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[petanque] Initial commit, as an OCaml library
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ejgallego committed May 13, 2024
1 parent c4e7b4a commit 7b6b9ce
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- Update server settings on the fly when tweaking them in VSCode.
Implement `workspace/didChangeConfiguration` (@ejgallego, #702)
- New `petanque` API to interact directly with Coq's proof
engine. (@ejgallego, @gbdrt, #703, thanks to Alex Sanchez-Stern)

# coq-lsp Spring fix
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -182,6 +182,12 @@ fully-fledged LSP client.
add your pre/post processing passes, for example to analyze or serialize parts
of Coq files.

### 🪄 Advanced APIs for Coq Interaction

Thanks to Flèche, we provide some APIs on top of it that allow advanced uses
cases with Coq. In particular, we provide direct, low-overhead access to Coq's
proof engine using [petanque](./petanque).

### ♻️ Reusability, Standards, Modularity

The incremental document checking library of `coq-lsp` has been designed to be
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion coq/
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Expand Up @@ -50,9 +50,10 @@ type ('a, 'pp) goals =
; given_up : 'a list

let map_goals ~f { goals; stack; bullet; shelf; given_up } =
let map_goals ~f ~g { goals; stack; bullet; shelf; given_up } =
let goals = f goals in
let stack = (fun (s, r) -> ( f s, f r)) stack in
let bullet = g bullet in
let shelf = f shelf in
let given_up = f given_up in
{ goals; stack; bullet; shelf; given_up }
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion coq/goals.mli
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Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ type ('a, 'pp) goals =
; given_up : 'a list

val map_goals : f:('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'pp) goals -> ('b, 'pp) goals
val map_goals :
f:('a -> 'b) -> g:('pp -> 'pp') -> ('a, 'pp) goals -> ('b, 'pp') goals

type 'pp reified_pp = ('pp reified_goal, 'pp) goals

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85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions petanque/
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_Petanque_ (pronounced "petanque") is a gym-like environment for the
Coq Proof Assistant.

_Petanque_ is geared towards use cases where interacting at the
document-level (like Flèche provides) in not enough

## Authors

- Guilaume Baudart (Inria)
- Emilio J. Gallego Arias (Inria)
- Laetitia Teodorescu (Inria)

## Acknowlements

- Alex-Sánchez Stern

## Install instructions

Once in a `coq-lsp` dev environment, you need

Then do the `ocaml-in-python` setup:

You should register the "ocaml" package in your Python environment.
There are two options:
(1) either you register the package with "pip" using the following
pip install --editable "/home/egallego/.opam/dev-coq-lsp/lib/ocaml-in-python"
(2) or you add the following definition to your environment:
export PYTHONPATH="/home/egallego/.opam/dev-coq-lsp/share/python/:$PYTHONPATH"

## Running `pet shell`

Only once, setup the coq-lsp build environment (if you haven't already):
opam install --deps-only .
make submodules-init

to build and execute `petanque` do:
dune exec -- rlwrap %{bin:pet}

`rlwrap` is just a convenience, if your dune version is too old and
don't recognize the `%{bin:pet}` form, you can just do `dune exec -- pet`.

### A first example:

Please use one line per json input. json input examples are:

["Run_tac", {"st": 131266756246311, "tac": "induction n."}]

["Run_tac", {"st": 131266894677423, "tac": "simpl."}]

["Run_tac", {"st": 131266896660087, "tac": "auto."}]

Seems to work! (TM) (Famous last words)

## Running (not yet working ocaml-in-python)

make && PYTHONPATH="/home/egallego/.opam/dev-coq-lsp/share/python/:$PYTHONPATH" dune exec -- python3

then in the Python shell:
import ocaml
from ocaml import Petanque
147 changes: 147 additions & 0 deletions petanque/
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(* Petanque *)

let pet_debug = false

module State = struct
type t = Coq.State.t

let hash = Coq.State.hash
let equal = Coq.State.equal

module Env = struct
type t = Fleche.Doc.Env.t

(** Init errors *)
module Init_error = struct
type t = string

module Run_error = struct
type t =
| Interrupted
| Parsing of string
| Coq of string
| Anomaly of string

module Start_error = struct
type t =
| Run of Run_error.t
| Theorem_not_found of string

let init_coq ~debug =
let load_module = Dynlink.loadfile in
let load_plugin = Coq.Loader.plugin_handler None in
Coq.Init.(coq_init { debug; load_module; load_plugin })

let cmdline : Coq.Workspace.CmdLine.t =
{ coqlib = Coq_config.coqlib
; coqcorelib = Filename.concat Coq_config.coqlib "../coq-core"
; ocamlpath = None
; vo_load_path = []
; ml_include_path = []
; args = []
; require_libraries = []

let io =
let trace hdr ?extra:_ msg =
Format.eprintf "@[[trace] %s | %s @]@\n%!" hdr msg
let message ~lvl:_ ~message =
Format.eprintf "@[[message] %s @]@\n%!" message
let diagnostics ~uri:_ ~version:_ _diags = () in
let fileProgress ~uri:_ ~version:_ _pinfo = () in
let perfData ~uri:_ ~version:_ _perf = () in
{ Fleche.Io.CallBack.trace; message; diagnostics; fileProgress; perfData }

let read_raw ~uri =
let file = Lang.LUri.File.to_string_file uri in
Stdlib.In_channel.(with_open_text file input_all)

let find_thm ~(doc : Fleche.Doc.t) ~thm =
let { Fleche.Doc.toc; _ } = doc in
match CString.Map.find_opt thm toc with
| None ->
let msg = Format.asprintf "@[[find_thm] Theorem not found!@]" in
Error (Start_error.Theorem_not_found msg)
| Some range ->
if pet_debug then Format.eprintf "@[[find_thm] Theorem found!@\n@]%!";
(* let point = (range.start.line, range.start.character) in *)
let point = (range.end_.line, range.end_.character) in
let approx = Fleche.Info.PrevIfEmpty in
let node = Fleche.Info.LC.node ~doc ~point approx in
let error =
(Format.asprintf "@[[find_thm] No node found for point (%d, %d) @]"
(fst point) (snd point))
Base.Result.of_option ~error node |> Fleche.Doc.Node.state

let pp_diag fmt { Lang.Diagnostic.message; _ } =
Format.fprintf fmt "%a" Pp.pp_with message

let print_diags (doc : Fleche.Doc.t) =
let d = Fleche.Doc.diags doc in
Format.(eprintf "@[<v>%a@]" (pp_print_list pp_diag) d)

let init ~token ~debug ~root =
let init = init_coq ~debug in
Fleche.Io.CallBack.set io;
let dir = Lang.LUri.File.to_string_file root in
let ( let+ ) = Base.Result.( >>| ) in
let+ workspace = Coq.Workspace.guess ~token ~debug ~cmdline ~dir in
let files = Coq.Files.make () in
Fleche.Doc.Env.make ~init ~workspace ~files

let start ~token ~env ~uri ~thm =
let raw = read_raw ~uri in
(* Format.eprintf "raw: @[%s@]%!" raw; *)
let doc = Fleche.Doc.create ~token ~env ~uri ~version:0 ~raw in
print_diags doc;
let target = Fleche.Doc.Target.End in
let doc = Fleche.Doc.check ~io ~token ~target ~doc () in
find_thm ~doc ~thm

let parse ~loc tac st =
let str = Gramlib.Stream.of_string tac in
let str = Coq.Parsing.Parsable.make ?loc str in
Coq.Parsing.parse ~st str

let parse_and_execute_in ~token ~loc tac st =
let open Coq.Protect.E.O in
let* ast = parse ~token ~loc tac st in
match ast with
| Some ast -> Fleche.Memo.Interp.eval ~token (st, ast)
(* On EOF we return the previous state, the command was the empty string or a
comment *)
| None -> Coq.Protect.E.ok st

let protect_to_result (r : _ Coq.Protect.E.t) : (_, _) Result.t =
match r with
| { r = Interrupted; feedback = _ } -> Error Run_error.Interrupted
| { r = Completed (Error (User (_loc, msg))); feedback = _ } ->
Error (Run_error.Coq (Pp.string_of_ppcmds msg))
| { r = Completed (Error (Anomaly (_loc, msg))); feedback = _ } ->
Error (Run_error.Anomaly (Pp.string_of_ppcmds msg))
| { r = Completed (Ok r); feedback = _ } -> Ok r

let run_tac ~token ~st ~tac : (Coq.State.t, Run_error.t) Result.t =
(* Improve with thm? *)
let loc = None in
Coq.State.in_stateM ~token ~st ~f:(parse_and_execute_in ~token ~loc tac) st
|> protect_to_result

let goals ~token ~st =
let f goals =
let f = Coq.Goals.map_reified_goal ~f:Pp.string_of_ppcmds in
let g = Pp.string_of_ppcmds in (Coq.Goals.map_goals ~f ~g) goals
in ~f (Fleche.Info.Goals.goals ~token ~st) |> protect_to_result

let contents () = ()
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions petanque/agent.mli
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(** Petanque.Agent *)
module State : sig
type t

val hash : t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool

module Env : sig
(** Coq Workspaces / project enviroments *)
type t

(** Init errors *)
module Init_error : sig
type t = string

(** Runtime errors *)
module Run_error : sig
type t =
| Interrupted
| Parsing of string
| Coq of string
| Anomaly of string

module Start_error : sig
type t =
| Run of Run_error.t (** Runtime errors may happen on start *)
| Theorem_not_found of string

(** [init ~debug ~root] Initializes Coq, with project and workspace settings
from [root]. [root] needs to be in URI format. This function needs to be
called _once_ before all others. *)
val init :
-> debug:bool
-> root:Lang.LUri.File.t
-> (Env.t, Init_error.t) Result.t

(** [start uri thm] start a new proof for theorem [thm] in file [uri]. *)
val start :
-> env:Env.t
-> uri:Lang.LUri.File.t
-> thm:string
-> (State.t, Start_error.t) Result.t

(** [run_tac ~token ~st ~tac] tries to run [tac] over state [st] *)
val run_tac :
-> st:State.t
-> tac:string
-> (State.t, Run_error.t) Result.t

(** [goals ~token ~st] return the list of goals for a given [st] *)
val goals :
-> st:State.t
-> (string Coq.Goals.reified_pp option, Run_error.t) Result.t

(** Return the table of contents for a file *)
val contents : unit -> unit
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions petanque/dune
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(public_name coq-lsp.petanque)
(name petanque)
(libraries fleche))

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