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Evolving Agent standard parameters

Aichoo AIOS edited this page Nov 9, 2018 · 1 revision

#key=data; type=random_array_of_fields; length=13
{data} is a list fields generated by AIOS Kernel and given to the agent. Use this keyword in the Agent's code to obtain the list.
length defines a size of such list, which must be not larger than the total number if fields available.

#key=include_columns_type; type=random_from_set; set=is_dict_only
this parameter works at the Kernel level and specifies the following condition during list of fields construction:

value descr
all fields should be included
is_dict_only only text fields included
non_dict_only only numeric fields included

#key=include_columns_containing; type=random_from_set; set=
this parameter works at the Kernel level and specifies a pattern or logical combination of patterns that must be present in a field name to make sure such field is included in the list. Examples of values:
('%field1%' or '%field2%') and 'ev_field%'
if parameter is empty then all fields are included.

#key=ignore_columns_containing; type=random_from_set; set=%ev_field%
this parameter works at the Kernel level and specifies the pattern or logical combination of patterns that, if present in the field name, the field will be excluded from the list. Examples of values:
('%field1%' or '%field2%') and 'ev_field%'
if parameter is empty then no fields are excluded.

AIOS Kernel constructs the list of fields applying the parameters above in the following order: