout (process_queue ~state) 0.1)
| Some (Cont state) -> process_queue ~state ()

let on_init ~root_state ~cmdline ~debug msg =
match parse_msg msg with
| Error _ -> ()
| Ok msg -> (
match Lsp_core.lsp_init_process ~ofn:post_message ~cmdline ~debug msg with
| Lsp_core.Init_effect.Exit -> (* XXX: bind to worker.close () *) ()
| Lsp_core.Init_effect.Loop -> ()
| Lsp_core.Init_effect.Success workspaces ->
Worker.set_onmessage on_msg;
let state = { Lsp_core.State.root_state; cmdline; workspaces } in
ignore (setTimeout (process_queue ~state) 0.1))

let coq_init ~debug =
let load_module = Dynlink.loadfile in
let load_plugin = Coq.Loader.plugin_handler None in
Coq.Init.(coq_init { debug; load_module; load_plugin })

external coq_vm_trap : unit -> unit = "coq_vm_trap"

(* This code is executed on Worker initialization *)
let main () =
(* This is needed if dynlink is enabled in 4.03.0 *)
Sys.interactive := false;

setup_pseudo_fs ();
setup_std_printers ();

(* setup_interp (); *)
coq_vm_trap ();

Lsp.Io.set_log_fn post_message;
Fleche.Io.CallBack.set io_cb;

let cmdline =
{ coqlib = "/lib/coq"
; coqcorelib = "/lib/coq"
; ocamlpath = Some "/lib"
; vo_load_path = []
; ml_include_path = []
; args = [ "-noinit" ]
let debug = true in
let root_state = coq_init ~debug in
Worker.set_onmessage (on_init ~root_state ~cmdline ~debug);

let () = main ()
Empty file.
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions controller-js/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
(name coq_lsp_worker)
(modes js)
(pps js_of_ocaml-ppx))
; (:include .extraflags)
; +toplevel.js
; --enable
; with-js-error
; --enable
; debuginfo
; --no-inline
; --debug-info
; --source-map
(link_flags -linkall -no-check-prims)
; The old makefile set: -noautolink -no-check-prims
(libraries zarith_stubs_js js_of_ocaml-lwt yojson controller))

(target coq_lsp_worker.bc.cjs)
(mode promote)
(copy coq_lsp_worker.bc.js coq_lsp_worker.bc.cjs)))

(targets marshal-arch.js)
(copy js_stub/marshal%{ocaml-config:word_size}.js %{targets})))

; Set debug flags if JSCOQ_DEBUG environment variable is set.
; (ugly, but there are no conditional expressions in Dune)

(targets .extraflags)
(env_var JSCOQ_DEBUG))
"echo '(' ${JSCOQ_DEBUG+ --pretty --noinline --disable shortvar --debug-info} ')'"))))

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