is a binding for the OrientDB document-graph NoSQL database management system. It is based on the OrientDB Java API.
Simply add this to your leiningen deps: [clj-orient "0.5.0"]
The documentation can be found here: You can also check out the wiki at:
Currently the library is divided into 6 namespaces:
: The core functionality and the document-db functionality.
: The graph-db functionality.
: The object-db functionality.
: Functionality for querying your database (either with native or SQL queries).
: For easy definition of database schemas.
: For doing server-side scripting.
: For easy server-side scripting with Clojure.
There is a test suite in the test directory that right now tests almost all of the library functionality. It can be run using lein test
Working with the database:
(use 'clj-orient.core)
; Opening the database as a document DB and setting the *db* var for global use.
; A database pool is used, to avoid the overhead of creating a DB object each time.
(set-db! (open-document-db! "remote:localhost/my-db" "writer" "writer"))
; Dynamically bind *db* to another DB.
; The DB is closed after all the forms are evaluated.
(with-db (open-document-db! "remote:localhost/another-db" "writer" "writer")
(form-1 ...)
(form-2 ...)
(form-3 ...)
(form-n ...))
; Close the DB
; Using transactions (*db* must be bound to some database in the surrounding scope).
(form-1 ...)
(form-2 ...)
(form-3 ...)
(form-n ...))
Working with documents:
(use 'clj-orient.core)
(let [u (document :user {:first-name "Foo", :last-name "Bar", :age 10})
u (assoc u :first-name "Mr. Foo", :age 20)]
(save! u))
Working with classes:
(use '(clj-orient core graph))
(with-db (open-graph-db! "remote:localhost/my-graph-db" "writer" "writer")
(create-class! :user)
(derive! :user (vertex-base-class))
(create-class! :knows (edge-base-class)))
Working with the graph-db:
(use 'clj-orient.graph)
(set-db! (open-graph-db! "remote:localhost/my-graph-db" "writer" "writer"))
(let [a (save! (vertex :user {:first-name "John", :last-name "Doe", :age 20, :country "USA"}))
b (save! (vertex :user {:first-name "Jane", :last-name "Doe", :age 25, :country "USA"}))]
(save! (link! a :knows {:since (java.util.Date.)} b)))
Querying a Database:
(use 'clj-orient.query)
(native-query :user {:country "USA", :age [:$>= 20], :first-name [:$like "J%"]})
(sql-query "SELECT FROM user WHERE country = :country AND age >= :age AND first-name LIKE :fname LIMIT 10"
{:country "USA", :age 20, :fname "J%"})
; Pagination can be activated by passing a third optional boolean value of true.
; That will query the next X elements each time the seq runs out until there are no more results.
(sql-query "SELECT FROM user LIMIT 10" nil true)
(clj-query '{:from user :where [(= country ?country) (>= age ?age) (like? first-name ?fname)] :limit 10}
{:country "USA", :age 20, :fname "J%"})
(use 'clj-orient.core)
(defhook my-hook
(after-create [document]
(println "Created new document:" document)))
(add-hook! my-hook)
Please note: This is not a comprehensive guide. Please read the library documentation to know what functions and macros are available.