Manual section: | 1 |
Date: | @Date@ |
Version: | @Version@ |
Manual group: | Metpx-Sarracenia Suite |
sr_subscribe foreground|start|stop|restart|reload|sanity|status configfile
sr_subscribe cleanup|declare|setup|disable|enable|list|add|remove configfile
- Setting the Broker
- Creating the Queue
- Client-side Filtering
- attempts <count> (default: 3)
- retry_ttl <duration> (default: same as expire)
- timeout <float> (default: 0)
- inflight <string> (default: .tmp or NONE if post_broker set)
- delete <boolean> (default: off)
- batch <count> (default: 100)
- directory <path> (default: .)
- mirror <boolean> (default: off)
- strip <count|regexp> (default: 0)
- flatten <string> (default: '/')
- base_dir <path> (default: /)
- inplace <boolean> (default: On)
- outlet post|json|url (default: post)
- overwrite <boolean> (default: off)
- discard <boolean> (default: off)
- source_from_exchange <boolean> (default: off)
- heartbeat <count> (default: 300 seconds)
- suppress_duplicates <off|on|999> (default: off)
- kbytes_ps <count> (default: 0)
- default_mode, default_dir_mode, preserve_modes
- recompute_chksum <boolean> (default: off)
- Delivery Completion (inflight)
- report_back and report_exchange
- Queue Save/Restore
- ROLES - feeder/admin/declare
Sr_subscribe is a program to download files from websites or file servers that provide sr_post(7) protocol notifications. Such sites publish messages for each file as soon as it is available. Clients connect to a broker (often the same as the server itself) and subscribe to the notifications. The sr_post notifications provide true push notices for web-accessible folders (WAF), and are far more efficient than either periodic polling of directories, or ATOM/RSS style notifications. Sr_subscribe can be configured to post messages after they are downloaded, to make them available to consumers for further processing or transfers.
sr_subscribe can also be used for purposes other than downloading, (such as for supplying to an external program) specifying the -n (notify_only, or no_download) will suppress the download behaviour and only post the URL on standard output. The standard output can be piped to other processes in classic UNIX text filter style.
Sr_subscribe is very configurable and is the basis for other components of sarracenia:
- sr_report(1) - process report messages.
- sr_sender(1) - copy messages, only, not files.
- sr_winnow(8) - suppress duplicates.
- sr_shovel(8) - copy messages, only, not files.
- sr_sarra(8) - Subscribe, Acquire, and Recursival ReAdvertise Ad nauseam.
All of these components accept the same options, with the same effects. There is also sr_cpump(1) which is a C version that implements a subset of the options here, but where they are implemented, they have the same effect.
The sr_subscribe command takes two arguments: an action start|stop|restart|reload|status, followed by a configuration file.
When any component is invoked, an operation and a configuration file are specified. The operation is one of:
- foreground: run a single instance in the foreground logging to stderr
- restart: stop and then start the configuration.
- sanity: looks for instances which have crashed or gotten stuck and restarts them.
- start: start the configuration running
- status: check if the configuration is running.
- stop: stop the configuration from running
Note that the sanity check is invoked by heartbeat processing in sr_audit on a regular basis. The remaining operations manage the resources (exchanges, queues) used by the component on the rabbitmq server, or manage the configurations.
- cleanup: deletes the component's resources on the server.
- declare: creates the component's resources on the server.
- setup: like declare, additionally does queue bindings.
- add: copy to the list of available configurations.
- list: list all the configurations available.
- edit: modify an existing configuration.
- remove: remove a configuration.
- disable: mark a configuration as ineligible to run.
- enable: mark a configuration as eligible to run.
For example: sr_subscribe foreground dd runs the sr_subscribe component with the dd configuration as a single foreground instance.
The foreground action is used when building a configuration or for debugging. The foreground instance will run regardless of other instances which are currently running. Should instances be running, it shares the same message queue with them. A user stop the foreground instance by simply using <ctrl-c> on linux or use other means to kill the process.
The actions cleanup, declare, setup can be used to manage resources on the rabbitmq server. The resources are either queues or exchanges. declare creates the resources. setup creates and additionally binds the queues.
The add, remove, list, edit, enable & disable actions are used to manage the list of configurations. One can see all of the configurations available using the list action. Using the edit option, one can work on a particular configuration. A disabled configuration will not be started or restarted by the start, foreground, or restart actions. It can be used to set aside a configuration temporarily.
While manual pages provide an index or reference for all options, new users will find the guides provide more helpful examples and walk throughs and should start with them.
- Installation - initial installation.
- Subscriber Guide - effective downloading from a pump.
- Source Guide - effective uploading to a pump
- Programming Guide - Programming custom plugins for workflow integration.
- Admin Guide - Configuration of Pumps
- Upgrade Guide - MUST READ when upgrading pumps.
- Developer Guide - contributing to sarracenia development.
There are also other manual pages available here: See Also
Some quick hints are also available when the command line is invoked with either the help action, or -help op help to have a component print a list of valid options.
If one has a ready made configuration called q_f71.conf, it can be added to the list of known ones with:
sr_subscribe add q_f71.conf
In this case, xvan_f14 is included with examples provided, so add finds it in the examples directory and copies into the active configuration one. Each configuration file manages the consumers for a single queue on the broker. To view the available configurations, use:
blacklab% sr_subscribe list
packaged plugins: ( /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sarra/plugins )
configuration examples: ( /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sarra/examples/subscribe )
all.conf all_but_cap.conf amis.conf aqhi.conf cap.conf cclean_f91.conf
cdnld_f21.conf cfile_f44.conf citypage.conf clean_f90.conf cmml.conf cscn22_bulletins.conf
ftp_f70.conf gdps.conf ninjo-a.conf q_f71.conf radar.conf rdps.conf
swob.conf t_f30.conf u_sftp_f60.conf
user plugins: ( /home/peter/.config/sarra/plugins )
general: ( /home/peter/.config/sarra )
admin.conf credentials.conf default.conf
user configurations: ( /home/peter/.config/sarra/subscribe )
cclean_f91.conf cdnld_f21.conf cfile_f44.conf clean_f90.conf ftp_f70.conf q_f71.conf
t_f30.conf u_sftp_f60.conf
one can then modify it using:
sr_subscribe edit q_f71.conf
(The edit command uses the EDITOR environment variable, if present.) Once satisfied, one can start the the configuration running:
sr_subscibe foreground q_f71.conf
What goes into the files? See next section:
Options are placed in configuration files, one per line, in the form:
option <value>
For example:
**debug true**
sets the debug option to enable more verbose logging. If no value is specified, the value true is implicit, so the above are equivalent. A second example configuration line:
broker amqp://[email protected]
In the above example, broker is the option keyword, and the rest of the line is the value assigned to the setting. Configuration files are a sequence of settings, one per line. Note that the files are read in order, most importantly for directory and accept clauses. Example:
directory A
accept X
Places files matching X in directory A.
- vs::
- accept X directory A
Places files matching X in the current working directory, and the directory A setting does nothing in relation to X.
To provide non-functional descriptions of configurations, or comments, use lines that begin with a #.
All options are case sensitive. Debug is not the same as debug or DEBUG. Those are three different options (two of which do not exist and will have no effect, but should generate an ´unknown option warning´).
Options and command line arguments are equivalent. Every command line argument has a corresponding long version starting with '--'. For example -u has the long form --url. One can also specify this option in a configuration file. To do so, use the long form without the '--', and put its value separated by a space. The following are all equivalent:
- url <url>
- -u <url>
- --url <url>
Settings are interpreted in order. Each file is read from top to bottom. For example:
sequence #1:
reject .*\.gif
accept .*
sequence #2:
accept .*
reject .*\.gif
FIXME: does this match only files ending in 'gif' or should we add a $ to it? will it match something like .gif2 ? is there an assumed .* at the end?
In sequence #1, all files ending in 'gif' are rejected. In sequence #2, the accept .* (which accepts everything) is encountered before the reject statement, so the reject has no effect.
Several options that need to be reused in different config files can be grouped in a file. In each config where the options subset should appear, the user would then use :
- --include <includeConfigPath>
The includeConfigPath would normally reside under the same config dir of its master configs. There is no restriction, any option can be placed in a config file included. The user must be aware that, for many options, several declarations means overwriting their values.
Any environment variable, or some built-in variables can also be put on the right hand side to be evaluated, surrounded by ${..} The built-in variables are:
- ${BROKER_USER} - the user name for authenticating to the broker (e.g. anonymous)
- ${PROGRAM} - the name of the component (sr_subscribe, sr_shovel, etc...)
