Never stops streaming awesome videos, yay!
Add the following to your application's Gemfile and run $bundle:
gem 'eivid', "1.0.0" # check the latest version on:
Add the following file to your app's config/initializers directory:
# eivid.rb
Eivid.set_mattr_accessors do |config|
config.owner_model = "owner"
In this file, set the {owner_model} to your apps owner of videos, which generates the following methods (in this example config.owner_model is set to "organisation"):
# retrieves the owner_id from a record
# returns the owner record of your application
# scope, which returns all records for your application's organisation
# returns the owner record of your application
Create and run the required migrations:
$ rails eivid:install:migrations
$ rails db:migrate
For your application's owner model (in this example Organisation), run the following command, which creates all dedicated folders within Vimeo:
Organisation.find_each { |owner| Eivid::Owner.create(external_id: }
Add the following to your routes.rb:
mount Eivid::Engine => "/eivid"
Set the following environment variables in your application:
Witin your application's owner model (in this example Organisation), add to following:
Which runs an after_create effect, which creates an Eivid::Owner for every new Organisation record, and generates the following methods within your application:
# returns a single Eivid::Owner record for the owner, which includes a Vimeo folder_id
#returns all Eivid::Video records, which each contain an url to the video and vimeo_id
Besides an owner, an Eivid::Video can belongs to many resources of your main application, e.g. a Post, Manual or Message. This functionality is provided through a join table Eivid::VideoResource, which enables any model of your application to has_many Eivid::VideoResource. In order to create this association, paste the following code in your application's resource holder:
Which generates the following methods within your application (in this example for a Post model):
# returns join table records
# returns video records
# scope which returns all records (here Post instances) which have a video
# scope which returns all records (here Post instances) which do not have a video
An Eivid::Video can optionally belong to your application's User model. If you want to hook up your User with Eivid::Video, include the following in your user.rb file.
Note: for the user_id to be added to a Eivid::Video record, your main application should provide an User instance @user within your controllers.
Which generates the following methods within your application:
# returns video records
# returns join table records
# returns an User instance
Before each controller action, the the @owner variable is set through through params['external_owner_id']
. If you want to overwrite this logic, because your main application already has some kind of standardized before hooks, you can do that by setting the following in your config/initializers/eivid.rb file. This code will be evaluated, instead of params['external_owner_id']
Eivid.set_mattr_accessors do |config|
config.infer_external_owner_id = ""
If you want your front end to be notified on the progress of the videos being uploaded to vimeo, you can add the following to your eivid.rb config file. The method fields should be any proc and accept a single positional hash as argument, which stores all the progress information. This proc will be called on any progress change, thus enabbles you to set which method in your main application should handle the change.
# eivid.rb
Eivid.set_mattr_accessors do |config|
config.notify_front_enabled = true
config.notify_method_on_upload = -> (data) { "NotifyFrontOnVimeoService.progress(#{data})" }
config.notify_method_on_video_available = -> (data) { "NotifyFrontOnVimeoService.progress(#{data})" }
config.notify_method_on_versions_available = -> (data) { "NotifyFrontOnVimeoService.progress(#{data})" }