🎓 Master's in Production Engineering, MBA in Project Management and Logistics Management, and Bachelor's in Business Administration
🔭 Currently working as a Project Supervisor
🌱 I'm currently learning the Data Science, exploring technologies like Python, R, Julia, and C++
💬 Ask me about projects, logistics, and mathematical optimization
📫 How to reach me:
- Languages: Python, R, Julia, C++
- Development Tools: Git/Github, VSCode, ChatGPT, Docker, Power BI, Looker Studio, SQL
- Data Analysis: Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Sympy
- Optimization Tools: Pyomo, Gurobi, CPLEX, GLPK, OR-Tools, PuLP
Project 1: Hospital Bed Management
- This project focuses on optimizing the allocation and management of hospital beds using mathematical models to improve operational efficiency.
Project 2: Surgery Scheduling Optimization
- A model designed to optimize the scheduling of surgeries based on costs, priority, and resource availability to improve hospital performance and reduce patient wait times.