- ${CONFIG} - the name of the configuration file being run.
- ${HOSTNAME} - the hostname running the client.
- ${RANDID} - a random id that will be consistent within a single invocation.
When a component is started up, a series of configuration files are read in the following sequence:
- default.conf
- admin.conf
- <prog>.conf (subscribe.conf, audit.conf, etc...)
- <progr>/<config>.conf
Settings in an individual .conf file are read in after the default.conf file, and so can override defaults. Options specified on the command line override configuration files.
Sarracenia makes extensive use of small python code snippets that customize processing called plugins. Plugins define and use additional settings, that are usually prefixed with the name of the plugin:
msg_to_clusters DDI
msg_to_clusters DD
on_message msg_to_clusters
A setting 'msg_to_clusters' is needed by the msg_to_clusters plugin referenced in the on_message
On can also reference environment variables in configuration files, using the ${ENV} syntax. If Sarracenia routines needs to make use of an environment variable, then they can be set in configuration files:
declare env HTTP_PROXY=localhost
As sr_subscribe usually runs as a daemon (unless invoked in foreground mode) one normally examines its log file to find out how processing is going. When only a single instance is running, one can normally view the log of the running process like so:
sr_subscribe log *myconfig*
Where myconfig is the name of the running configuration. Log files are placed as per the XDG Open Directory Specification. There will be a log file for each instance (download process) of an sr_subscribe process running the myflow configuration:
in linux: ~/.cache/sarra/log/sr_subscribe_myflow_01.log
One can override placement on linux by setting the XDG_CACHE_HOME environment variable.
One normally does not specify passwords in configuration files. Rather they are placed in the credentials file:
sr_subscribe edit credentials
For every url specified that requires a password, one places a matching entry in credentials.conf. The broker option sets all the credential information to connect to the RabbitMQ server
- broker amqp{s}://<user>:<pw>@<brokerhost>[:port]/<vhost>
(default: amqp://anonymous:[email protected]/ )
For all sarracenia programs, the confidential parts of credentials are stored only in ~/.config/sarra/credentials.conf. This includes the destination and the broker passwords and settings needed by components. The format is one entry per line. Examples:
- amqp://user1:password1@host/
- amqps://user2:password2@host:5671/dev
- sftp://user5:password5@host
- sftp://user6:password6@host:22 ssh_keyfile=/users/local/.ssh/id_dsa
- ftp://user7:password7@host passive,binary
- ftp://user8:password8@host:2121 active,ascii
- ftps://user7:De%3Aize@host passive,binary,tls
- ftps://user8:%2fdot8@host:2121 active,ascii,tls,prot_p
In other configuration files or on the command line, the url simply lacks the password or key specification. The url given in the other files is looked up in credentials.conf.
- Note::
SFTP credentials are optional, in that sarracenia will look in the .ssh directory and use the normal SSH credentials found there.
These strings are URL encoded, so if an account has a password with a special character, its URL encoded equivalent can be supplied. In the last example above, %2f means that the actual password isi: /dot8 The next to last password is: De:olonize. ( %3a being the url encoded value for a colon character. )
Most Metpx Sarracenia components loop on reception and consumption of sarracenia AMQP messages. Usually, the messages of interest are sr_post(7) messages, announcing the availability of a file by publishing its URL ( or a part of a file ), but there are also sr_report(7) messages which can be processed using the same tools. AMQP messages are published to an exchange on a broker (AMQP server). The exchange delivers messages to queues. To receive messages, one must provide the credentials to connect to the broker (AMQP message pump). Once connected, a consumer needs to create a queue to hold pending messages. The consumer must then bind the queue to one or more exchanges so that they put messages in its queue.
Once the bindings are set, the program can receive messages. When a message is received, further filtering is possible using regular expressions onto the AMQP messages. After a message passes this selection process, and other internal validation, the component can run an on_message plugin script to perform additional message processing. If this plugin returns False, the message is discarded. If True, processing continues.
The following sections explains all the options to set this "consuming" part of sarracenia programs.
broker amqp{s}://<user>:<password>@<brokerhost>[:port]/<vhost>
An AMQP URI is used to configure a connection to a message pump (aka AMQP broker.) Some sarracenia components set a reasonable default for that option. You provide the normal user,host,port of connections. In most configuration files, the password is missing. The password is normally only included in the credentials.conf file.
Sarracenia work has not used vhosts, so vhost should almost always be /.
for more info on the AMQP URI format: ( )
either in the default.conf or each specific configuration file. The broker option tell each component which broker to contact.
broker amqp{s}://<user>:<pw>@<brokerhost>[:port]/<vhost>
- ::
- (default: None and it is mandatory to set it )
Once connected to an AMQP broker, the user needs to bind a queue to exchanges and topics to determine the messages of interest.
Once connected to an AMQP broker, the user needs to create a queue.
Setting the queue on broker :
- queue_name <name> (default: q_<brokerUser>.<programName>.<configName>)
- durable <boolean> (default: False)
- expire <duration> (default: 5m == five minutes. RECOMMEND OVERRIDING)
- message-ttl <duration> (default: None)
- prefetch <N> (default: 1)
- reset <boolean> (default: False)
- restore <boolean> (default: False)
- restore_to_queue <queuename> (default: None)
- save <boolean> (default: False)
Usually components guess reasonable defaults for all these values and users do not need to set them. For less usual cases, the user may need to override the defaults. The queue is where the notifications are held on the server for each subscriber.
By default, components create a queue name that should be unique. The default queue_name components create follows : q_<brokerUser>.<programName>.<configName> .
Users can override the default provided that it starts with q_<brokerUser>.
durable <boolean> (default: False) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The durable option, if set to True, means writes the queue on disk if the broker is restarted.
The expire option is expressed as a duration... it sets how long should live a queue without connections. A raw integer is expressed in seconds, if the suffix m,h.d,w are used, then the interval is in minutes, hours, days, or weeks. After the queue expires, the contents are dropped, and so gaps in the download data flow can arise. A value of 1d (day) or 1w (week) can be appropriate to avoid data loss. It depends on how long the subscriber is expected to shutdown, and not suffer data loss.
The expire setting must be overridden for operational use. The default is set low because it defines how long resources on the broker will be assigned, and in early use (when default was 1 week) brokers would often get overloaded with very long queues for left-over experiments.
The message-ttl option set the time a message can live in the queue. Past that time, the message is taken out of the queue by the broker.
The prefetch option sets the number of messages to fetch at one time. When multiple instances are running and prefetch is 4, each instance will obtain up to four messages at a time. To minimize the number of messages lost if an instance dies and have optimal load sharing, the prefetch should be set as low as possible. However, over long haul links, it is necessary to raise this number, to hide round-trip latency, so a setting of 10 or more may be needed.
When reset is set, and a component is (re)started, its queue is deleted (if it already exists) and recreated according to the component's queue options. This is when a broker option is modified, as the broker will refuse access to a queue declared with options that differ from what was set at creation. It can also be used to discard a queue quickly when a receiver has been shut down for a long period. If duplicate suppression is active, then the reception cache is also discarded.
The AMQP protocol defines other queue options which are not exposed via sarracenia, because sarracenia itself picks appropriate values.
The save option is used to read messages from the queue and write them to a local file, saving them for future processing, rather than processing them immediately. See the Sender Destination Unavailable section for more details. The restore option implements the reverse function, reading from the file for processing.
If restore_to_queue is specified, then rather than triggering local processing, the messages restored are posted to a temporary exchange bound to the given queue. For an example, see Shovel Save/Restore
Once one has a queue, it must be bound to an exchange. Users almost always need to set these options. Once a queue exists on the broker, it must be bound to an exchange. Bindings define which messages (URL notifications) the program receives. The root of the topic tree is fixed to indicate the protocol version and type of the message (but developers can override it with the topic_prefix option.)
These options define which messages (URL notifications) the program receives:
- exchange <name> (default: xpublic)
- exchange_suffix <name> (default: None)
- topic_prefix <amqp pattern> (default: -- developer option)
- subtopic <amqp pattern> (subtopic need to be set)
The convention on data pumps is to use the xpublic exchange. Users can establish private data flow for their own processing. Users can declare their own exchanges that always begin with xs_<username>, so to save having to specify that each time, one can just set exchange_suffix kk which will result in the exchange being set to xs_<username>_kk (overriding the xpublic default).
Several topic options may be declared. To give a correct value to the subtopic, one has the choice of filtering using subtopic with only AMQP's limited wildcarding and length limited to 255 encoded bytes, or the more powerful regular expression based accept/reject mechanisms described below. The difference being that the AMQP filtering is applied by the broker itself, saving the notices from being delivered to the client at all. The accept/reject patterns apply to messages sent by the broker to the subscriber. In other words, accept/reject are client side filters, whereas subtopic is server side filtering.
It is best practice to use server side filtering to reduce the number of announcements sent to the client to a small superset of what is relevant, and perform only a fine-tuning with the client side mechanisms, saving bandwidth and processing for all.
topic_prefix is primarily of interest during protocol version transitions, where one wishes to specify a non-default protocol version of messages to subscribe to.
Usually, the user specifies one exchange, and several subtopic options. Subtopic is what is normally used to indicate messages of interest. To use the subtopic to filter the products, match the subtopic string with the relative path of the product.
For example, consuming from DD, to give a correct value to subtopic, one can browse the our website and write down all directories of interest. For each directory tree of interest, write a subtopic option as follow:
subtopic directory1.*.subdirectory3.*.subdirectory5.#
* matches a single directory name
# matches any remaining tree of directories.
- note:
When directories have these wild-cards, or spaces in their names, they will be URL-encoded ( '#' becomes %23 ) When directories have periods in their name, this will change the topic hierarchy.
- hash marks are URL substituted, but did not see code for other values. Review whether asterisks in directory names in topics should be URL-encoded. Review whether periods in directory names in topics should be URL-encoded.
We have selected our messages through exchange, subtopic and perhaps patterned subtopic with AMQP's limited wildcarding which is all done by the broker (server-side). The broker puts the corresponding messages in our queue. The subscribed component downloads these messages. Once the message is downloaded, Sarracenia clients apply more flexible client side filtering using regular expressions.
Regular expressions are a very powerful way of expressing pattern matches. They provide extreme flexibility, but in these examples we will only use a very trivial subset: The . is a wildcard matching any single character. If it is followed by an occurrence count, it indicates how many letters will match the pattern. The * (asterisk) character, means any number of occurrences. So:
- .* means any sequence of characters of any length. In other words, match anything.
- cap.* means any sequence of characters that starts with cap.
- .*CAP.* means any sequence of characters with CAP somewhere in it.
- .*cap means any sequence of characters that ends with CAP. In the case where multiple portions of the string could match, the longest one is selected.
- .*?cap same as above, but non-greedy, meaning the shortest match is chosen.
Please consult various internet resources for more information on the full variety of matching possible with regular expressions:
- accept <regexp pattern> (optional)
- reject <regexp pattern> (optional)
- accept_unmatch <boolean> (default: False)
The accept and reject options process regular expressions (regexp). The regexp is applied to the the message's URL for a match.
If the message's URL of a file matches a reject pattern, the message is acknowledged as consumed to the broker and skipped.
One that matches an accept pattern is processed by the component.
In many configurations, accept and reject options are mixed with the directory option. They then relate accepted messages to the directory value they are specified under.
After all accept / reject options are processed, normally the message is acknowledged as consumed and skipped. To override that default, set accept_unmatch to True. The accept/reject settings are interpreted in order. Each option is processed orderly from top to bottom. For example:
sequence #1:
reject .*\.gif
accept .*
sequence #2:
accept .*
reject .*\.gif
In sequence #1, all files ending in 'gif' are rejected. In sequence #2, the accept .* (which accepts everything) is encountered before the reject statement, so the reject has no effect.
It is best practice to use server side filtering to reduce the number of announcements sent to the component to a small superset of what is relevant, and perform only a fine-tuning with the client side mechanisms, saving bandwidth and processing for all. More details on how to apply the directives follow:
These options set what files the user wants and where it will be placed, and under which name.
- accept <regexp pattern> (must be set)
- accept_unmatch <boolean> (default: off)
- attempts <count> (default: 3)
- batch <count> (default: 100)
- default_mode <octalint> (default: 0 - umask)
- default_dir_mode <octalint> (default: 0755)
- delete <boolean>> (default: off)
- directory <path> (default: .)
- discard <boolean> (default: off)
- base_dir <path> (default: /)
- flatten <string> (default: '/')
- heartbeat <count> (default: 300 seconds)
- inplace <boolean> (default: On)
- kbytes_ps <count> (default: 0)
- inflight <string> (default: .tmp or NONE if post_broker set)
- mirror <boolean> (default: off)
- no_download|notify_only <boolean> (default: off)
- outlet post|json|url (default: post)
- overwrite <boolean> (default: off)
- recompute_chksum <boolean> (default: off)
- reject <regexp pattern> (optional)
- retry <boolean> (default: On)
- retry_ttl <duration> (default: same as expire)
- source_from_exchange <boolean> (default: off)
- strip <count|regexp> (default: 0)
- suppress_duplicates <off|on|999> (default: off)
- timeout <float> (default: 0)
The attempts option indicates how many times to attempt downloading the data before giving up. The default of 3 should be appropriate in most cases. When the retry option is false, the file is then dropped immediately.
When The retry option is set (default), a failure to download after prescribed number of attempts (or send, in a sender) will cause the message to be added to a queue file for later retry. When there are no messages ready to consume from the AMQP queue, the retry queue will be queried.
The retry_ttl (retry time to live) option indicates how long to keep trying to send a file before it is aged out of a the queue. Default is two days. If a file has not been transferred after two days of attempts, it is discarded.
The timeout option, sets the number of seconds to wait before aborting a connection or download transfer (applied per buffer during transfer).
The inflight option sets how to ignore files when they are being transferred or (in mid-flight betweeen two systems). Incorrect setting of this option causes unreliable transfers, and care must be taken. See Delivery Completion (inflight) for more details.
The value can be a file name suffix, which is appended to create a temporary name during the transfer. If inflight is set to ., then it is a prefix, to conform with the standard for "hidden" files on unix/linux. If inflight ends in / (example: tmp/ ), then it is a prefix, and specifies a sub-directory of the destination into which the file should be written while in flight.
Whether a prefix or suffix is specified, when the transfer is complete, the file is renamed to its permanent name to allow further processing.
The inflight option can also be specified as a time interval, for example, 10 for 10 seconds. When set to a time interval, a reader of a file ensures that it waits until the file has not been modified in that interval. So a file will not be processed until it has stayed the same for at least 10 seconds.
Lastly, inflight can be set to NONE, which case the file is written directly with the final name, where the recipient will wait to receive a post notifying it of the file's arrival. This is the fastest, lowest overhead option when it is available. It is also the default when a post_broker is given, indicating that some other process is to be notified after delivery.
When the delete option is set, after a download has completed successfully, the subscriber will delete the file at the upstream source. Default is false.
The batch option is used to indicate how many files should be transferred over a connection, before it is torn down, and re-established. On very low volume transfers, where timeouts can occur between transfers, this should be lowered to 1. For most usual situations the default is fine. For higher volume cases, one could raise it to reduce transfer overhead. It is only used for file transfer protocols, not HTTP ones at the moment.
The directory option defines where to put the files on your server. Combined with accept / reject options, the user can select the files of interest and their directories of residence (see the mirror option for more directory settings).
The accept and reject options use regular expressions (regexp) to match URL. These options are processed sequentially. The URL of a file that matches a reject pattern is never downloaded. One that matches an accept pattern is downloaded into the directory declared by the closest directory option above the matching accept option. accept_unmatch is used to decide what to do when no reject or accept clauses matched.
ex. directory /mylocaldirectory/myradars
accept .*RADAR.*
directory /mylocaldirectory/mygribs
reject .*Reg.*
accept .*GRIB.*
The mirror option can be used to mirror the tree of the files. If set to True the directory given by the directory option will be the basename of a tree. Accepted files under that directory will be placed under the subdirectory tree leaf where it resides under For example retrieving the following url, with options:
mirror True
directory /mylocaldirectory
accept .*RADAR.*
would result in the creation of the directories and the file /mylocaldirectory/radar/PRECIP/GIF/WGJ/201312141900_WGJ_PRECIP_SNOW.gif
You can modify the mirrored directoties with the strip option. If set to N (an integer) the first 'N' directories are removed. For example
mirror True
strip 3
directory /mylocaldirectory
accept .*RADAR.*
would result in the creation of the directories and the file /mylocaldirectory/WGJ/201312141900_WGJ_PRECIP_SNOW.gif when a regexp is provide in place of a number, it indicates a pattern to be removed from the relative path. For example if:
strip .*?GIF/
Will also result in the file being placed the same location.
- NOTE::
with strip, use of ? modifier (to prevent regular expression greediness ) is often helpful. It ensures the shortest match is used.
