This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.
[skip ci] ## 1.0.0 (2022-12-17) ### Features * add `egg-bin autod --check` command ([#70](#70)) ([0f0c7ab](0f0c7ab)) * add COV_EXCLUDES for coverage excludes ([#7](#7)) ([a33e561](a33e561)) * add sticky mode support ([#32](#32)) ([f5a1152](f5a1152)) * add ts env in command ([#98](#98)) ([756310e](756310e)) * allow loading ts compiler from cwd ([#169](#169)) ([4a54cec](4a54cec)) * auto detect available port ([#22](#22)) ([6d7ad41](6d7ad41)) * auto require setup file ([#24](#24)) ([a847750](a847750)) * build-in intelli-espower-loader ([#20](#20)) ([4e86a67](4e86a67)) * change default timeout to 60000 ([#50](#50)) ([cbc9263](cbc9263)) * commands support specific execArgv(harmony) ([#33](#33)) ([0c7108b](0c7108b)) * cov support output json-summary ([#64](#64)) ([c1de734](c1de734)) * cov support typescript ([#91](#91)) ([8a05e19](8a05e19)) * **cov:** add nyc instrument passthrough ([#103](#103)) ([8fa805b](8fa805b)) * **cov:** add prerequire option ([#53](#53)) ([055c47f](055c47f)) * **cov:** add prerequire option ([#53](#53)) ([a6a2b4a](a6a2b4a)) * debug proxy support ([678b83d](678b83d)) * **debug:** [BREAKING_CHANGE] remove iron-node ([#26](#26)) ([9d4170f](9d4170f)) * default enable c8 report ([#189](#189)) ([72e925b](72e925b)) * **dev:** pass debug args to execArgv ([#12](#12)) ([92b111f](92b111f)) * egg-bin check ([#87](#87)) ([92b1489](92b1489)) * enable mochawesome by default ([#193](#193)) ([6636e8f](6636e8f)) * expose proc ([#152](#152)) ([dcc9b25](dcc9b25)) * extractArgv refactor & extract debug port ([994616d](994616d)) * extractArgv support expose_debug_as ([6f5d525](6f5d525)) * impl parallel for mocha parallel mode ([#185](#185)) ([78141e8](78141e8)) * intergration with egg-ts-helper ([#123](#123)) ([263cfd1](263cfd1)) * pass --check to pkgfiles ([#48](#48)) ([7b0c995](7b0c995)) * remove correct-source-map.js ([#109](#109)) ([8b62742](8b62742)) * resolve istanbul path for coffee ([#9](#9)) ([147add8](147add8)) * revert egg-bin check ([#90](#90)) ([83322e6](83322e6)) * revert to 4.2.0 ([c65a00d](c65a00d)) * set EGG_MASTER_CLOSE_TIMEOUT when run dev ([#88](#88)) ([c48860c](c48860c)) * should print error stack ([#132](#132)) ([5c621f6](5c621f6)) * simplify mocha error stack ([#59](#59)) ([0b01158](0b01158)) * support $NODE_DEBUG_OPTION ([#71](#71)) ([1340ce7](1340ce7)) * support c8 report ([#172](#172)) ([1e96da2](1e96da2)) * support cov command in win32 ([#52](#52)) ([93b731d](93b731d)) * support egg-bin test --changed ([#111](#111)) ([51f93aa](51f93aa)) * support egg.typescript ([#92](#92)) ([a7f0ca8](a7f0ca8)) * support mocha custom require args ([#5](#5)) ([fb8fd32](fb8fd32)) * support read egg.require from package.json ([#121](#121)) ([904103f](904103f)) * support set eggTsHelper ([#183](#183)) ([f564cbf](f564cbf)) * support switch ts compiler ([#158](#158)) ([a74bae2](a74bae2)) * support typescript ([#89](#89)) ([75b5cd6](75b5cd6)) * test --dry-run ([#145](#145)) ([3cc3b0b](3cc3b0b)) * try to use --inspect first ([#19](#19)) ([d7ad24c](d7ad24c)) * update pkg.files that if file exists ([#37](#37)) ([af5af6a](af5af6a)) * upgrade espower-typescript to 9.0 ([#106](#106)) ([35e89db](35e89db)) * use nyc instead of istanbul ([#63](#63)) ([3cf312c](3cf312c)) * use test when run cov on Windows ([#18](#18)) ([611027f](611027f)), closes [/]( * use unparseArgv from common-bin ([#45](#45)) ([da41b8e](da41b8e)) ### Bug Fixes * --full-trace should be boolean ([#191](#191)) ([bfd7fab](bfd7fab)) * -x only support string ([#47](#47)) ([b79f0cc](b79f0cc)) * .setup.js should be the first test file ([#30](#30)) ([4f45c6b](4f45c6b)) * add