NBT (Named Binary Tag) is a tag based binary format designed to carry large amounts of binary data with smaller amounts of additional data.
Add this to your Cargo.toml
named-binary-tag = "0.6"
use nbt::decode::read_compound_tag;
use std::io::Cursor;
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(include_bytes!("../test/binary/servers.dat").to_vec());
let root_tag = read_compound_tag(&mut cursor).unwrap();
let servers = root_tag.get_compound_tag_vec("servers").unwrap();
assert_eq!(servers.len(), 1);
let server = servers[0];
let ip = server.get_str("ip").unwrap();
let name = server.get_str("name").unwrap();
let hide_address = server.get_bool("hideAddress").unwrap();
assert_eq!(ip, "localhost:25565");
assert_eq!(name, "Minecraft Server");
use nbt::encode::write_compound_tag;
use nbt::CompoundTag;
let mut server = CompoundTag::new();
server.insert_str("ip", "localhost:25565");
server.insert_str("name", "Minecraft Server");
server.insert_bool("hideAddress", true);
let mut servers = Vec::new();
let mut root_tag = CompoundTag::new();
root_tag.insert_compound_tag_vec("servers", servers);
let mut vec = Vec::new();
write_compound_tag(&mut vec, &root_tag).unwrap();