For example, given a file name: radar/PRECIP/GIF/WGJ/201312141900_WGJ_PRECIP_SNOW.GIF The expression: .*?GIF matches: radar/PRECIP/GIF whereas the expression: .*GIF matches the entire name.
The flatten option is use to set a separator character. The default value ( '/' ) nullifies the effect of this option. This character replaces the '/' in the url directory and create a "flatten" filename from its path. For example retrieving the following url, with options:
flatten -
directory /mylocaldirectory
accept .*model_gem_global.*
would result in the creation of the filepath:
One can also specify variable substitutions to be performed on arguments to the directory option, with the use of ${..} notation:
SOURCE - the amqp user that injected data (taken from the message.)
BD - the base directory
PBD - the post base dir
YYYYMMDD - the current daily timestamp.
HH - the current hourly timestamp.
*var* - any environment variable.
The YYYYMMDD and HH time stamps refer to the time at which the data is processed by the component, it is not decoded or derived from the content of the files delivered. All date/times in Sarracenia are in UTC.
Refer to source_from_exchange for a common example of usage. Note that any sarracenia built-in value takes precedence over a variable of the same name in the environment.
base_dir supplies the directory path that, when combined with the relative one in the selected notification gives the absolute path of the file to be sent. The default is None which means that the path in the notification is the absolute one.
- cannot explain this... do not know what it is myself. This is taken from sender. in a subscriber, if it is set... will it download? or will it assume it is local? in a sender.
Large files may be sent as a series of parts, rather than all at once. When downloading, if inplace is true, these parts will be appended to the file in an orderly fashion. Each part, after it is inserted in the file, is announced to subscribers. This can be set to false for some deployments of sarracenia where one pump will only ever see a few parts, and not the entirety, of multi-part files.
The inplace option defaults to True. Depending of inplace and if the message was a part, the path can change again (adding a part suffix if necessary).
The outlet option is used to allow writing of posts to file instead of posting to a broker. The valid argument values are:
post messages to an post_exchange
post_broker amqp{s}://<user>:<pw>@<brokerhost>[:port]/<vhost> post_exchange <name> (MANDATORY) on_post <script> (default: None)
The post_broker defaults to the input broker if not provided. Just set it to another broker if you want to send the notifications elsewhere.
The post_exchange must be set by the user. This is the exchange under which the notifications will be posted.
write each message to standard output, one per line in the same json format used for queue save/restore by the python implementation.
just output the retrieval URL to standard output.
FIXME: The outlet option came from the C implementation ( sr_cpump ) and it has not been used much in the python implementation.
The overwrite option,if set to false, avoid unnecessary downloads under these conditions :
1- the file to be downloaded is already on the user's file system at the right place and
2- the checksum of the amqp message matched the one of the file.
The default is False (overwrite without checking).
The discard option,if set to true, deletes the file once downloaded. This option can be usefull when debugging or testing a configuration.
The source_from_exchange option is mainly for use by administrators. If messages received are posted directly from a source, the exchange used is 'xs_<brokerSourceUsername>'. Such messages could be missing source and from_cluster headings, or a malicious user may set the values incorrectly. To protect against both problems, administrators should set the source_from_exchange option.
When the option is set, values in the message for the source and from_cluster headers will then be overridden:
self.msg.headers['source'] = <brokerUser>
self.msg.headers['from_cluster'] = cluster
replacing any values present in the message. This setting should always be used when ingesting data from a user exchange. These fields are used to return reports to the origin of injected data. It is commonly combined with:
*mirror true*
*source_from_exchange true*
*directory ${PBD}/${YYYYMMDD}/${SOURCE}*
To have data arrive in the standard format tree.
The heartbeat option sets how often to execute periodic processing as determined by the list of on_heartbeat plugins. By default, it prints a log message every heartbeat.
When suppress_duplicates (also cache ) is set to a non-zero value, each new message is compared against previous ones received, to see if it is a duplicate. If the message is considered a duplicate, it is skipped. What is a duplicate? A file with the same name (including parts header) and checksum. Every hearbeat interval, a cleanup process looks for files in the cache that have not been referenced in cache seconds, and deletes them, in order to keep the cache size limited. Different settings are appropriate for different use cases.
Use of the cache is incompatible with the default *parts 0* strategy, one must specify an alternate strategy. One must use either a fixed blocksize, or always never partition files. One must avoid the dynamic algorithm that will change the partition size used as a file grows.
Note that the duplicate suppresion cache is local to each instance. When N instances share a queue, the first time a posting is received, it could be picked by one instance, and if a duplicate one is received it would likely be picked up by another instance. For effective duplicate suppression with instances, one must deploy two layers of subscribers. Use a first layer of subscribers (sr_shovels) with duplicate suppression turned off and output with post_exchange_split, which route posts by checksum to a second layer of subscibers (sr_winnow) whose duplicate suppression caches are active.
kbytes_ps is greater than 0, the process attempts to respect this delivery speed in kilobytes per second... ftp,ftps,or sftp)
FIXME: kbytes_ps... only implemented by sender? or subscriber as well, data only, or messages also?
Permission bits on the destination files written are controlled by the preserve_mode directives. preserve_modes will apply the mode permissions posted by the source of the file. If no source mode is available, the default_mode will be applied to files, and the default_dir_mode will be applied to directories. If no default is specified, then the operating system defaults (on linux, controlled by umask settings) will determine file permissions. (Note that the chmod option is interpreted as a synonym for default_mode, and chmod_dir is a synonym for default_dir_mode).
For each download, the checksum is computed during transfer. If recompute_chksum is set to True, and the recomputed checksum differs from the one in the message, the new value will overwrite the one from the incoming amqp message. This is used when a file is being pulled from a remote non-sarracenia source, in which case a place holder 0 checksum is specified. On receipt, a proper checksum should be placed in the message for downstream consumers. One can also use this method to override checksum choice. For example, older versions of sarracenia lack SHA-512 hash support, so one could re-write the checksums with MD5. There are also cases, where, for various reasons, the upstream checksums are simply wrong, and should be overridden for downstream consumers.
Failing to properly set file completion protocols is a common source of intermittent and difficult-to-diagnose file transfer issues. For reliable file transfers, it is critical that both the sender and receiver agree on how to represent a file that isn't complete. The inflight option (meaning a file is in flight between the sender and the receiver) supports many protocols appropriate for different situations:
Delivery Completion Protocols (in Order of Preference) | ||
Method | Description | Application |
NONE | File sent with right name. Send sr_post(7) by AMQP after file is complete.
Sending to Sarracenia, and post only when file is complete
.tmp (Suffix) | Files transferred with a .tmp suffix. When complete, renamed without suffix. Actual suffix is settable.
sending to most other systems (.tmp support built-in) Use to send to Sundew
tmp/ (subdir) | Files transferred to a subdir. When complete, renamed to parent dir. Actual subdir is settable. same performance as Suffix method. |
sending to some other systems |
. (Prefix) | Use Linux convention to hide files. Prefix names with '.' that need that. (compatibility) same performance as Suffix method. | Sending to systems that do not support suffix. |
number (mtime) | Minimum age (modification time) of the file before it is considered complete. Adds delay in every transfer. Vulnerable to network failures. Vulnerable to clock skew. |
Last choice guaranteed delay added Receiving from uncooperative sources. (ok choice with PDS) |
By default ( when no inflight option is given ), if the post_broker is set, then a value of NONE is used because it is assumed that it is delivering to another broker. If no post_broker is set, the value of '.tmp' is assumed as the best option.
On versions of sr_sender prior to 2.18, the default was NONE, but was documented as '.tmp' To ensure compatibility with later versions, it is likely better to explicitly write the inflight setting.
inflight was renamed from the old lock option in January 2017. For compatibility with older versions, can use lock, but name is deprecated.
The old PDS software (which predates MetPX Sundew) only supports FTP. The completion protocol used by PDS was to send the file with permission 000 initially, and then chmod it to a readable file. This cannot be implemented with SFTP protocol, and is not supported at all by Sarracenia.
Setting NONE when sending to Sundew.
The proper setting here is '.tmp'. Without it, almost all files will get through correctly, but incomplete files will occasionally picked up by Sundew.
Using mtime method to receive from Sundew or Sarracenia:
Using mtime is last resort. This approach injects delay and should only be used when one has no influence to have the other end of the transfer use a better method.
mtime is vulnerable to systems whose clocks differ (causing incomplete files to be picked up.)
mtime is vulnerable to slow transfers, where incomplete files can be picked up because of a networking issue interrupting or delaying transfers.
Setting NONE when delivering to non-Sarracenia destination.
