This code is deprecated, please go to"
You need macOS 10.12 or newer to run eduVPN.
Supporting earlier versions of macOS is currently not possible due to:
- usage of date formatting API introduced in 10.12 (relatively easy to fix)
- usage of RSA signing API introduced in 10.12 (alternative needed)
This app includes openvpn as a binary. It is taken from the Tunnelblick binary distributions. The current version is openvpn-2.4.7-openssl-1.1.1b
. No patches are applied to the openvpn binary, though the up and down scripts are edited to fit our needs and avoid namespace collisions. Note that Tunnelblick does apply some (minor) patches to the official openvpn source code.
The helper will only run binaries that are signed. This is automatically done with a run script during the build process.
To verify code signing and priviliged helper settings use the tool.
$ Tools/ check
Another tool that can be used to verify settings is RB App Checker Lite. (It currently crashes when you launch the app directly on macOS 10.13. Workaround: drag the onto the RB App Checker icon.)
The bundle identifier (CFBundleIdentifier
) in the helper's Info.plist should be spelled out. Correct:
You need Carthage to build dependencies.
A version for distribution can be build using the provided script
> ./
Build Script for eduVPN (and derivatives)
Which target do you want to build?
1. eduVPN
2. Let's Connect!
Which signing identity do you want to use?
1. SURFnet B.V. (ZYJ4TZX4UU)
2. Egeniq (E85CT7ZDJC)
3. Other
You are currently on branch release/test1.
Continue building version test1 (using Developer ID Application: SURFnet B.V. (ZYJ4TZX4UU)) (y/n)?y
To build with Xcode 10 using Carthage use:
tee ${PWD}/Carthage/64bit.xcconfig <<-'EOF'
XCODE_XCCONFIG_FILE="${PWD}/Carthage/64bit.xcconfig" carthage build --platform macOS --no-skip-current --verbose
You can use the provided script
to uninstall the helper files.
Besides deleting the app, files are installed at these locations:
~/Library/Application Support/eduVPN/
and in a temporary folder as provided by macOS, usually somewhere under /private/var/folders
You need to logout or even restart your computer to complete the uninstall.
Please refer to for an overview of the application architecture.