Web app for managing university courses and grades.
Note: Currently this app is only available in German and uses the Austrian grading system (1 to 5, 1 is best, 5 is failing).
See Studienplaner in action on the official website.
- Manage courses, attendances, and grades.
- Filter courses by type, title, or grade.
- Tagging system to model complex dependencies.
- Calculation of gained credits and average grade.
- Semester view with credit bar-chart.
- Import university programs from a public database.
- Automatic saving to and loading from local-storage.
- JSON import and export.
- Offline mode.
- Internationalization (first and foremost an English translation).
- Multiple grading systems.
- Time-intervals other than semester (year, trimester, etc.).
- Line-chart of average grade across time-intervals.
- Tasks and deadlines for individual attendances.
- Group courses into modules with complex completion criteria.
lukas-eibensteiner/studienplaner-data (serves as public database for the app)
lukas-eibensteiner/studienplaner-web (official website)