NONE is to be used when there is some other means to figure out if a file is delivered. For example, when sending to another pump, the sender will post the announcement to the destination after the file is complete, so there is no danger of it being picked up early.
When used inappropriately, there will occasionally be incomplete files delivered.
Most processing occurs on receipt of a message, but there is some periodic maintenance work that happens every heartbeat (default is 5 minutes.) Evey heartbeat, all of the configured on_heartbeat plugins are run. By default there are three present:
- heartbeat_log - prints "heartbeat" in the log.
- heartbeat_cache - ages out old entries in the cache, to minimize its size.
- heartbeat_memory - checks the process memory usage, and restart if too big.
- heartbeat_pulse - confirms that connectivity with brokers is still good. Restores if needed.
The log will contain messages from all three plugins every heartbeat interval, and if additional periodic processing is needed, the user can configure addition plugins to run with the on_heartbeat option.
The tools are meant to work well unattended, and so when transient errors occur, they do their best to recover elegantly. There are timeouts on all operations, and when a failure is detected, the problem is noted for retry. Errors can happen at many times:
- Establishing a connection to the broker.
- losing a connection to the broker
- establishing a connection to the file server for a file (for download or upload.)
- losing a connection to the server.
- during data transfer.
Initially, the programs try to download (or send) a file a fixed number (attempts, default: 3) times. If all three attempts to process the file are unsuccessful, then the file is placed in an instance's retry file. The program then continues processing of new items. When there are no new items to process, the program looks for a file to process in the retry queue. It then checks if the file is so old that it is beyond the retry_expire (default: 2 days). If the file is not expired, then it triggers a new round of attempts at processing the file. If the attempts fail, it goes back on the retry queue.
This algorithm ensures that programs do not get stuck on a single bad product that prevents the rest of the queue from being processed, and allows for reasonable, gradual recovery of service, allowing fresh data to flow preferentially, and sending old data opportunistically when there are gaps.
While fast processing of good data is very desirable, it is important to slow down when errors start occurring. Often errors are load related, and retrying quickly will just make it worse. Sarracenia uses exponential back-off in many points to avoid overloading a server when there are errors. The back-off can accumulate to the point where retries could be separated by a minute or two. Once the server begins responding normally again, the programs will return to normal processing speed.
Here is a short complete example configuration file:
broker amqp://
subtopic model_gem_global.25km.grib2.#
accept .*
This above file will connect to the broker, connecting as anonymous with password anonymous (defaults) to obtain announcements about files in the directory. All files which arrive in that directory or below it will be downloaded into the current directory (or just printed to standard output if -n option was specified.)
A variety of example configuration files are available here:
While in most common cases, a good value is generated by the application, in some cases there may be a need to override those choices with an explicit user specification. To do that, one needs to be aware of the rules for naming queues:
- queue names start with q_
- this is followed by <amqpUserName> (the owner/user of the queue's broker username)
- followed by a second underscore ( _ )
- followed by a string of the user's choice.
The total length of the queue name is limited to 255 bytes of UTF-8 characters.
The same applies for exchanges. The rules for those are:
- Exchange names start with x
- Exchanges that end in public are accessible (for reading) by any authenticated user.
- Users are permitted to create exchanges with the pattern: xs_<amqpUserName>_<whatever> such exchanges can be written to only by that user.
- The system (sr_audit or administrators) create the xr_<amqpUserName> exchange as a place to send reports for a given user. It is only readable by that user.
- Administrative users (admin or feeder roles) can post or subscribe anywhere.
For example, xpublic does not have xs_ and a username pattern, so it can only be posted to by admin or feeder users. Since it ends in public, any user can bind to it to subscribe to messages posted. Users can create exchanges such as xs_<amqpUserName>_public which can be written to by that user (by rule 3), and read by others (by rule 2.) A description of the conventional flow of messages through exchanges on a pump. Subscribers usually bind to the xpublic exchange to get the main data feed. This is the default in sr_subscribe.
Another example, a user named Alice will have at least two exchanges:
- xs_Alice the exhange where Alice posts her file notifications and report messages (via many tools).
- xr_Alice the exchange where Alice reads her report messages from (via sr_report).
- Alice can create a new exchange by just posting to it (with sr_post or sr_cpost) if it meets the naming rules.
Usually an sr_sarra run by a pump administrator will read from an exchange such as xs_Alice_mydata, retrieve the data corresponding to Alice´s post message, and make it available on the pump, by re-announcing it on the xpublic exchange.
When executed, sr_subscribe chooses a queue name, which it writes to a file named after the configuration file given as an argument to sr_subscribe with a .queue suffix ( ."configfile".queue). If sr_subscribe is stopped, the posted messages continue to accumulate on the broker in the queue. When the program is restarted, it uses the queuename stored in that file to connect to the same queue, and not lose any messages.
File downloads can be parallelized by running multiple sr_subscribes using the same queue. The processes will share the queue and each download part of what has been selected. Simply launch multiple instances of sr_subscribe in the same user/directory using the same configuration file.
You can also run several sr_subscribe with different configuration files to have multiple download streams delivering into the the same directory, and that download stream can be multi-streamed as well.
While the brokers keep the queues available for some time, Queues take resources on brokers, and are cleaned up from time to time. A queue which is not accessed for a long (implementation dependent) period will be destroyed. A queue which is not accessed and has too many (implementation defined) files queued will be destroyed. Processes which die should be restarted within a reasonable period of time to avoid loss of notifications.
For each download, by default, an amqp report message is sent back to the broker. This is done with option :
- report_back <boolean> (default: True)
- report_exchange <report_exchangename> (default: xreport|xs_*username* )
When a report is generated, it is sent to the configured report_exchange. Administrative components post directly to xreport, whereas user components post to their own exchanges (xs_*username*). The report daemons then copy the messages to xreport after validation.
These reports are used for delivery tuning and for data sources to generate statistical information. Set this option to False, to prevent generation of reports.
Components write to log files, which by default are found in ~/.cache/sarra/var/log/<component>_<config>_<instance>.log. At the end of the day, these logs are rotated automatically by the components, and the old log gets a date suffix. The directory in which the logs are stored can be overridden by the log option, and the number of days' logs to keep is set by the 'logrotate' parameter. Log files older than logrotate duration are deleted. A duration takes a time unit suffix, such as 'd' for days, 'w' for weeks, or 'h' for hours.
- debug setting option debug is identical to use loglevel debug
- log the directory to store log files in. Default value: ~/.cache/sarra/var/log (on Linux)
- logrotate duration to keep logs online, usually expressed in days ( default: 5d )
- loglevel the level of logging as expressed by python's logging.
- possible values are : critical, error, info, warning, debug.
- chmod_log the permission bits to set on log files (default 0600 )
Placement is as per: XDG Open Directory Specication ) setting the XDG_CACHE_HOME environment variable.
Sometimes one instance of a component and configuration is not enough to process & send all available notifications.
instances <integer> (default:1)
The instance option allows launching several instances of a component and configuration. When running sr_sender for example, a number of runtime files are created. In the ~/.cache/sarra/sender/configName directory:
A .sr_sender_configname.state is created, containing the number instances.
A .sr_sender_configname_$ is created, containing the PID of $instance process.
In directory ~/.cache/sarra/var/log:
A .sr_sender_configname_$instance.log is created as a log of $instance process.
The logs can be written in another directory than the default one with option :
log <directory logpath> (default:~/.cache/sarra/var/log)
FIXME: indicate windows location also... dot files on windows?
While the brokers keep the queues available for some time, Queues take resources on brokers, and are cleaned up from time to time. A queue which is not accessed and has too many (implementation defined) files queued will be destroyed. Processes which die should be restarted within a reasonable period of time to avoid loss of notifications. A queue which is not accessed for a long (implementation dependent) period will be destroyed.
- FIXME The last sentence is not really right...sr_audit does track the queues' age.
- sr_audit acts when a queue gets to the max_queue_size and not running.
sr_subscribe can be used on a single server node, or multiple nodes could share responsibility. Some other, separately configured, high availability software presents a vip (virtual ip) on the active server. Should the server go down, the vip is moved on another server. Both servers would run sr_subscribe. It is for that reason that the following options were implemented:
- vip <string> (None)
When you run only one sr_subscribe on one server, these options are not set, and sr_subscribe will run in 'standalone mode'.
In the case of clustered brokers, you would set the options for the moving vip.
When sr_subscribe does not find the vip, it sleeps for 5 seconds and retries. If it does, it consumes and processes a message and than rechecks for the vip.
When advertising files downloaded for downstream consumers, one must set the rabbitmq configuration for an output broker.
