Configure apps remotely: A simple but effective way to manage apps remotely.
Create a simple configuration file that is easy to maintain and host, yet provides important flexibility to specify settings based on your needs.
General info about AppRemoteConfig can be found here.
The JSON/YAML schema is defined here.
Use the care
CLI utility to initialize, verify, resolve and prepare configuration files.
To install use:
brew install egeniq/app-utilities/care
Import the package in your Package.swift
.package(url: "", from: "0.5.0"),
Then a good approach is to create your own AppRemoteConfigClient
// App Remote Config
name: "AppRemoteConfigClient",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "AppRemoteConfigService", package: "app-remote-config-ios"),
.product(name: "AppRemoteConfigServiceMacros", package: "app-remote-config-ios"),
.product(name: "Dependencies", package: "swift-dependencies"),
.product(name: "DependenciesAdditions", package: "swift-dependencies-additions"),
.product(name: "DependenciesMacros", package: "swift-dependencies"),
.product(name: "Perception", package: "swift-perception")
Using these dependencies:
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
Then your AppRemoteConfigClient.swift
is something like this:
import AppRemoteConfigService
import AppRemoteConfigServiceMacros
import Dependencies
import DependenciesMacros
import Foundation
import Perception
@AppRemoteConfigValues @Perceptible @MainActor
public class Values {
public private(set) var updateRecommended: Bool = false
public private(set) var updateRequired: Bool = false
public struct AppRemoteConfigClient: Sendable {
public var values: @Sendable @MainActor () -> Values = { Values() }
extension DependencyValues {
public var configClient: AppRemoteConfigClient {
get { self[AppRemoteConfigClient.self] }
set { self[AppRemoteConfigClient.self] = newValue }
extension AppRemoteConfigClient: TestDependencyKey {
public static let testValue = Self()
extension AppRemoteConfigClient: DependencyKey {
public static let liveValue = {
let live = LockIsolated<LiveMainActorAppRemoteConfigClient?>(nil)
return AppRemoteConfigClient(
values: {
if live.value == nil {
let dependency = LiveMainActorAppRemoteConfigClient()
return live.value!.values
// This is used to workaround the error:
// Main actor-isolated static property 'liveValue' cannot be used to satisfy nonisolated protocol requirement.
private class LiveMainActorAppRemoteConfigClient {
fileprivate let values: Values
private let service: AppRemoteConfigService
init() {
let url = URL(string: "")!
let bundledConfigURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "appconfig", withExtension: "json")
values = Values()
service = AppRemoteConfigService(url: url, publicKey: nil, bundledConfigURL: bundledConfigURL, bundleIdentifier: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier ?? "Sample", apply: values.apply(settings:))
Support for Android can be found here.