We are going to analyze COVID-19 related tweets provided by:
- Gencoglu, O., & Gruber, M. (2020). Causal Modeling of Twitter Activity During COVID-19. arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.07952.
- Kursuncu, U., Gaur, M., Lokala, U., Thirunarayan, K., Sheth, A., & Arpinar, I. B. (2019). Predictive analysis on Twitter: Techniques and applications. In Emerging research challenges and opportunities in computational social network analysis and mining (pp. 67-104). Springer, Cham.
- COVID-19 Analytics by Novi Systems: https://novi.systems/covid-19/
- COVID-19 HPC Consortium https://covid19-hpc-consortium.org
- Data Science and Cognitive Computing Courses https://cognitiveclass.ai