The post_broker option sets all the credential information to connect to the output AMQP broker.
post_broker amqp{s}://<user>:<pw>@<brokerhost>[:port]/<vhost>
Once connected to the source AMQP broker, the program builds notifications after the download of a file has occurred. To build the notification and send it to the next hop broker, the user sets these options :
- [--blocksize <value>] (default: 0 (auto))
- [--outlet <post|json|url>] (default: post)
- [-pbd|--post_base_dir <path>] (optional)
- post_exchange <name> (default: xpublic)
- post_exchange_split <number> (default: 0)
- post_base_url <url> (MANDATORY)
- on_post <script> (default: None)
This blocksize option controls the partitioning strategy used to post files. The value should be one of:
0 - autocompute an appropriate partitioning strategy (default)
1 - always send entire files in a single part.
<blocksize> - used a fixed partition size (example size: 1M )
Files can be announced as multiple parts. Each part has a separate checksum. The parts and their checksums are stored in the cache. Partitions can traverse the network separately, and in parallel. When files change, transfers are optimized by only sending parts which have changed.
The outlet option allows the final output to be other than a post. See sr_cpump(1) for details.
The post_base_dir option supplies the directory path that, when combined (or found) in the given path, gives the local absolute path to the data file to be posted. The post_base_dir part of the path will be removed from the posted announcement. For sftp urls it can be appropriate to specify a path relative to a user account. Example of that usage would be: -pbd ~user -url sftp:user@host For file: url's, base_dir is usually not appropriate. To post an absolute path, omit the -pbd setting, and just specify the complete path as an argument.
The post_base_url option sets how to get the file... it defines the protocol, host, port, and optionally, the user. It is best practice to not include passwords in urls.
The post_exchange option set under which exchange the new notification will be posted. In most cases it is 'xpublic'.
Whenever a publish happens for a product, a user can set to trigger a script. The option on_post would be used to do such a setup.
The post_exchange_split option appends a two digit suffix resulting from hashing the last character of the checksum to the post_exchange name, in order to divide the output amongst a number of exchanges. This is currently used in high traffic pumps to allow multiple instances of sr_winnow, which cannot be instanced in the normal way. Example:
post_exchange_split 5
post_exchange xwinnow
will result in posting messages to five exchanges named: xwinnow00, xwinnow01, xwinnow02, xwinnow03 and xwinnow04, where each exchange will receive only one fifth of the total flow.
One can specify URI's as configuration files, rather than local files. Example:
On startup, sr_subscribe check if the local file cap.conf exists in the local configuration directory. If it does, then the file will be read to find a line like so:
- --remote_config_url
In which case, it will check the remote URL and compare the modification time of the remote file against the local one. The remote file is not newer, or cannot be reached, then the component will continue with the local file.
If either the remote file is newer, or there is no local file, it will be downloaded, and the remote_config_url line will be prepended to it, so that it will continue to self-update in future.
This is of interest to administrators only
Sources of data need to indicate the clusters to which they would like data to be delivered. PUMPING is implemented by administrators, and refers copying data between pumps. Pumping is accomplished using on_message plugins which are provided with the package.
When messages are posted, if no destination is specified, the delivery is assumed to be only the pump itself. To specify the further destination pumps for a file, sources use the to option on the post. This option sets the to_clusters field for interpretation by administrators.
Data pumps, when ingesting data from other pumps (using shovel, subscribe or sarra components) should include the msg_to_clusters plugin and specify the clusters which are reachable from the local pump, which should have the data copied to the local pump, for further dissemination. Sample settings:
msg_to_clusters DDI
msg_to_clusters DD
on_message msg_to_clusters
Given this example, the local pump (called DDI) would select messages destined for the DD or DDI clusters, and reject those for DDSR, which isn't in the list. This implies that the DD pump may flow messages to the DD pump.
The above takes care of forward routing of messages and data-to-data consumers. Once consumers obtain data, they generate reports, and those reports need to propagate in the opposite direction, not necessarily by the same route, back to the sources. Report routing is done using the from_cluster header. Again, this defaults to the pump where the data is injected, but may be overridden by administrator action.
Administrators configure report routing shovels using the msg_from_cluster plugin. Example:
msg_from_cluster DDI
msg_from_cluster DD
on_message msg_from_cluster
so that report routing shovels will obtain messages from downstream consumers and make them available to upstream sources.
One can override or add functionality with python plugins scripts. Sarracenia comes with a variety of example plugins, and uses some to implement base functionality, such as logging (implemented by default use of msg_log, file_log, post_log plugins).
Users can place their own scripts in the script sub-directory of their config directory tree ( on Linux, the ~/.config/sarra/plugins).
There are three varieties of scripts: do_* and on_*. Do_* scripts are used to implement functions, adding or replacing built-in functionality, for example, to implement additional transfer protocols.
- do_download - to implement additional download protocols.
- do_get - under ftp/ftps/http/sftp implement the get file part of the download process
- do_poll - to implement additional polling protocols and processes.
- do_put - under ftp/ftps/http/sftp implement the put file part of the send process
- do_send - to implement additional sending protocols and processes.
These transfer protocol scripts should be declared using the plugin option. Aside the targetted built-in function(s), a module registered_as that defines a list of protocols that these functions supports. Example :
- def registered_as(self) :
- return ['ftp','ftps']
Registering in such a way a plugin, if function do_download was provided in that plugin then for any download of a message with an ftp or ftps url, it is that function that would be called.
On_* plugins are used more often. They allow actions to be inserted to augment the default processing for various specialized use cases. The scripts are invoked by having a given configuration file specify an on_<event> option. The event can be one of:
- plugin -- declare a set of plugins to achieve a collective function.
- on_file -- When the reception of a file has been completed, trigger followup action. The on_file option defaults to file_log, which writes a downloading status message.
- on_heartbeat -- trigger periodic followup action (every heartbeat seconds.) defaults to heatbeat_cache, and heartbeat_log. heartbeat_cache cleans the cache periodically, and heartbeat_log prints a log message ( helpful in detecting the difference between problems and inactivity. )
- on_html_page -- In sr_poll, turns an html page into a python dictionary used to keep in mind the files already published. The package provide a working example under plugins/
- on_line -- In sr_poll a line from the ls on the remote host is read in.
- on_message -- when an sr_post(7) message has been received. For example, a message has been received and additional criteria are being evaluated for download of the corresponding file. If the on_msg script returns false, then it is not downloaded. (See, for example, which decides that data that is too old is not worth downloading).
- on_part -- Large file transfers are split into parts. Each part is transferred separately. When a completed part is received, one can specify additional processing.
- on_post -- when a data source (or sarra) is about to post a message, permit customized adjustments of the post. on_part also defaults to post_log, which prints a message whenever a file is to be posted.
- on_start -- runs on startup, for when a plugin needs to recover state.
- on_stop -- runs on startup, for when a plugin needs to save state.
- on_watch -- when the gathering of sr_watch events starts, on_watch plugin is invoked. It could be used to put a file in one of the watch directory and have it published when needed.
The simplest example of a plugin: A script for on_file:
class Transformer(object):
def __init__(self):
def on_file(self,parent):
logger = parent.logger"I have no effect but adding this log line")
return True
self.plugin = 'Transformer'
The last line of the script is specific to the kind of plugin being written, and must be modified to correspond (on_file or an on_file, on_message for an on_message, etc...) the plugin's stack. For example, one can have multiple on_message plugins specified, and they will be invoked in the order given in the configuration file. Should one of these scripts return False, the processing of the message/file will stop there. Processing will only continue if all configured plugins return True. One can specify on_message None to reset the list to no plugins (removes msg_log, so it suppresses logging of message receipt).
The only argument the script receives is parent, which is a data structure containing all the settings, as parent.<setting>, and the content of the message itself as parent.msg and the headers are available as parent.msg[ <header> ]. The path to write a file to is available as there is also parent.msg.new_dir / parent.msg.new_file
There are also registered plugins used to add or overwrite built-in transfer protocol scripts. They should be declared using the plugin option. They must register the protocol (url scheme) that they intend to provide services for. The script for transfer protocols are :
- do_download - to implement additional download protocols.
- do_get - under ftp/ftps/http/sftp implement the get part of the download process
- do_poll - to implement additional polling protocols and processes.
- do_put - under ftp/ftps/http/sftp implement the put part of the send process
- do_send - to implement additional sending protocols and processes.
The registration is done with a module named registered_as . It defines a list of protocols that the provided module supports.