missing deps ([#42](#42)) ([86ebc75](86ebc75)) * add power-assert to deps ([#21](#21)) ([8b7ce8d](8b7ce8d)) * auto add .setup.ts file ([#147](#147)) ([00afdf7](00afdf7)) * can not find iron-node in subprocess ([#8](#8)) ([d6a57f5](d6a57f5)) * ci failed ([#162](#162)) ([4a076e6](4a076e6)) * clean more mocha error stack ([#60](#60)) ([9c77118](9c77118)) * conflix source map support ([#181](#181)) ([a1ec4f7](a1ec4f7)) * cov replaced warning at win ([#49](#49)) ([d2850a5](d2850a5)) * **cov:** istanbul path env ([#44](#44)) ([ce8f141](ce8f141)) * **cov:** wait 1 second for Windows ([#16](#16)) ([742f6fc](742f6fc)) * debug at 6.x ([469739f](469739f)) * debug mode detect ([#130](#130)) ([819d78f](819d78f)) * debug-test invoke formatTestArgs ([a82a87a](a82a87a)) * don't pass prerequire ([#57](#57)) ([e0d03d3](e0d03d3)) * downgrade ts-node ([#126](#126)) ([d802694](d802694)) * egginfo is not exists ([#159](#159)) ([8666e9e](8666e9e)) * ets not found ([#124](#124)) ([8f6135e](8f6135e)) * fix cov env ([#188](#188)) ([e18ceda](e18ceda)) * fix ENABLE_MOCHA_PARALLEL/AUTO_AGENT env ([#187](#187)) ([88ba6d5](88ba6d5)) * fix espwoer-typescript inject logic ([#178](#178)) ([2e0fecd](2e0fecd)) * fix source map line number incorrect ([#107](#107)) ([ca4f78f](ca4f78f)), closes [/]( * fixed ts-node ignore files ([#105](#105)) ([a790304](a790304)) * force exit when runner complete ([#83](#83)) ([7386194](7386194)) * ignore eggTsHelper on node-test ([#186](#186)) ([c5db00e](c5db00e)) * ignore frontend files and document files ([#65](#65)) ([f9d578e](f9d578e)) * let sub class can override getFrameworkOrEggPath ([1320144](1320144)) * link mocha bin from inner file ([#15](#15)) ([f6cb195](f6cb195)) * make sure dev command eggPath can be override ([#23](#23)) ([22510d7](22510d7)) * make sure files sort in all platforms ([#86](#86)) ([6689962](6689962)) * nyc shim ([#138](#138)) ([3b370ef](3b370ef)) * only hotfix spawn-wrap on windows ([#69](#69)) ([e784a3d](e784a3d)) * package.json to reduce vulnerabilities ([#108](#108)) ([e910ae3](e910ae3)) * package.json to reduce vulnerabilities ([#81](#81)) ([e3c33e9](e3c33e9)) * remove espower typescript ([#160](#160)) ([563923a](563923a)) * remove temp excludes ([40aaca1](40aaca1)) * remove ts extensions by default ([#94](#94)) ([1c860a9](1c860a9)) * revert nyc ([#140](#140)) ([9cb8125](9cb8125)), closes [/]( * should exit when no test files found ([#100](#100)) ([e375ba4](e375ba4)) * should ignore fixtures and node_modules ([#96](#96)) ([e73c569](e73c569)) * should not timeout when debugging ([#129](#129)) ([3b6819c](3b6819c)) * should only read pkg if argv.typescript not pass ([#97](#97)) ([1e93020](1e93020)) * should pass customEgg to startCluster ([#25](#25)) ([e3d7974](e3d7974)) * should support -p ([#27](#27)) ([df86893](df86893)) * should support multi exclude dirs ([#66](#66)) ([1ac9d68](1ac9d68)) * support --workers same as egg-scripts ([#127](#127)) ([fcae123](fcae123)) * support egg-bin dev --cluster and --baseDir ([#36](#36)) ([ba7d409](ba7d409)) * support node4 ([#35](#35)) ([dbbaf98](dbbaf98)) * support relative path ([#95](#95)) ([7531faa](7531faa)) * There is a case sensitive issue from spawn-wrap on Windows ([#67](#67)) ([56f8518](56f8518)) * use co-mocha instead of thunk-mocha ([#38](#38)) ([f6b5171](f6b5171)) * use context.env instead of process.env ([#58](#58)) ([9aa0030](9aa0030)) * use inspector at 7.x+ ([#74](#74)) ([2e3498e](2e3498e)) * using ts-node in app should check tscompiler and deps ([#170](#170)) ([662b9e9](662b9e9)) * wait more time for Window 😢 ([#17](#17)) ([d6f6b3b](d6f6b3b))
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