Nubeva Proof of Concept Files
Uses whatever account you are logged into currently with 'az login'
./nubeva-poc-install -n nubevapoc -r westus -p NubevaCustomPass!
./nubeva-poc-install -n nubevapoc -d
-n|--name <name>
The name of the POC resource group to create/delete
-r|--region <region>
CONDITIONAL (Required for create only)
The region to use for the POC resource group
Flag to schedule a delete of a POC environment, if not specified goes to
create by default
-p|--password <password>
Manually override the password for all devices, default is 'G0Nub3va20[]'
-o|--offer <preview|live>
Choose whether to use preview version of the Controller or live.
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