The simplest example of a plugin: A script for on_file:
class Transformer(object):
def __init__(self):
def on_put(self,parent):
msg = parent.msg
if ':' in msg.relpath : return None
netloc = parent.destination.replace("sftp://",'')
if netloc[-1] == '/' : netloc = netloc[:-1]
cmd = '/usr/bin/scp ' + msg.relpath + ' ' + netloc + ':' + msg.new_dir + os.sep + msg.new_file
status, answer = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status == 0 : return True
return False
def registered_as(self) :
return ['sftp']
self.plugin = 'Transformer'
This plugin registers for sftp. A sender with such a plugin would put the product using scp. It would be confusing for scp to have the source path with a ':' in the filename... Here the case is handled by returning None and letting python sending the file over. The parent argument holds all the needed program information. Some other available variables:
parent.msg.new_file : name of the file to write
parent.msg.new_dir : name of the directory in which to write the file
parent.msg.local_offset : offset position in the local file
parent.msg.offset : offset position of the remote file
parent.msg.length : length of file or part
parent.msg.in_partfile : T/F file temporary in part file
parent.msg.local_url : url for reannouncement
See the Programming Guide for more details.
If the server to which the files are being sent is going to be unavailable for a prolonged period, and there is a large number of messages to send to them, then the queue will build up on the broker. As the performance of the entire broker is affected by large queues, one needs to minimize such queues.
The -save and -restore options are used get the messages away from the broker when too large a queue will certainly build up. The -save option copies the messages to a (per instance) disk file (in the same directory that stores state and pid files), as json encoded strings, one per line. When a queue is building up:
sr_sender stop <config>
sr_sender -save start <config>
And run the sender in save mode (which continually writes incoming messages to disk) in the log, a line for each message written to disk:
2017-03-03 12:14:51,386 [INFO] sr_sender saving 2 message topic:
Continue in this mode until the absent server is again available. At that point:
sr_sender stop <config>
sr_sender -restore start <config>
While restoring from the disk file, messages like the following will appear in the log:
2017-03-03 12:15:02,969 [INFO] sr_sender restoring message 29 of 34: topic:
After the last one:
2017-03-03 12:15:03,112 [INFO] sr_sender restore complete deleting save file: /home/peter/.cache/sarra/sender/tsource2send/
and the sr_sender will function normally thereafter.
If a queue builds up on a broker because a subscriber is unable to process messages, overall broker performance will suffer, so leaving the queue lying around is a problem. As an administrator, one could keep a configuration like this around:
% more ~/tools/save.conf
broker amqp://tfeed@localhost/
exchange xpublic
post_rate_limit 50
on_post post_rate_limit
post_broker amqp://tfeed@localhost/
The configuration relies on the use of an administrator or feeder account. Note the queue which has messages in it, in this case q_tsub.sr_subscribe.t.99524171.43129428. Invoke the shovel in save mode to consume messages from the queue and save them to disk:
% cd ~/tools
% sr_shovel -save -queue q_tsub.sr_subscribe.t.99524171.43129428 foreground save.conf
2017-03-18 13:07:27,786 [INFO] sr_shovel start
2017-03-18 13:07:27,786 [INFO] sr_sarra run
2017-03-18 13:07:27,786 [INFO] AMQP broker(localhost) user(tfeed) vhost(/)
2017-03-18 13:07:27,788 [WARNING] non standard queue name q_tsub.sr_subscribe.t.99524171.43129428
2017-03-18 13:07:27,788 [INFO] Binding queue q_tsub.sr_subscribe.t.99524171.43129428 with key from exchange xpublic on broker amqp://tfeed@localhost/
2017-03-18 13:07:27,790 [INFO] report_back to tfeed@localhost, exchange: xreport
2017-03-18 13:07:27,792 [INFO] sr_shovel saving to /home/peter/.cache/sarra/shovel/save/ for future restore
2017-03-18 13:07:27,794 [INFO] sr_shovel saving 1 message topic:
2017-03-18 13:07:27,795 [INFO] sr_shovel saving 2 message topic:
2017-03-18 13:07:27,901 [INFO] sr_shovel saving 188 message topic:
2017-03-18 13:07:27,902 [INFO] sr_shovel saving 189 message topic:
^C2017-03-18 13:11:27,261 [INFO] signal stop
2017-03-18 13:11:27,261 [INFO] sr_shovel stop
% wc -l /home/peter/.cache/sarra/shovel/save/
189 /home/peter/.cache/sarra/shovel/save/
The messages are written to a file in the caching directory for future use, with the name of the file being based on the configuration name used. The file is in json format, one message per line (lines are very long) and so filtering with other tools is possible to modify the list of saved messages. Note that a single save file per configuration is automatically set, so to save multiple queues, one would need one configurations file per queue to be saved. Once the subscriber is back in service, one can return the messages saved to a file into the same queue:
% sr_shovel -restore_to_queue q_tsub.sr_subscribe.t.99524171.43129428 foreground save.conf
2017-03-18 13:15:33,610 [INFO] sr_shovel start
2017-03-18 13:15:33,611 [INFO] sr_sarra run
2017-03-18 13:15:33,611 [INFO] AMQP broker(localhost) user(tfeed) vhost(/)
2017-03-18 13:15:33,613 [INFO] Binding queue with key from exchange xpublic on broker amqp://tfeed@localhost/
2017-03-18 13:15:33,615 [INFO] report_back to tfeed@localhost, exchange: xreport
2017-03-18 13:15:33,618 [INFO] sr_shovel restoring 189 messages from save /home/peter/.cache/sarra/shovel/save/
2017-03-18 13:15:33,620 [INFO] sr_shovel restoring message 1 of 189: topic:
2017-03-18 13:15:33,620 [INFO] msg_log received: 20170318165818.878 http://localhost:8000/ observations/swob-ml/20170318/CPSL/2017-03-18-1600-CPSL-AUTO-swob.xml lag=1034.74 sundew_extension=DMS:WXO_RENAMED_SWOB:MSC:XML::20170318165818 source=metpx mtime=20170318165818.878 sum=d,66f7249bd5cd68b89a5ad480f4ea1196 to_clusters=DD,DDI.CMC,DDI.EDM,DDI.CMC,CMC,SCIENCE,EDM parts=1,5354,1,0,0 toolong=1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ß from_cluster=DD atime=20170318165818.878 filename=2017-03-18-1600-CPSL-AUTO-swob.xml
2017-03-18 13:15:33,825 [INFO] post_log notice=20170318165832.323 http://localhost:8000/hydrometric/csv/BC/hourly/BC_hourly_hydrometric.csv headers={'sundew_extension': 'BC:HYDRO:CSV:DEV::20170318165829', 'toolong': '1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ßñç1234567890ß', 'filename': 'BC_hourly_hydrometric.csv', 'to_clusters': 'DD,DDI.CMC,DDI.EDM,DDI.CMC,CMC,SCIENCE,EDM', 'sum': 'd,a22b2df5e316646031008654b29c4ac3', 'parts': '1,12270407,1,0,0', 'source': 'metpx', 'from_cluster': 'DD', 'atime': '20170318165832.323', 'mtime': '20170318165832.323'}
2017-03-18 13:15:33,826 [INFO] sr_shovel restore complete deleting save file: /home/peter/.cache/sarra/shovel/save/
2017-03-18 13:19:26,991 [INFO] signal stop
2017-03-18 13:19:26,991 [INFO] sr_shovel stop
All the messages saved are returned to the named return_to_queue. Note that the use of the post_rate_limit plugin prevents the queue from being flooded with hundreds of messages per second. The rate limit to use will need to be tuned in practice.
By default the file name for the save file is chosen to be in ~/.cache/sarra/shovel/<config>_<instance>.save. To choose a different destination, save_file option is available:
sr_shovel -save_file `pwd`/here -restore_to_queue q_tsub.sr_subscribe.t.99524171.43129428 ./save.conf foreground
will create the save files in the current directory named where x is the instance number (0 for foreground.)
of interest only to administrators
Administrative options are set using:
sr_subscribe edit admin
The feeder option specifies the account used by default system transfers for components such as sr_shovel, sr_sarra and sr_sender (when posting).
- feeder amqp{s}://<user>:<pw>@<post_brokerhost>[:port]/<vhost>
- admin <name> (default: None)
When set, the admin option will cause sr start to start up the sr_audit daemon. FIXME: current versions, all users run sr_audit to notice dead subscribers. Most users are defined using the declare option.
- declare <role> <name> (no defaults)
A subscriber is user that can only subscribe to data and return report messages. Subscribers are not permitted to inject data. Each subscriber has an xs_<user> named exchange on the pump, where if a user is named Acme, the corresponding exchange will be xs_Acme. This exchange is where an sr_subscribe process will send its report messages.
