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A PHP library to play with the Raspberry PI's GPIO pins


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php-gpio is a simple PHP library to play with the Raspberry PI's GPIO pins.

It provides simple tools such as reading & writing to pins.

General Purpose Input/Output (a.k.a. GPIO) is a generic pin on a chip whose behavior (including whether it is an input or output pin) can be controlled (programmed) through software. The Raspberry Pi allows peripherals and expansion boards (such as the Rpi Gertboard) to access the CPU by exposing the inputs and outputs.

For further informations about the Raspberry Pi's GPIO capabilities, see docs & schemas at

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The recommended way to install php-gpio is through composer.

Just run these two commands to install it (curl needed):

$ wget
$ php composer.phar create-project --stability='dev' ronanguilloux/php-gpio intoYourPath

Now you can add the autoloader, and you will have access to the library:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

If you don't use neither Composer nor a ClassLoader in your application, just require the provided autoloader:


require_once 'src/autoload.php';

API Usage

The API usage requires sudo permissions.
To respect such permissions needs (say, for any web-related usage), see blinker file and the explanations below.


    require 'vendor/autoload.php';

    use PhpGpio\Gpio;

    echo "Setting up pin 17\n";
    $gpio = new GPIO();
    $gpio->setup(17, "out");

    echo "Turning on pin 17\n";
    $gpio->output(17, 1);

    echo "Sleeping!\n";

    echo "Turning off pin 17\n";
    $gpio->output(17, 0);

    echo "Unexporting all pins\n";

Understanding I/O permissions

Permissions make sense:

  • it's bad practice to run your webserver user (say, Apache2's www-data) as root
  • it's bad practice to chmod 777 /dev only because someone wants to blink a led freely

Such practices are regularly proposed on RPi forums, but they aren't security-aware & therefore not recommeded in an Internet environment. Instead, the good old /etc/sudoers file allow your linux users to execute single files with sudo permissions without password to type. In order to blink a led without exposing you Raspbery Pi to security issues, we provide a simple blinker php file, executable from the shell. To run this blinker with sudo permissions but without password inputting, just allow your www-data or your pi user to run the blinker script. With the solution provided below, only one blinker script is needed to manage all your leds, and your webserver application needs only one php file to be specified in /etc/sudoers.

Edit your /etc/sudoers file:

$ sudo visudo

Then add this two lines in your /etc/sudoers file :

pi ALL=NOPASSWD: /path/to/blinker
www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /path/to/blinker

Note that you could also have written more pathes:

myLinuxLogin ALL=NOPASSWD: /path/to/blinker1.php, /path/to/blinker2.php, /path/to/blinker3.php

The blinker file provided is ready to use the API. Just create a blinkTester.php file that calls the blinker.


    # blinkTester.php
    # Blinks the LED wired to the GPIO #17 pin with 0.2 second delay:
    $result = exec('sudo ./blinker 17 20000');

Test your blinker:

$ php blinkTester.php

API Implementations

Some php-gpio api examples / demo :

  • Temperature-Pi, a simple php project reading & logging temperatures using a DS18B20 1-Wire digital temperature sensor & this php-gpio library.

Unit Tests

Running the full PhpUnit tests set over php-gpio requires a sudoable user, because of various gpio operations. Instead of installing phpunit, you can just download & use the single PhpUnit package. This can be easily done using cURL, to get the standalone PhpUnit's phar file:

$ wget
$ chmod +x phpunit.phar
$ wget
$ php composer.phar install --dev
$ sudo /usr/bin/php phpunit.phar

PHP Quality

For PHP quality fans, and for my self coding improvement, I wrote a little script available in the ./bin directory I launch to check my PHP code: It produces various stats & metrics & improvements tips on the code.



php-gpio is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details. You can find a copy of this software here:


A PHP library to play with the Raspberry PI's GPIO pins







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