This tool can be user for half-automated elasticsearch passwords management.
es-change-passwords -endpoint "" -config=test/config.yml -insecure=true -tls-cert=test/tls.crt -tls-key=test/tls.key -tls-ca=test/ca.crt
argument | type | comment | default |
-endpoint | string | Elasticsearch http(s) port | |
-config | string | path to configuration file | config.yml |
-insecure | bool | Skip tls checks? | false |
-tls-cert | string | Path to client .pem certificate | |
-tls-key | string | Path to client .pem private key | |
-tls-ca | string | Path to CA .pem certificate |
passwords: []
# - username: elastic
# password: newChangeMe
# old_password: changeme
# - username: kibana
# password: newChangeMe
- passwords: list
- username: string, username to proceed
- password: string, password to set
- old_password: string, used only for
- old_password: string, used only for
helm -n logging upgrade --install es-passwords .helm/es-change-passwords \
--set endpoint="https://es-headless:9200" \
--set certs.secretName="es-http" \
--set certs.mount=true \
--set fullnameOverride="passwords"
- certs:
- mount: boolean, is secret mount required
- secretName: string, secret name to mount
- keyCA: string, key in secret with CA certificate
- keyCert: string, key in secret with client tls certificate
- keyKey: string, key in secret with client tls key
- endpoint: string, elasticsearch http(s) endpoint
- passwords: list
- username: string, username to proceed
- password: string, password to set
- old_password: string, used only for
- old_password: string, used only for
- image: string, image to use
- imagePullSecrets: list, see Specifying imagePullSecrets on a Pod
- nameOverride: string, partial override
- fullnameOverride: string, full override
- resources: object, see Managing Resources for Containers
- nodeSelector: object, see Assigning Pods to Nodes : nodeSelector
- tolerations: list, see Taints and Tolerations
- affinity: object, see Assigning Pods to Nodes : Affinity and anti-affinity