By convention/default, the anonymous user is created on all pumps to permit subscription without a specific account.
A user permitted to subscribe or originate data. A source does not necessarily represent one person or type of data, but rather an organization responsible for the data produced. So if an organization gathers and makes available ten kinds of data with a single contact email or phone number for questions about the data and its availability, then all of those collection activities might use a single 'source' account.
Each source gets a xs_<user> exchange for injection of data posts, and, similar to a subscriber to send report messages about processing and receipt of data. Source may also have an xl_<user> exchange where, as per report routing configurations, report messages of consumers will be sent.
User credentials are placed in the credentials files, and sr_audit will update the broker to accept what is specified in that file, as long as the admin password is already correct.
While one can manage configuration files using the add, remove, list, edit, disable, and enable actions, one can also do all of the same activities manually by manipulating files in the settings directory. The configuration files for an sr_subscribe configuration called myflow would be here:
- linux: ~/.config/sarra/subscribe/myflow.conf (as per: XDG Open Directory Specication )
- Windows: %AppDir%/ , this might be: C:UserspeterAppDataLocalscience.gc.casarramyflow.conf
The top of the tree has ~/.config/sarra/default.conf which contains settings that are read as defaults for any component on start up. In the same directory, ~/.config/sarra/credentials.conf contains credentials (passwords) to be used by sarracenia ( CREDENTIALS for details. )
One can also set the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable to override default placement, or individual configuration files can be placed in any directory and invoked with the complete path. When components are invoked, the provided file is interpreted as a file path (with a .conf suffix assumed.) If it is not found as a file path, then the component will look in the component's config directory ( config_dir / component ) for a matching .conf file.
If it is still not found, it will look for it in the site config dir (linux: /usr/share/default/sarra/component).
Finally, if the user has set option remote_config to True and if he has configured web sites where configurations can be found (option remote_config_url), The program will try to download the named file from each site until it finds one. If successful, the file is downloaded to config_dir/Downloads and interpreted by the program from there. There is a similar process for all plugins that can be interpreted and executed within sarracenia components. Components will first look in the plugins directory in the users config tree, then in the site directory, then in the sarracenia package itself, and finally it will look remotely.
User Commands:
sr_subscribe(1) - Select and Conditionally Download Posted Files
sr_post(1) - post announcemensts of specific files.
sr_watch(1) - post that loops, watching over directories.
sr_sender(1) - subscribes to messages pointing at local files, and sends them to remote systems and reannounces them there.
sr_report(1) - process report messages.
Pump Adminisitrator Commands:
sr_shovel(8) - process messages (no downloading).
sr_winnow(8) - a shovel with cache on, to winnow wheat from chaff.
sr_sarra(8) - Subscribe, Acquire, and ReAdvertise tool.
sr_audit(8) - Monitoring daemon, audits running configurations, restarts missing instances.
sr_log2save(8) - Convert logfile lines to .save Format for reload/resend.
sr_post(7) - The format of announcement messages.
sr_report(7) - The format of report messages.
sr_pulse(7) - The format of pulse messages.
Home Page: - sr_subscribe is a component of MetPX-Sarracenia, the AMQP based data pump.
For compatibility with sundew, there are some additional delivery options which can be specified.
This option defines a script to be run when everything is ready for the delivery of the product. The script receives the sr_sender class instance. The script takes the parent as an argument, and for example, any modification to parent.msg.new_file will change the name of the file written locally.
From metpx-sundew the support of this option give all sorts of possibilities for setting the remote filename. Some keywords are based on the fact that metpx-sundew filenames are five (to six) fields strings separated by for colons. The possible keywords are :
- the first part of the sundew filename (string before first :)
- HEADER part of the sundew filename
- the sundew filename may end with a string SENDER=<string> in this case the <string> will be the remote filename
- deliver with the complete sundew filename (without :SENDER=...)
- deliver with the complete sundew filename (with :SENDER=...)
- time stamp appended to filename. Example of use: WHATFN:TIME
- DESTFN=str
- direct filename declaration str
- SATNET=1,2,3,A
- cmc internal satnet application parameters
- invoke a script (same as destfn_script) to generate the name of the file to write
accept <regexp pattern> [<keyword>]
keyword can be added to the accept option. The keyword is any one of the filename options. A message that matched against the accept regexp pattern, will have its remote_file plied this keyword option. This keyword has priority over the preceeding filename one.
The regexp pattern can be use to set directory parts if part of the message is put to parenthesis. sr_sender can use these parts to build the directory name. The rst enclosed parenthesis strings will replace keyword ${0} in the directory name... the second ${1} etc.
Example of use:
filename NONE
directory /this/first/target/directory
accept .*file.*type1.*
directory /this/target/directory
accept .*file.*type2.*
accept .*file.*type3.* DESTFN=file_of_type3
directory /this/${0}/pattern/${1}/directory
accept .*(2016....).*(RAW.*GRIB).*
A selected message by the first accept would be delivered unchanged to the first directory.
A selected message by the second accept would be delivered unchanged to the second directory.
A selected message by the third accept would be renamed "file_of_type3" in the second directory.
A selected message by the forth accept would be delivered unchanged to a directory.
It's named /this/20160123/pattern/RAW_MERGER_GRIB/directory if the message would have a notice like:
20150813161959.854 relative/path/to/20160123_product_RAW_MERGER_GRIB_from_CMC
In MetPX Sundew, there is a much more strict file naming standard, specialised for use with World Meteorological Organization (WMO) data. Note that the file naming convention predates, and bears no relation to the WMO file naming convention currently approved, but is strictly an internal format. The files are separated into six fields by colon characters. The first field, DESTFN, gives the WMO (386 style) Abbreviated Header Line (AHL) with underscores replacing blanks:
(see WMO manuals for details) followed by numbers to render the product unique (as in practice, though not in theory, there are a large number of products which have the same identifiers). The meanings of the fifth field is a priority, and the last field is a date/time stamp. The other fields vary in meaning depending on context. A sample file name:
If a file is sent to sarracenia and it is named according to the sundew conventions, then the following substitution fields are available:
${T1} replace by bulletin's T1
${T2} replace by bulletin's T2
${A1} replace by bulletin's A1
${A2} replace by bulletin's A2
${ii} replace by bulletin's ii
${CCCC} replace by bulletin's CCCC
${YY} replace by bulletin's YY (obs. day)
${GG} replace by bulletin's GG (obs. hour)
${Gg} replace by bulletin's Gg (obs. minute)
${BBB} replace by bulletin's bbb
${RYYYY} replace by reception year
${RMM} replace by reception month
${RDD} replace by reception day
${RHH} replace by reception hour
${RMN} replace by reception minutes
${RSS} replace by reception second
The 'R' fields come from the sixth field, and the others come from the first one. When data is injected into sarracenia from Sundew, the sundew_extension message header will provide the source for these substitions even if the fields have been removed from the delivered file names.
These settings pertain to previous versions of the client, and have been superceded.
- host <broker host> (unsupported)
- amqp-user <broker user> (unsupported)
- amqp-password <broker pass> (unsupported)
- http-user <url user> (now in credentials.conf)
- http-password <url pass> (now in credentials.conf)
- topic <amqp pattern> (deprecated)
- exchange_type <type> (default: topic)
- exchange_key <amqp pattern> (deprecated)
- lock <locktext> (renamed to inflight)
Dd_subscribe was initially developed for, an Environment Canada website where a wide variety of meteorological products are made available to the public. It is from the name of this site that the sarracenia suite takes the dd_ prefix for its tools. The initial version was deployed in 2013 on an experimental basis. The following year, support of checksums was added, and in the fall of 2015, the feeds were updated to v02. dd_subscribe still works, but it uses the deprecated settings described above. It is implemented in python2, whereas the sarracenia toolkit is in python3.
In 2007, when the MetPX was originally open sourced, the staff responsible were part of Environment Canada. In honour of the Species At Risk Act (SARA), to highlight the plight of disappearing species which are not furry (the furry ones get all the attention) and because search engines will find references to names which are more unusual more easily, the original MetPX WMO switch was named after a carnivorous plant on the Species At Risk Registry: The Thread-leaved Sundew.
The organization behind MetPX have since moved to Shared Services Canada, but when it came time to name a new module, we kept with a theme of carnivorous plants, and chose another one indigenous to some parts of Canada: Sarracenia, a variety of insectivorous pitcher plants. We like plants that eat meat!
The new module (MetPX-Sarracenia) has many components, is used for more than distribution, and more than one website, and causes confusion for sysadmins thinking it is associated with the dd(1) command (to convert and copy files). So, we switched all the components to use the sr_ prefix.