Author: Chris Eigner
Rudimentary Ruby implementaion of beeswithmachineguns (
Spins up micro EC2 instances and blasts the supplied URL with requests.
Results from each instance are concatonated and written to results.txt
Requires ~/.fog to exist. First run of fog binary will spit out sample .fog file.
Assumes you have public key named id_rsa in ~/.ssh
Does NOT divide requests among all instances like beeswithmachineguns. If you run with "-s 4 -c 10", this will run 10 concurrent requests on each instance, creating a total of 40 concurrent requests at the server.
rubeeswithuzis -s 4 -n 1000 -c 10 -u
Please use responsibly. Amazon will bring down the banhammer on your account if you abuse.